
The Flow of Time is Broken

Things are not unfolding the way they should. Someone or something is messing with the very fabric of time itself. Events that were never meant to occur are now happening. People who were destined to die remain alive, while others meant to live now find themselves dead. The natural order has been disrupted. Destinies are being rewritten in ways they were not supposed to. Time itself appears to be malfunctioning, causing ripples that violate the way events were originally fated to play out. The rules that govern what is and isn't possible no longer apply. Reality as it was once understood has been thrown into chaos. P.S. - 1: Chapter names are inspiration from th great manga 'Gintama'. Holy fuck it rhymes =============================================================== P.S. - 2: This is a story that I had in mind for past couple of years but because of many things could never put forward but now I might finish it with you guys. There are few stuff that you should know before jumping into it, for first my inspiration for this book is ASOIAF, Kingkiller Chronicles and Malazan empire. Another thing is there is no thing such as plot armr. Last thing to know is that this is story of whole world, so we will not be following a fixed character but keep changing POV. Each volume will take up to a new place where the story will start from the beginning, for example the first volume will set up a big event which will then be addressed later in second volume near the end, third volume will pick up from somewhere in First volume and join in the big event near the end something like this. The world I have in mind have total of five continents and each of this continent share a different world, so each continent will have a different magic system, different culture, different beliefs, different mindsets of people. Later it will be explained why is that.

Rotten007 · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Ch - 3 My flashback is shorter than this stupid Info dump.

Even though Hadrian had instructed someone to take Jake away, nobody moved, paralyzed by fear of him. Eventually, Hadrian took it upon himself to escort Jake, instructing Sam to remain while the other students dispersed to attend to their own tasks since all classes had concluded.

While Hadrian had escorted Jake away, Sam remained where he stood. He had only opened his eyes for that specific moment and had closed them since then, attempting to regain focus. After a while, he opened his eyes once more, revealing his cyan eyes once again.

Upon opening his eyes, Sam discovered Ser Hadrian standing in front of him, but now, Hadrian's white shirt had transformed into a large red patch of blood. "I don't think I gave permission to use your specialized magic, did I?" Ser Hadrian asked in a flat tone.

"And you never mentioned not to use them. Not like mine would make any difference; I am still not of age," Sam replied, having found a loophole.

"Oh, now you're good enough to find loopholes, eh?" There was amusement in Ser Hadrian's eyes. "Anyway, what I was going to tell you was that don't come to class tomorrow."

"Why? Isn't there a test? And they said it will be counted towards the final score," Sam asked, baffled.

"The guest for tomorrow's event is the 3rd army general's right-hand man, head of the 'Ramsdell family,' also known as the 'The eyes'. If you appear tomorrow, there are only two fates waiting for you. Firstly, either they will pluck your eyes and gift it to one of their own family members, or they will make you swear allegiance to their family. You are an anomaly; you were never supposed to have a specialized magic related to the eyes," Ser Hadrian explained.

Hearing that, Sam shuddered, his curiosity piqued. Despite the unsettling information, he managed to muster the courage to ask, "What is he doing here, so far away from the capital?"

"I can't tell you that; it's a secret, okay?" Ser Hadrian responded, as he continued speaking. "Don't worry, even if you missed the test, you can still easily achieve what you want. You have to take that much chance, okay? Great, go now, take a rest," Ser Hadrian said before leaving Sam alone.

Sam sighed heavily and left the training ground. He walked while still pondering what Hadrian had said. The 3rd army general—arguably the fifth most powerful person after the royal couple and the first two army generals.

Sam walked towards his dormitory, still grappling with thoughts about whether or not he should attend the event tomorrow. He knew what Ser Hadrian said was true. Even Ser Hadrian wouldn't dare go against that man. While Ser Hadrian might have some influence as a knight in the capital, it didn't extend this far away from it; even he had to do as that man said.

There were a total of four main types of specialized magic, all organized under sensory organs: eyes, ears, tongue, and skin.

Specialized magic is akin to an artifact; those born with them can not only increase the power behind their magic spells but also cast them more easily. However, not everyone is born with specialized magic, except if you were born into high-class noble families. But there are drawbacks too, those being that its users can't wield any other type of magic.

Those born with specialized eyes can only use two different types of magic based on their eye color. The corresponding color and magic are:

White – light/chaos.

Black – darkness.

Red – Blood.

Blue – water.

Emerald – plant.

Brown – ground/sand.

Cyan – ice.

Violet – poison.

Colorless – wind.

Orange – fire.

Purple – lightning.

Silver – space/illusion.

Those with specialized ears magic could sound and psychic magic. while those with tongue type could word magic, the rarest type of magic. Lastly skin type specialized magic user can use healing, enchantment, blessing, summoning, undead and many more. 

Sam soon arrived at his dormitory, still deep in thought. His room, a typical one provided by the academy, had a bed, a desk, and a closet. Sam flopped onto the bed; his resolve unsure. The temptation to sleep pulled at him, but he quickly remembered he still had to go to work.

He swiftly changed from his uniform into his casual daily clothes. His outfit consisted of a loose black shirt paired with matching pants. After putting on his shoes, he headed towards the shop where he worked.

The shop was located outside the academy, near the marketplace. The academy itself was massive, covering nearly sixty percent of Springchill. While Springchill was a small town, it held significance, sharing its border with the great ocean and gaining fame throughout the kingdom for its fish production.

Another factor contributing to the town's fame was the academy. Throughout the entire kingdom, there were fewer than twenty academies, with four alone situated in the capital. However, near Springchill, there wasn't another academy for thousands of miles in any direction.

The academy attracted a lot of talent from the province, but admission was based on merit, ensuring that only those deserving of a spot gained admission. Of course, there were exceptions for those somehow related to noble families. Those who excelled at the academy had the opportunity to be directly recruited by the army.

The academy was divided into different sections for different years of schooling. For instance, first-year students had their academic and dormitory buildings situated farther away from the main gates. On the other hand, final-year students had their facilities closest to the gate due to their frequent visits to the town, some students even chose to live outside the academy, where the rooms and food were of higher quality.

Sam exited through the front gate, where the pavement abruptly ended, giving way to a muddy road. The rain from the previous night had severely damaged the roads. The area near the academy mainly consisted of two-story houses that were rented to students. Sam carefully navigated the muddy road, taking one step at a time to avoid slipping and dirtying his clothes.

It took him about half an hour to walk through the road and reach the marketplace. The marketplace was lively and busy, with many food stalls. The air smelled delicious with different types of food, and there were many shops along the busy streets selling a lot of things like weapons and potions. Merchants were talking and trying to sell their things, making the place lively. The colorful display of different items for sale added to the lively and exciting atmosphere.