
The Flow of Time is Broken

Things are not unfolding the way they should. Someone or something is messing with the very fabric of time itself. Events that were never meant to occur are now happening. People who were destined to die remain alive, while others meant to live now find themselves dead. The natural order has been disrupted. Destinies are being rewritten in ways they were not supposed to. Time itself appears to be malfunctioning, causing ripples that violate the way events were originally fated to play out. The rules that govern what is and isn't possible no longer apply. Reality as it was once understood has been thrown into chaos. P.S. - 1: Chapter names are inspiration from th great manga 'Gintama'. Holy fuck it rhymes =============================================================== P.S. - 2: This is a story that I had in mind for past couple of years but because of many things could never put forward but now I might finish it with you guys. There are few stuff that you should know before jumping into it, for first my inspiration for this book is ASOIAF, Kingkiller Chronicles and Malazan empire. Another thing is there is no thing such as plot armr. Last thing to know is that this is story of whole world, so we will not be following a fixed character but keep changing POV. Each volume will take up to a new place where the story will start from the beginning, for example the first volume will set up a big event which will then be addressed later in second volume near the end, third volume will pick up from somewhere in First volume and join in the big event near the end something like this. The world I have in mind have total of five continents and each of this continent share a different world, so each continent will have a different magic system, different culture, different beliefs, different mindsets of people. Later it will be explained why is that.

Rotten007 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
58 Chs

Chapter 40

The mage walked through the vast encampment of the Stoneborn Knights, the ground trembling with the weight of thousands of heavily armored warriors. Rows upon rows of pavilions stretched out as far as the eye could see, each bearing the sigils of House Stoneheart—a resolute mountain peak crowned by a blazing sun, symbolizing the unyielding strength and unwavering resolve.

As he strolled down the main street, the mage couldn't help but be amazed by the busy yet organized scene before him. Everywhere he looked, squires hurried about, busy with their tasks, while older sergeants shouted out commands, making sure everything was in order with the knights' gear. The rhythmic clinking of hammers against anvils filled the air, coming from the forges where blacksmiths worked tirelessly to keep the knights' weapons sharp and ready.

Approaching the central tent, the mage spotted Ser Amathar and Ser Fiorel, the leaders of the Stoneborn orders, engaged in deep conversation with their officers. A large map lay spread out on a table before them, covered in markers indicating the positions of different army division and their movements.

The markers on the map were arranged strategically, forming a wide arc that extended inland from the coast, outlining their plan of attack against the invading pirates. Each group was steadily advancing towards the shore, aiming to surround and defeat the pirates wherever they tried to land.

Inside the tent, Ser Amathar and Ser Fiorel focused intently on the map, discussing their plans with their officers in low voices. Despite the dangers ahead, their calm demeanor and confidence reassured everyone present, instilling a sense of trust and determination among their troops.

The mage walked into the large tent, drawing the attention of Ser Amathar and Ser Fiorel, the leaders of the Stoneborn Knights. The two seasoned commanders looked up from the map they were studying.

"Ah, Mage Eldrin," Ser Amathar greeted with a respectful nod. "I trust your company has settled in comfortably?"

"Yes, Sers," the mage replied. "We have made camp and are ready to lend our support as needed."

"Excellent," Ser Fiorel said, beckoning the mage closer to the large map laid out on the table. "Our scouts have brought word of a smaller pirate force, numbering around twenty thousand, led by the infamous Seton 'Golden-Eye' Bucker. They are approximately a day's march from our current position."

Ser Amathar pointed to a spot on the map, indicating the reported location of the pirate detachment. "We believe this is an opportunity to strike a decisive blow against the enemy before they can join the main invasion force."

"Our plan is to march at first light and engage Bucker's pirates head-on," Ser Fiorel explained, tracing a route on the map with his finger. "With our combined strength and your mages' support, we should be able to overwhelm and destroy this advance party." The two knights looked at the mage expectantly, awaiting his thoughts on their proposed plan of attack.

The mage nodded in agreement with the proposed plan. "A wise strategy, Sers. Striking swiftly at this smaller force before they can reinforce the main pirate invasion could deal a significant blow to their plans."

Ser Amathar motioned to the map, outlining their battle formation. "We shall divide our forces into three flanks. Ten thousand knights shall form the right and left wings, tasked with enveloping and pinning the enemy in place."

His finger traced the central line on the map. "The remaining twenty-five thousand will form the hammer strike force in the center. Once the flanks are committed, they will drive forward in a relentless assault to shatter Bucker's pirates."

Ser Fiorel added, "Your mage company shall be arrayed behind the central thrust, providing ranged support and magical devastation as needed."

"A pincer attack, concentrating the fullest might of our heavy infantry against their center," Eldrin commented, grasping the tactical wisdom. "The envelopment should prevent their retreat or relief."

Ser Amathar gave an approving nod. "Precisely. With the knights' discipline and your mages' fire from the rear, Bucker's rabble will be gripped in an inescapable vice. Even his personal guards will be hard-pressed to cut an escape path."

The seasoned knight rapped the map with a calloused knuckle. "Our scouts report this pirate detachment is primarily infantry-based with few archer or ranged support units. They will be drawn into exactly the sort of close-quarters melee that favors our knights' heavy armor and training."

"A battle of attrition where our staying power and staging should prove decisive," Eldrin said with a nod of understanding. In this realm, a single battle-hardened mage was considered the equal of two common soldiers or one knight in combat potential. With their mages arrayed to provide long-range fire support, it would drastically increase the damage their forces could dish out.

Ser Fiorel's expression was grim but determined. "Make no mistake, Bucker is a cunning and vicious adversary. But if we can eliminate this forward striking force, it will buy us valuable time to fortify our defensive lines before the main pirate horde can reinforce them."

The two Stoneborn lords looked expectantly at Eldrin. "You have fought alongside our orders before, Mage. What other counsel would you offer before we commit to this battle plan?"

Eldrin nodded thoughtfully. "Your plan accounts well for the battlefield terrain and dispositions we expect to face. My mages will be ready to provide steel-rending spellfire and support from our arcing position behind the center thrust."

He stroked his chin. "One suggestion - deploy a handful of our most skilled mage-scouts to shadow the flanking companies. Their sorcerous senses may detect ambushes or snipers before they can endanger the envelopment." The two knights agreed, making a note on the battle order before finalizing their preparations.

At first light the next morning, the army of Stoneborn Knights and their allied mage company broke camp, beginning the march towards the pirate force's last known location. The rhythmic thundering of thousands of heavily-armored boots shook the very ground as the disciplined ranks advanced in perfect formation.

Scout riders raced ahead on swift horses; their eyes peeled for any signs of the enemy as they reported back updates on the pirates' movements. By mid-morning, they had pinpointed Seton 'Golden-Eye' Bucker's ragtag band - an unruly horde encamped in a small valley up ahead, clearly unprepared for the deadly onslaught rapidly bearing down upon them.

As the army crested a ridge overlooking the pirate camp, the full scope of their foe's dispositions came into view. The mass of brightly-colored tents and ramshackle lean-tos clearly showed no thought for order or defense. Cooking fires burned unattended, sending greasy plumes of smoke drifting lazily into the sky.

Here and there, clusters of pirates milled about with drunken lack of discipline - gambling, sparring sloppily, or simply loafing about in the morning sun. It was apparent this detachment operated under no unified command, contemptuous of even basic security protocols.

Surveying the exposed pirate rabble through his spyglass, Ser Amathar allowed himself a tight smile, exchanging a glance with Ser Fiorel. Bucker's overconfident bravado would soon prove his ultimate undoing.

"Signal the companies," Ser Amathar's voice was a rumbling baritone that brooked no argument. "We advance to battle positions and prepare to unleash Maridian's judgment upon these wretched dogs."

As one, the Stoneborn host began separating into the prescribed battle formations - the central assault force driving forward like an unstoppable steel lance as the twin flanking companies peeled off to encircle the pirate camp from both sides.

Behind the primary center line, the mages took up their supporting positions, arcane staffs at the ready as they began weaving defensive wards and preparing devastating spells.

The low rumble of the advancing army soon reached the ears of the pirates. Seton Bucker himself emerged from his tent, squinting against the morning glare as he tried to make sense of the rapidly unfolding chaos. But any chance for his forces to hastily reform into a defensive posture was already hopelessly lost.

Seeing the high ground advantage provided by the ridge overlooking the pirate camp's valley position, Ser Amathar quickly revised the attack plan on the fly. With a series of hand signals, he directed the mage companies to take up supporting positions along the ridgeline while the heavily armored Stoneborn knights began silently encircling the pirate positions below.

At Ser Fiorel's signal, a targeted barrage of streaking fireballs and crackling bombards rained down from the mages on the ridge. The magical munitions detonated among the haphazard pirate encampment, sending tents and poorly-erected fortifications ablaze as the enemy scrambled in chaos.

Then, with a thunderous roar that shook the very valley, the gleaming ranks of Stoneborn knights charged from three sides - Ser Amathar's center company driving forward like an unstoppable steel lance as the flanking companies completed the envelopment.

Despite the surprise and devastation of the opening mage bombardment, Seton "Golden-Eye" Bucker fought to rally his crew of cutthroat pirates. The infamous master reaver lived up to his name, his single blazing eye firing gouts of searing flames that ripped through the advancing knights' plate armor.

But the disciplined cohesion and relentless momentum of the Stoneborn offensive steadily overwhelmed Bucker's unruly rabble. Knots of pirates disintegrated under the smashing combined-arms assaults, the concerti of knightly lances and arcing mage bombardments preventing any form of organized resistance from taking hold.

What started as what seemed like a chaotic retreat quickly turned into a messy and confusing brawl. Fueled by desperation, groups of wild pirates threw themselves at the disciplined lines of the unyielding Stoneborn soldiers. But their reckless attacks were met with precise and calculated responses - spears and clubs striking them down while bursts of fiery magic cleared any gaps in the defense.

Seton "Golden-Eye" Bucker himself was a formidable and relentless opponent. Despite sustaining serious injuries that would have stopped most people, the infamous pirate fought on, cutting through the ranks of knights with his sharp blades. His one blazing eye unleashed blasts of fire, melting through the heavy armor of his adversaries with every angry glare.

But for every pirate that Bucker managed to temporarily incapacitate, three more soldiers were ready to take their place. Slowly but steadily, the pirates found themselves surrounded by a tightening circle of shining armored soldiers and powerful magical attacks.

As the battle reached its critical moment, Bucker gathered his bravest fighters, forming a last line of defense stained with blood. With their worn and burnt weapons raised high, this group of fierce warriors fought with the ferocity of wild animals, sacrificing their lives to buy precious time.

Explosive bursts of magic erupted all around them, tearing through armor and flesh alike. Despite the valiant efforts of noble knights, many fell victim to Bucker's fiery glares and the savage attacks of his elite pirates. However, the overwhelming numbers of the Stoneborn forces, combined with relentless magical assaults, proved to be an unstoppable force.

One by one, Bucker's closest fighters fell, their bodies forming a gruesome scene of destruction. Amidst this chaos stood Bucker, his blades seeming to flicker with mystical flames as he fought on relentlessly.

But even the most heroic individuals have their limits. After shedding blood countless times over, Bucker finally succumbed to a barrage of spears and spells, reduced to nothing more than a scorched and twitching shell. As the light faded from his eye, the seasoned pirate collapsed, his gaze extinguished as he was mercilessly trampled under the relentless march of the enemy.

With their famous leader Seton "Golden-Eye" Bucker defeated, the remaining pirates lost all hope of fighting back. Dropping their weapons and surrendering, they understood that resisting the relentless Stoneborn soldiers was futile.

The knights, clad in heavy armor, accepted the surrender of their enemies with seriousness, swiftly taking control of the defeated pirates and organizing them into captivity. But as the smoke cleared from the battlefield, it was painfully clear that victory had come at a terrible price.

More than two thousand Stoneborn warriors lay dead on the ground, their bodies scattered across the battlefield. These brave knights, who had held their ground against Bucker's final, ferocious attack, now lay lifeless amidst the mud and blood-soaked landscape.

Ser Amathar and Ser Fiorel stood together; their expressions heavy with sorrow as they looked over the aftermath of the battle. They watched as the wounded were cared for and the fallen were honored. These experienced leaders understood that this brutal fight was just the beginning of what would be a long struggle to push the pirates out of their kingdom.

While defeating Bucker's group had stopped them from joining the main pirate force, that main force was still massive, numbering in the millions. If fighting off this smaller group had cost them so much, they knew that the battles to come would bring even greater losses.

A young sergeant, his face pale with shock, approached the leaders tentatively. "Was... was this a victory, my lords?" he asked, clearly shaken by the sight of the carnage left behind. Ser Amathar sighed heavily, his voice weary as he replied, his eyes fixed on the fallen soldiers.

"If this is what we call 'victory' now, then our journey to finally defeat these pirates will be filled with countless struggles and much suffering," Ser Amathar remarked, his expression grave as he addressed the sergeant.

He turned slowly to face the young soldier, his face showing the weariness of years of battle.

"But take solace, young one," he continued, his voice steady despite the heaviness in his tone. "The challenges ahead will test our duty and loyalty greatly. Yet, we must remain as strong as the mountains that give us our name, unwavering in our determination."

"If we falter..." Ser Fiorel added, his voice carrying a rare hint of fatigue, "if we cannot defeat this pirate invasion with all our strength, then our land is doomed."

The gravity of the situation hung heavy over them like a suffocating cloud. But the knights, both those still standing and those who had fallen, found strength in their legacy of resilience and determination.
