
The Flash A New Blur (The Flash/ Barry Allen x reader)

This is a story about you as the reader whose parents are Clark and Lois but you were sent away at 18moths old as they thought Argo City was going to die. Once your pod landed you were taken in by the Queen family adopted but Oliver after his father passed away was keeping secrets of who you actually were. If you would like to find out more read this book.

AlainaHylian · Televisi
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4 Chs

Chapter Four

A few years later…

Your P.o.v

I was saving Central City from metas but the I take notice that one of the metas threw a metal knife in front of me but someone stepped forward and before I realized it. Once I saw their face I saw Barry as I panicked but it was too late for me to save him as the knife pierced his chest and was pulled into immediately by the meta. As he fell I immediately caught him holding him in my arms and rushed him away to S.T.A.R labs when my team was out. I took off my mask in front of him while he was still barely alive, "What were you thinking Barry. I..I had this under control." But Barry spoke as a little blood came out of his mouth, "I know I'm sorry but I was afraid to lose my soon to be wife."

Barry's p.o.v

When I stepped in front of the speedster I had no idea that it was my girlfriend as I felt the cold metal blade cut through my chest. I was about to fall but she caught me speeding me away into a lab. I told her that I was sorry and scared of losing her, she told me not to speak anymore to save my energy as she immediately called for help. I felt so tired that I wanted to close my eyes but I wanted to stay alive long enough to say that I love her, when help arrived I was put into the med bay as her friend tried to close the wound.

Catie p.o.v

Once I got to the lab I tried my best to save her boyfriend but his heart rate was dropping even after I had closed the wound in his chest. (Y/n) was holding his hand gently knowing that if he didn't make it through she would be heartbroken and depressed. As to when we gave him a blood transfusion his heart rate kept dropping which meant he wasn't going to make it through the night.

Your p.o.v

I felt saddened that Barry's heart rate was still very bad cause it was still dropping but when the line on the monitor went straight I broke down in tears. I was blaming myself for what happened but as a few weeks passed after his death I couldn't exactly move on. It's been five weeks since his death, I was talking to Oliver, my brother on the phone but then hung up. I still was hurting after losing him, I would often cry myself to sleep but I've had enough of this pain, I sped to S.T.A.R labs.

Patricia p.o.v

It's been five weeks and she still mourns the death of her fiance who asked her to marry him. I honestly felt bad but I haven't heard from her for that long and I was a bit worried about her. I tried to call her phone but it went straight to voicemail as usual as I sigh. I wasn't sure what to do if she hurt herself or what.

Meanwhile with you…

Your p.o.v

I went to the speed lab as I started running thinking about Barry wishing I had a second chance with him, as I was starting to get faster, tears falling down my face. By the time I stopped to take a break I was in the middle of Central City but it looked different, I was confused but also sad kneeling down to the ground as I started thinking about my boyfriend.

Barry Allen of Earth One P.o.v

I heard from Cisco that a breach open up in the middle of Central City speeding there still in my super hero suit. Once I got there was a lot of traffic as a female woman in a superhero suit sat in the middle of the street. I wasn't sure who they were or how they got here. I didn't even know if they were evil but when I noticed that they were crying about something I decided to find out what happened.

Your p.o.v

All I heard was horns beeping from the cars and people yelling to get out of the way, but one voice stood out more as I heard, "Hey hey are you okay?" I didn't want to look up, I lost someone who I held dear to on my Earth 36, they however came closer to me and I sensed that they too were a speedster. I was hesitant to look up but when I did they looked exactly like my Barry on my Earth as tears fell down my face.

Earth One Barry Allen's p.o.v

When she looked at me as she was crying more when she saw my eyes and parts of my face, I looked around unsure what to do as I picked her up noticing that she might pass out soon. I carried her bridal style as I sped to S.T.A.R labs seeing her eyes closed passing out going limp. I laid her down on the med bed as I started to get worried cause her breathing was slowing down a little.

Earth One Cisco p.o.v

When Barry came back he brought a girl to us in a suit still but her breathing was slowing down a little bit. Caitlin came in as she started checking her vitals and everything else, Caitlin spoke, "It's not good she is having trouble breathing for some odd reason and I don't know why." I was looking at her vitals on the monitor showing that she was having problems with breathing.

Earth One Caitlin p.o.v

When her vitals started dropping slowly it meant that something was definitely wrong. I tried to put an IV in her arm but failed as I had taken notice that the needle broke. I looked at Barry as I said, "Barry where did you find her?" Barry looked at me as he explains where he found her and started thinking that maybe she was Kryptonian like the person Barry met when he had the Tachyon device to enhance Barry's speed.

Earth One Barry p.o.v

I look at her vitals seeing that it was still dropping but not as fast, I was worried that she might die but I don't want to let that happen. I didn't want someone I don't know to die like this when they just go here, I decided to ask Cisco to open a breach to Kara's Earth knowing that maybe they can help her better than us. Later on Kara's Earth they were able to get her stabilized, Cisco and I stayed there in the medical room they had her in as eventually three days later she stirs a lot.

Your p.o.v

I felt I was carried again and placed down on a bed feeling a needle go into my arms feeling slightly weak from what I guessed was red sun that was artificial. Three days pass as I finally stir but when I opened my eyes I was greeted with three people that I didn't know. I blinked a few minutes until my vision cleared seeing a female in a suit and two males in the room. I was rather confused and scared at the same time, backing up a bit on the bed as the girl said, "Hey it's okay we're not going to hurt you."

Earth 38 Kara p.o.v

The person Barry brought to the DEO was able to recover; she woke up three days later as she was confused and scared. I told her that it was okay and that we weren't going to hurt her, she calmed down a bit as saw the necklace that she was wearing was somewhat like mine. I looked at Barry as I spoke, "Barry I believe she is from Argo City but she just might be from a different Universe 36."

Earth One Barry Allen's p.o.v

After Kara told me that I looked back at the girl they saved as I noticed her hair was a slight black color and had blue eyes like me. I looked at Kara and spoke, "You don't think she is related to your cousin do you?" Kara thought for a moment but she remembered something, she then told me that Lois and Clark live in Argo City. Kara then told me that her cousin and Lois had a baby girl name (Y/n) and that they survived as well Argo City.

Your p.o.v

I look at them confused but soon realized that if my parents are alive maybe they will want to see me and my real father will train me to use my powers. But then again they haven't seen me since I was 18months old. I kinda figured I was part of Kara's family cause possibly I was Superman's daughter, I looked at her as I spoke, "So you know who my parents are? I am sure they probably forgot about me."

Earth One Barry's p.o.v

When she asked Kara that question she thought for a moment as she told her that she did and that she called them to come here. I looked at the girl that they saved as I knew she was nervous, but once they got to the DEO Lois came into the room as she took one look at her and started to cry tears of joy being happy to know that she was alive and well. She came up to her hugging her gently but what the girl didn't understand was why she was pregnant again.

Earth 38 Kara p.o.v

When Clark and Lois came into the medical room Lois immediately started crying as she hugged her gently but I could tell she was confused as to why her mom was pregnant. Clark looks at her as he hardly recognize her because she was all grown up, my cousin look at me spoke, "Is this really our daughter we lost Kara I hardly recognize her." I looked back at her as I noticed that she had a bit of Lois looks and his as well, I spoke, "Yeah I am positive it's her. She has your eyes."

Clark's p.o.v

When my cousin Kara told me that it was I looked back at the girl seeing she did in fact have my eyes so I came up to her as I decided to tell her I was her father. She looks at me rather speechless as she soon gets up hugging me tightly as I was glad to see how much she has grown since we sent her away. But of course we had to leave as later when we went back to Argo City.

Earth One Barry Allen's p.o.v

After they left she looked sad that they didn't stay long but I didn't blame her cause it was the first time meeting her parents. I looked at her as I felt my heart racing a bit faster than normal, I know that there was no way that I am starting to develop feelings for her when I don't even know her name. Kara looked at me as I looked at the girl again as I spoke, "Hey um if it isn't too much to ask could you tell us your name."

Your P.o.v

When he asked me for my name I thought carefully as I soon spoke, "Well um my name it's (Y/n) Kent since I know my parents now." He of course smiled slightly but seeing his face red a little bit, I blushed slightly red but it wasn't noticeable. Later after we were back in S.T.A.R labs as I was being tested on my powers, it was long but once I was done apparently I reached mock 10.

Cisco's p.o.v

I was rather impressed that she is able to reach mach 10, I thought it was incredible that she was this fast being able to outrun Barry. So I was pretty much fangirling about it, But soon after Barry showed up telling her that she could stay at his apartment as she had a look of gratitude. I watched as the two of them left as I said, "I definitely ship it." Caitlin looks at me as she said, "Cisco it's not going to happen that they both fall for each other." I looked back at her on my swirvy chair, speaking, "Yeah but it's very possible since Iris died a few months ago." I thought, "Maybe one day they will get together."

Earth One Barry's P.o.v

After I brought her back with me to my apartment she was staring at me for a brief moment but I honestly felt bad that she lost someone dear to her. I let her sleep in the guest bedroom as I later thought about what Kara said, I now know that she must be half Kryptonian but she didn't show any powers of a kryptonian. I went to my own bedroom as it was getting late I turned in for the night but as I was sleeping I heard a scream as I immediately woke up speeding into the guest room seeing her hugging her knees crying. I walked up to the bed as I spoke, "Hey hey whats wrong?" She looked at me as she started crying more, hugging her knees closer to her chest, I figured that if I was right she must've had a nightmare. I got on the bed as I tried to comfort her trying to get her to calm down so I could figure out what it was.

Your P.o.v

When Barry heard me scream he came into the guest room seeing me hugging my knees as I was crying, he tried to ask me what was wrong but I wouldn't talk about it cause I have been through a lot. He however got on the bed comforting me holding me close to him as I honestly was feeling safe in his arms and I remember that when I had a nightmare before I had my Barry but it felt almost the same.

Earth One Barry Allen's p.o.v

When she calmed down I wanted to ask if she was okay, she nodded saying she was as I whipped her tears out of her eyes. But she didn't want to leave so naturally she snuggled up into my chest with her head, I said, "It's going to be okay. I promise things will get better." Eventually she fell asleep in my arms as laid back on the bed keeping her company to be sure she didn't have another nightmare.

Your p.o.v

When I woke up in the morning the boy that tried to save my life was not in bed with me, I walked down stairs into the living area as I saw him in the kitchen cooking breakfast. It was odd for me but I smiled slightly without knowing that I was as he turned around after finishing cooking the food. I set it on the table pulling out a chair for me as I sat down, he handed me a plate of pancakes and they looked so good.

Earth One Barry Allen's p.o.v

She smiled at me after I had given her pancakes I made as she started eating them rather quick as I was a bit surprised she ate that fast. Besides today was Saturday and I had the day off so I wanted to try my best to make her comfortable until me and my team can find a way to send her home to her Earth. But then again I felt my heart racing faster than normal cause I guess I was developing feelings for her, I barely know her but yet I my heart was racing but soon enough I felt my cheeks heat up knowing that I was blushing. I walked away wondering what was wrong with me, I mean it has been five months since my soon to be wife died cause of Zoom but I defeated him and now I am developing feelings for this half Kryptonian girl.

Your p.o.v

After I had finished my breakfast I saw him blush but he walked away hiding his blush from me as I wondered what was up with him. I know that he wasn't my Barry but he was being so kind to me as I felt my own cheeks heat up knowing that I was blushing. He was in another room when I was blushing bright red, I thought to myself, "There is no way in hell I'm falling in love with him." I tried to calm myself down as when I did thoughts of my Barry clouded my mind hearing his voice say, "It's time you move on from me (Y/n)."

Earth One Barry Allen's p.o.v

When I calmed down I walk back into the kitchen to see her crying slightly but not enough to be noticed by others. I knew that I should move on from Iris and having her here made my heart feel less empty, and I actually felt better having her around me. I walked up to her as I spoke, "Hey hey what's wrong? Are you okay?" She then looked at me hearing her speak, "No. I keep thinking about my Barry from my Earth; he died protecting me. I tried to save him but I couldn't." I hugged her as I spoke, "I'm sorry that happened. I wish I could have done something. But I was engaged with Iris but Zoom killed her before I defeated him. Once I did I knew there was nothing I could do to save her."

Your P.o.v

When he told me that he lost his soon to be wife Iris I honestly felt bad for him so I hugged him back comforting him knowing that talking about it would make him upset. I decided to comfort him as I spoke, "I'm sure she loved you very much. But I know that she would want you to move on." He looked at me as he said, "Yeah your right. I should try to move on, she would probably want that for me." Later we were watching a movie together talking about our life's and it was actually pretty nice. My phone started buzzing as I took it out seeing a message from Oliver, my adoptive brother. I was a bit shocked that it actually went through even though I'm not on my Earth.