
The Flow of Time is Broken

Things are not unfolding the way they should. Someone or something is messing with the very fabric of time itself. Events that were never meant to occur are now happening. People who were destined to die remain alive, while others meant to live now find themselves dead. The natural order has been disrupted. Destinies are being rewritten in ways they were not supposed to. Time itself appears to be malfunctioning, causing ripples that violate the way events were originally fated to play out. The rules that govern what is and isn't possible no longer apply. Reality as it was once understood has been thrown into chaos. P.S. - 1: Chapter names are inspiration from th great manga 'Gintama'. Holy fuck it rhymes =============================================================== P.S. - 2: This is a story that I had in mind for past couple of years but because of many things could never put forward but now I might finish it with you guys. There are few stuff that you should know before jumping into it, for first my inspiration for this book is ASOIAF, Kingkiller Chronicles and Malazan empire. Another thing is there is no thing such as plot armr. Last thing to know is that this is story of whole world, so we will not be following a fixed character but keep changing POV. Each volume will take up to a new place where the story will start from the beginning, for example the first volume will set up a big event which will then be addressed later in second volume near the end, third volume will pick up from somewhere in First volume and join in the big event near the end something like this. The world I have in mind have total of five continents and each of this continent share a different world, so each continent will have a different magic system, different culture, different beliefs, different mindsets of people. Later it will be explained why is that.

Rotten007 · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Ch - 6 Taxes? What taxes? I thought that was just recommendations.

"I told you not to sleep, right?" Sam heard a voice that startled him awake. Rubbing his eyes for a clearer view, he saw Mr. kinoya standing in front of him, clearly angry.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. It was a mistake," Sam quickly apologized. The old man maintained his angry expression, eyeing Sam sternly.

He waved off the apology and asked, "Was there a customer, or did you manage to sleep through when someone was here?"

"Yeah, there was a guy who came in. Here, I've got the list of what he wanted." Sam handed over the list of potions the man had ordered. "He also asked for 'Brew of Corruption,' but we didn't have that one available."

The old man glanced at the list, his expression shifting from anger to a more serious one. "Brew of Corruption, huh? That's not something we usually keep in stock. Did you inform him that we can make potions even if they're not currently available?"

"Yes, but he declined. He also left this message for you. Where was it?" Sam searched for the message for a bit before finding it. "Here," he handed over the message.

The old man took the note and read the message. His eyes narrowed, and he seemed lost in thought for a moment. After a brief silence, he looked at Sam and said, "The 'Phoenix' has landed... interesting. Thank you for passing on the message."

Sam was surprised because it was the first time, he had seen the old man thanking someone. The old man was well known for being tough and not very nice; actually, Sam was the first person who ever worked here for more than a month, that's how bad his reputation was. That didn't mean he was stingy; on the contrary, he paid very generously.

The old man looked at Sam, contemplating something, and finally spoke, "You are the best fighter in the academy, right?" To this, Sam nodded his head. He was somewhat known in the town for being the best fighter, but only to those who came in contact with the academy; for the rest, he was just an everyday boy.

"Good, good. Do you have free time tomorrow morning?" the old man inquired.

Without much thought, Sam replied, "Yes." The idea had been on his mind since Ser Hadrian spoke to him; he wanted to rebel and go tomorrow, but he couldn't. He understood that what Hadrian had said was for his own well-being.

"Great! Come with me," he said as he turned to enter the back of the store. "Wait. Close the darn shop before coming up the stairs," he instructed. Sam quickly got up, stretched for a moment, and then proceeded to close the shop. He ensured that everything was secure before making his way to the stairs.

The second floor of the store served as a living area, and it had a few rooms. Each room was equipped with a bed, a small table, and a wardrobe, providing basic accommodations for anyone residing there. The place felt cozy and homely, with curtains on the windows and some personal touches around.

There was one room on this floor that was different, and it had a sign that said "Lab." The door to the "Lab" room was securely closed. The old man, after a brief pause, turned to Sam and gestured towards one of the living rooms on the same floor. "Follow me," he instructed, leading the way to a different room.

In a somewhat arrogant tone, the old man addressed Sam after they entered the room. "You can use this room for today since we will be leaving early in the morning," he declared, making it clear that the room was at Sam's disposal for the night.

Sam found himself uncertain about the situation, prompting him to inquire, "Where exactly are we going?"

"Hmm. the message, there are a few items I need to gather, and I'll require someone to carry them," he spoke with that same haughty tone, assessing Sam's suitability for the task. "This town is too small for proper mercenaries; otherwise, I would have assigned this task to them." Having stated his purpose, he left the room, leaving Sam alone and closing the door behind him.

As Sam sat on the bed, his mind swirled with thoughts about the events of the day. Sam found himself a bit overwhelmed. Eventually, he acknowledged the pressing need for a substantial rest. Removing his clothes, he eased himself into the bed, welcoming the prospect of a profound and well-deserved sleep. A feeling of contentment enveloped him as he succumbed to the embrace of rest.


On the top of the hill, there was a camp with lots of tents spread around. The tents were all over the hill, each one belonging to a knight. There were more than twenty tents, and quite a lot of them were still being used.

In the middle of the camp, there was a bright fire crackling. Two knights were sitting next to it, keeping watch during the night. Both knights had their swords nearby, and their helpers, the squires, were close, making sure the fire stayed strong.

Towards the edge of the camp, two people were taking care of the horses, making sure they got food and attention. Even though it was quiet at night, the camp was filled with laughter, making it feel lively despite the darkness. The smell of recently enjoyed meals still hung in the air, adding a nice scent to the night.

Mid-conversation, the two knights caught the sound of galloping coming from downhill. Quickly putting on their helmets, they signaled their squires to alert the knights who were still asleep. Both knights drew their swords and moved cautiously towards the edge.

Shortly, a silhouette emerged in the darkness, halting at the edge. The individual who had been riding swiftly dismounted, raising both hands in the air. "I bring a message from Lord Galloguard," the person announced loudly, ensuring that both knights were informed.

The skeptical knight, still uncertain about the identity of the mysterious messenger, inquired, "And what does Lord Galloguard desire? I don't recall him being the lord of this town, nor does he hold any authority over us."

The messenger paused, seemingly hesitant about how to respond to the question. Eventually, he fumbled in his pockets and retrieved a badge. "Behold, the sigil of the lord himself," he declared, tossing the golden, glistening emblem over to the knights.

One of the knights deftly caught the emblem mid-air and scrutinized it. He nodded to his companion and, while sheathing his sword, haughtily instructed, "You may proceed, but hand over your horse and sword to the squire. Follow me."

The messenger let out a sigh and followed behind the knights, guiding his horse by the reins. When the squire approached to take the horse, he handed it over, instructing the squire to ensure the horse was fed and well-rested, as he might need to depart soon.

As the trio approached the campfire, the entire camp had already roused. The two knights shared the story with the others, displaying the sigil as evidence. The remaining knights sighed in relief and dispersed to resume their rest. The original two knights concluded their watch and handed over the messenger to the next pair, passing along the sigil as a sign of evidence.

The two fresh knights guided the messenger through the maze of tents until they reached the commander's quarters, distinguished by its grandeur and guarded by a vigilant pair. The commander, already alerted by the prior commotion, awaited their arrival. The knights directed the messenger to proceed alone into the presence of the commander.

Within, the commander Tibost the Titan , unclothed, perched on the edge of his bed, regarded the messenger with a gaze laden with animosity, as if the messenger had slain his kin. Towering at a formidable seven feet, the commander boasted muscles reminiscent of a bull.

A massive two-handed greatsword, adorned with a deer sculpture on the pommel, rested in his lap. The tent was bathed in the glow of opulent lamps. A lone woman lay asleep on the bed, covered by a sheet up to her chin. Yet, a glance at the clothing scattered nearby revealed that she was more undraped compared to the imposing commander.

"Why does Lord Galloguard find it necessary to dispatch a messenger to us? If I remember correctly, the 'Eye of the Emperor' was explicitly instructed not to cast its gaze upon this part of the empire, was it not?" The commander's words dripped with the same animosity he had displayed upon the messenger's arrival.

Phantom knelt before the commander, stating, "I bear a message from the Eye, revealing their discovery of a demon worshipper stronghold in the town. They warns you that the cult plans to conduct their summoning ritual at midnight tonight, within the church."

When Tibost remained silent for an extended period, Phantom stole a glance at his face. The commander's fury had turned his complexion as red as a tomato. Eventually, Tibost rose, the flames of anger still ablaze in his eyes, and bellowed, "Heimart, fetch my armor and rouse everyone. We have some aspiring demons to extinguish."

Tibost's thunderous roar jolted the sleeping lady awake, her hands instinctively clenching her ears. Several flames in the lamps extinguished, and the distant sound of frightened horses reached Phantom's ears. 'Sound magic,' he mused silently before rising. "I shall take my leave. Lord Galloguard expects my presence in his service before the evening tomorrow," Phantom said before standing up.

"You are free to leave; take a fresh horse. And convey my gratitude to Lord Galloguard," Tibost instructed as he exited the tent. Once he went outside, the lady stood, her ears slightly bleeding, draped in a bedsheet.

She gazed at Phantom, tears welling in her eyes, and whispered, "I did as you requested, my lord. Everything you asked for, I did. Please, let my family go, please," she pleaded, her emotions breaking through as she uttered those words.

"You have fulfilled your duties. I will release you and your family from their bonds," Phantom declared, making a sweeping motion through the air. Initially relieved, the lady's expression twisted into horror as she felt an unseen force constricting around her throat. Panic set in as the pressure intensified. Desperate, she looked back, seeking some sign from her supposed lord, only to be met with a sinister smile on Phantom's face and an abyss of darkness in his eyes before succumbing to her demise.

Phantom exited the tent and halted one of the squires. "Assist me in locating the finest horse you have and gather some provisions. I bear an urgent message from Commander Tibost," he conveyed with a sense of immediacy.

The squire guided him to the rear, where the horses were housed, a bustling scene filled with knights donned in armor and preparing their weapons. Each knight readied their horse for an impending raid. Phantom selected the best horses from those that remained unclaimed.

Seated in the saddle, Phantom secured his weapons and set off in the opposite direction, away from where the knights were assembling. He galloped ceaselessly until he had distanced himself significantly, then turned back towards the town.
