
The Flash A New Blur (The Flash/ Barry Allen x reader)

This is a story about you as the reader whose parents are Clark and Lois but you were sent away at 18moths old as they thought Argo City was going to die. Once your pod landed you were taken in by the Queen family adopted but Oliver after his father passed away was keeping secrets of who you actually were. If you would like to find out more read this book.

AlainaHylian · Televisi
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4 Chs

Chapter One born and New life on Earth

Your mother's P.o.v

I was getting ready to have my daughter but my husband knew I was going to give birth any day now. My husband was watching me to make sure I was okay, but I was sitting on the couch as I felt her kicking a bit roughly. I winced a bit because it hurt when our daughter was kicking so roughly inside my belly, but not a moment later I felt a slight pain in my lower back. My husband came over to me asking if I was okay as I shook my head at him no, he then asked if it was almost time to deliver as I told him I wasn't sure yet. My husband decided to help me up but suddenly my water broke as liquid hit the floor as I started to panic a bit knowing that our daughter was on her way here into our lives.

Your father's P.o.v

When I had helped my wife Lowis up her water immediately breaks as I picked her up into my arms rushing her to the nearest hospital on Argo City once we arrived I had her checked in as the nurse took her to the delivery room right away as I came in dressed in a male nurse uniform cause they wanted to keep everything sterilized. I stayed by my wife's side as I held her hand when the doctor walked into the room telling her to take deep breaths. I watched her sit up on the hospital bed pushing hard screaming out in pain saying that it hurt. The doctor told me that this was quite common for females to be complaining about things, but as several hours went by we both heard a loud crying hit our ears.

Your Mother's p.o.v

After hours of me being in labor our daughter was finally born into our lives as the doctor cleaned her up handing me my baby. I went to see her blue eyes and beautiful baby fine brown hair, she eventually calmed down in my arms as she looked at me as I was crying tears of joy at this point. A few weeks later we were able to take her home as she was quite the whole walk home in the baby carriage, I put her into her baby crib as we decided to name her (Y/n) Kent as she was quite a healthy baby girl. By the time she was 18 months old she was struggling to stand up on her own for a moment but she soon managed to stand up as she walked to her daddy.

Your P.o.v

I was struggling to stand up since I was only 18 months but after a couple of tries I managed to stand up walking to my father that was across the room. I took several steps as I kept pushing myself to walk to my dada, as I went to him he turned around facing me as he kneels down holding his arms out just in case I fell. Of course I did but he caught me in his arms as he told me that he was very proud of me for managing to walk this far across the room. He stood up with me still in his arms as he took me over to mama as I was happy to have such a good family like them. He handed me to mama as I looked at her, she then placed me in the play pin with a few toys that looked hand made.

Your Father's p.o.v

I knew something bad was going to happen as I told Lois about it, she seemed upset after telling her that we had to send our daughter to earth. I told Lois to get her as she did we went to the place they had Kryptonian pods as we gently set our daughter down as the Argo City began to shake violently. Our daughter looked at us confused as to what was going on as Lois gave her a necklace that she had with her, I set the pods course for Earth as the pod was activated, its top closed as our daughter started crying, putting her tiny hands against the glass. The pod soon takes off into outer space heading towards Earth as Lois hugs me, starting to cry knowing our baby girl will grow up without us there for her to teach her what she needs to know.