
The Flow of Time is Broken

Things are not unfolding the way they should. Someone or something is messing with the very fabric of time itself. Events that were never meant to occur are now happening. People who were destined to die remain alive, while others meant to live now find themselves dead. The natural order has been disrupted. Destinies are being rewritten in ways they were not supposed to. Time itself appears to be malfunctioning, causing ripples that violate the way events were originally fated to play out. The rules that govern what is and isn't possible no longer apply. Reality as it was once understood has been thrown into chaos. P.S. - 1: Chapter names are inspiration from th great manga 'Gintama'. Holy fuck it rhymes =============================================================== P.S. - 2: This is a story that I had in mind for past couple of years but because of many things could never put forward but now I might finish it with you guys. There are few stuff that you should know before jumping into it, for first my inspiration for this book is ASOIAF, Kingkiller Chronicles and Malazan empire. Another thing is there is no thing such as plot armr. Last thing to know is that this is story of whole world, so we will not be following a fixed character but keep changing POV. Each volume will take up to a new place where the story will start from the beginning, for example the first volume will set up a big event which will then be addressed later in second volume near the end, third volume will pick up from somewhere in First volume and join in the big event near the end something like this. The world I have in mind have total of five continents and each of this continent share a different world, so each continent will have a different magic system, different culture, different beliefs, different mindsets of people. Later it will be explained why is that.

Rotten007 · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Chapter 6

Edward crumpled the parchment, mind racing furiously. What business could that old snake have nosing around the remote mountain provinces on Caitan soil? Clearly no simple retirement to the neutral Empire of Rossal which he had promised, not if the master assassin who had disappeared during the political chaos years ago dared show his face now.

The prince resumed pacing as he demanded of Timis, "Your agents obviously failed to capture Sylvan. But what of this youth he secretly met with?" Edward kept coming back to one alarming theory but prayed he was mistaken. "We must discover that stranger's identity immediately using any means. I must determine without doubt whether my accursed exiled brother Jax is somehow mixed up in this!"

"Have no fear Your Highness, I did not gain this position if I lacked the skills to capture a mere tavern boy." Timis goes on confidently.

"My men were able to apprehend the youth soon after he departed from Sylvan, as we keep a radius around the old assassin himself under surveillance as a precaution."

Timis rubs his chin as he recounts the interrogation. "Through persuasion, the foolish boy told us everything about the secret meeting. It seems Sylvan aims to purchase the ruined Spirekeep Fortress up in the Argent Peaks. However the personable spymaster remained vague on precisely why he wishes to reestablish in the kingdom again after all these years away over the border."

Timis narrows his eyes thoughtfully "Your brother Prince Jax though disowned, could certainly be involved. Given the turmoil preceding your own coronation, Nathair may sense another opportunity to destabilize the realm and pave Jax's return."

Timis clenches his fists "Or else the double-dealing man aims to sell assassination services to another party with designs on the throne."

He concludes gravely "Regardless of motives, Your Highness, the reemergence of this concerning figure bodes ominously. While we cannot yet tie direct evidence of Jax, as your loyal Master of Whispers I urge taking preventative measures immediately!"

Edward nods grimly at Timis' assessment. "Your caution is well founded, Spymaster. We must move swiftly to get ahead of whatever schemes may be brewing involving that viper Sylvan."

With an imperious wave of his ringed hand, Edward bids Timis to send for the gruff Commander Bron immediately. The bulky, grey-bearded soldier arrives promptly, clad in his usual battle-worn armor. He pounds a mailed fist over his heart in salute to the prince.

"Commander, I have summoned you to share unsettling news," Edward begins without preamble. "It seems the royal assassin Nathair Sylvan has resurfaced from exile over the border and aims to reestablish himself in the ruined fortress up in Argent Peaks."

Bron's craggy face splits into a look of astonishment. "Sylvan? Back in the kingdom after all these years away? Strange indeed..." The old campaigner strokes his beard thoughtfully.

"Perhaps this is not so foreboding as it first appears, Your Highness," Bron counsels after a moment. "I served alongside Nathair under your late father's banner decades ago. He was cunning yes, and dangerous when cornered. But for all his stealth, the man moved with honor."

Bron meets Edward's gaze. "If Nathair has returned openly, I suspect he acts in good faith, not malice. We four commanders backed your succession unanimously when the assassin vanished. With your place now secured, bygones may remain buried."

He concludes gravely, "Trust in this old soldier's intuition. We should seek audience with Sylvan before jumping to counter measures. If his aims prove noble, an ally has resurfaced. If foul...we will meet guile with steel."

Timis scowls, interrupting Bron's counsel. "A pretty speech, Commander. But do not let sentiment cloud judgement of the viper in our midst."

He jabs an accusing finger. "You say this man slunk off with honor intact? Hah! More like he schemed an exit once the crown passed from his longtime master."

Timis paces aggressively before the hearth. "If Sylvan cared a whit for this realm's stability, he would have emerged while ago to bend knee to our new king. Instead the snake skulks in shadows, weaving who knows what entanglements."

He whirls, eyes flashing. "Make no mistake, unchecked this decoy spider will drain the lifeblood from the kingdom surgically as we slumber. I say we root out his burrow now with no mercy!"

Bron's weathered face reddens at the spymaster's sharp words. He opens his mouth furiously for a heated retort when Edward's ringing voice cracks through the chamber:

"Enough!" The prince rises, emerald eyes ablaze. "I'll not have my closest advisors at each other's throats when an external danger encroaches! Stay civil or I shall dismiss you both!"

An awkward pause settles after his sharp rebuke. The air remains tense between the rigid Commander and the glowering Spymaster.


Mrs. Tesla stood upon the raised dais in the Great Hall, gazing benevolently over the assembled students with a warm twinkle in her blue eyes. Before the elderly mage sat thirty-two pupils of the Royal Academy ranging from age 22 to 23 years old. These were select upper year students chosen to represent their prestigious institution at the upcoming tournament celebrating the coronation of Crown Prince Edward.

While the students murmured excitedly amongst themselves about the upcoming competition, Mrs. Tesla allowed the cheerful chatter to continue unabated for several minutes. As this was a group of graduating seniors, they were primarily focused on showcasing their talents to potential future masters and employers at the tournament, rather than academics.

Finally, when the students' lively discussions showed no signs of winding down on their own, Mrs. Tesla gently tapped her gnarled oaken staff upon the stone floor to regain their attention.

"Now, now, I know you are all very excited, but we are running out of time," she began in a loud, clear voice. "I will be the one responsible for getting you to the location. The headmaster and vice-headmaster have already gone ahead to make all the necessary arrangements." She paused to allow her words to sink in as the last of the murmuring ceased completely.

"There are a few important things you must know before you go on your way. First, don't do anything that will embarrass or bring shame to the academy. Second, try your hardest and do your very best. And lastly, win as many events as you possibly can."

After giving her instructions, Mrs. Tesla stepped to the side on the platform and began whispering a complicated spell under her breath. Magical energy began swirling and gathering around her hands. The spell took few moments to complete. Finally, with a sweeping wave of her arms, a shimmering crack began to appear and grow bigger on the stone platform.

"You can step inside one by one, don't cut in line as there will be no rewards or punishments for the first or last to enter," Mrs. Tesla said with an encouraging smile. She then fell silent, concentrating on stabilizing the magical aperture as the first students cautiously moved forward to cross through the portal.

Mrs. Tesla kept her expression neutral as the last student crossed through the fading portal. But as soon as the magical gateway sealed shut, her kindly smile vanished. The elderly mage's eyes narrowed sharply as she gazed into the shadowed corner of the hall.

"You can show yourself, I may be old but I am still able to sense somebody like you," Mrs. Tesla spoke, her tone suddenly icy enough to freeze lava. At her crisp command, a slender figure materialized from the darkness - a beautiful half-elven girl with cascading raven hair and piercing sapphire eyes.

The young infiltrator clicked her tongue in irritation, stepping into the torchlight. "Tsk, I thought after so many years I might finally sneak up on you. But damn, you are still as vigilant as ever," Alys muttered. She strode casually towards Mrs. Tesla with a rueful grin.

"You know, it would have been nice if you visited us from time to time. But here you are, teaching students how to teleport to safety...when you're the one who developed the anti-teleportation spells in the first place," Alys said pointedly.