
The Fool.

A Broken King starts to truly live his life, he starts his new life by judging all the Kings and their Kingdoms, will they be worthy or not? Will they abide by him or attack him? He will find many friends and foes along his way but what's truly important to him?

Tsunitsu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
69 Chs

The Heist

At first glance the fool looks normal, although his eye seems more detailed it's not a noticeable feature any person would notice at first glance but if someone were to really stare deep into his eyes they would notice a faint glimmer of a pure light that not only is the lens emitting but deep within his eye you can see a fragment of his light magic.

But what does this truly mean, what is the point of all this light and lenses, It's the future. The power of foresight, combining his light speed eye coordination and reaction with the accuracy and detail of the lens he can take a glimpse of the future and on what is to happen to any individual his eye meets, It's not just that simple though he needs to really focus his eye on the person and he can only see two hours of said individuals future and that's if he focuses quite a lot but with a good three seconds of focusing he can visualise the opponent's next move. For now this is very useful but later on it might not be as useful as it seems.

Seer stares at the fool in awe of what he just did, not only did he use his invention but he refined it to perfection, he then gets himself together and says

"See, I told you it was worth it didn't I, now you have to do your end of the deal"

The fool then looks at seer and tells him "So do you not want proof of my ability of foresight and predictions?" But Seer denies it and tells him about how he is so strong either way he could say he wants to destroy the whole kingdom and he'd believe it and the fool seems to sweat a tiny bit at what was just said but moves the conversation on and says "So anyways what do you want stolen from the King anyways. Money? Power? Technology?" Seer is a little embarrassed at what he wants but he looks at the fool as if he was

Santa Claus about to give a child his favourite present and tells him

"I want this armour he owns, I heard some rumours about a prisoner with some super cool black armour on and that it had the ability to nullify the sound of his footsteps and many other things. I want to see how it was made and learn from it, is that too much to ask?"

The fool just looks at Seer smiling and says "Sure sure I'll be back in no time" and grabs something quickly and then dashes off whilst the sun is going down.

He rushes towards the King's Palace with his cloak on going from rooftop to rooftop. He feels the adrenaline and happiness surge in him for finally going around a Kingdom at such a fast pace and the same Kingdom that thought of him as nothing, useless or simply just a fool. But now he's the one causing havoc and doing whatever he wants, it may be a nice feeling but in reality he's just developing more of an ego and only time will tell if this is really a good thing or not.

After going from building to building and finally getting to the King's palace he scouts it out by seeing how many guards there are and especially seeing their future and how they move around the area. The King's place is at the very top of the Kingdom looking from above, it is at the north's peak and the King loves making himself feel superior to his people and giving importance to other people by having them live on the north side of the Kingdom over the south.

After analysing enough the fool infiltrates the palace, it has two balconies and is about the size of a mansion, it looks modern enough but that does not mean its secure enough, the plan is simple. The fool enters gracefully and silently and looks immediately for the throne room, if he does not find it within much time he will either interrogate a guard or look into the future of the King.

The moment he enters he sees that there is an absurd amount of gold just everywhere, on the ceiling on the floor on the furniture just all over the place and starts to think its going to be easier than expected, he starts to roam around and eventually he finds the King's throne, to the right of it is the King's bedroom and to the left is clearly the treasury since some gems are leaking out of it and as he goes down to pick one up he feels a very slight current run through his body and immediately grabs the mirror he took from seer's workshop and reads his own future and sees the King waking up and glaring at the fool getting ready to start a battle even in the middle of the night.

And so the fool has no other choice but to use his strongest and most important spell yet again, he sighs and says "I wish I could just kill him right now but he still serves a purpose" and again a white armour starts to appear above his cloak and clothes with weird signs and sigils and he quickly rushes straight into the throne room finds the armour and thinks "wait wait wait how do I carry all this.'' And just starts putting the armour on himself even though it's slightly bigger than him. Weirdly enough the armour made of light appears above the dark one Seer wants, but in an instant he's straight out of the palace and on top of a building.

"Finally I'm out of there, I forgot that lightning conducts really well with gold so he probably uses his Lightning to scan the whole palace every now and then as an alarm. I would rather not use my armour for such a thing like stealing but in the end it had to be done, I only want to use it as a last resort because it just makes things unfair most of the time, unless the opponent is truly worthy of me using it. Well enough is enough time to head back to Seer."

The armour of light starts to fade away and then the fool runs back to Seer's house. Although it is quite dark, the fool seems to manage moving from building to building with quite ease and is able to remember the way back as if he knew the whole Kingdom like the back of his hand. Arriving at the house the fool notices that Seer seems to be working on a new invention as sparks and loud hammering sounds are seen and heard from a distance and thinks "That boy sure is smart, I wonder how I could make use of him."

Upon landing on the backyard in the suit of armour Seer freaks out and threatens the armoured man saying "STAY BACK DEMON, I KNOW HOW TO USE THIS HAMMER QUITE WELL." The fool chuckles at this and takes off the helmet calming down Seer and saying "It's ok Seer it's just me alright." as the two start to catch up on things the fool takes off the armour and Seer starts to admire it and thinks "Wow this sure is some high quality stuff. Not only is it almost pitch black it has quite a lot of scars on it as if it took quite the beating, and some runes seem to be visible on it but I don't quite understand them, guess I'll have to research them later."

The fool is a little annoyed and says "Won't I get a thank you at least?" But Seer, a little irritated, responds "You almost scared me to death but sure thank you. I really appreciate it." Soon after that you can hear Seer's mother loudly say "HONEY IT'S PAST YOUR BEDTIME COME BACK INSIDE." But as the worried mother starts to go out to look at her son and her friend she is immediately freaked out to see the fool next to her one and only son and screams "SEER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS MAN?" In panic Seer tries to calmly explain to her mom that the fool isn't actually a bad person but stutters gravely in doing so but eventually the mother continues saying "HOW DID YOU BRING THE HERO HERE?" And in sync both Seer and the fool say "The Hero?" and look at each other but then remember about how most common folk usually do think of the fool as the saviour of this town so Seer immediately asks "Well mom, do you think he can stay for the night?"

The fool is in utter shock at the thought of having a sleep over at his age.