
The Flash( AU) : The Fastest man alive

My name is Alexander Stone, I am a normal guy who was bored with his life and the real world but a friend showed me the path to the world of fiction and one little mistake changed my life forever. -------xxx------ A/N: This fanfic takes place in the flash universe but there will be new characters and new enemies and Metahumans created for the Mc and the flash himself to fight, so stay tuned.

darkstar12 · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

"Life is so boring... I wish I was a speedster. To be able to run around the world with no care at all."

I said to myself as I close my laptop after I finished watching the last episode of the flash season one.

My name is Alexander stone, twenty-three years(23) old and an American citizen. I'm an office worker but life is so boring I sometimes for about the world I'm living in but recently a friend of my introduced me to the world of fiction and I quickly took a liking to it. It's been three months since I immerse myself in the world of fiction and these months, I have read and watched so much but never found something that could get rid of my boredom until I found the flash series. Seeing him run around the city helping and saving life made my blood boil in exhilaration, the thought of having such power just makes my heart beat as fast as a car engine but I know I will never have such power.

I stood up from my chair and went to the bathroom to take a leak when I suddenly heard the sound of a heavy thunderstorm.

*RUMBLE!!!* [*Electricity Crackles*]

"The weather forecast did not say anything about there being a thunderstorm tonight?... wait, what is that smell? It smells like something is burni-- holy shit that's my food!"

I quickly run to the kitchen when I smelled the burning food, when I entered I saw fire in the pan. I tried to turn the stove off but something happened.

*RUMBLE!!* [*Electricity Crackles*]

A bolt of bright blue lightning struck the house and electrocuted everything in it, including the stove and me. My whole body started to shake as my life flashed before my eyes.

'Am I gonna die now? I just started getting rid of my boredom.'

Those were the last thought I had before everything in front of my eyes went dark.



A sound escaped from my mouth as I began to open my eyes.

"Where are mine? Didn't I die?"

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes are that of a huge white office room, I look around to see if there is anyone else in there but found no one.

"Where is this place? Don't tell me that this is some sort of reincarnation setup like the ones I read from novels and fanfictions?"

I said to myself as I remember reading fanfiction about how some people will get reincarnated after they die, they get the chance to have wishes and other boons.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Mr Alexander Stone."

As I was reminiscing about the fanfictions about reincarnation that I read, a voice of a male suddenly call my name. I turned to the voice and saw that it came from a handsome middle age man with black hair, he is wearing an office suit. He took a seat behind the table in front of me and faced me.

"Who are you?"

I asked with a raised eyebrow. The presence of this man makes my earlier judgement about this being a reincarnation setup.

"My name is not important, all you need to know is that I'm one of the angels that govern the well of reincarnation and you are dead."

The angel explained who he is and looked at me as if he was expecting something from me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Aren't you shock or surprised about your being dead?"

Instead of answering my question, he asked one of his own.

"Why should I be shocked about something I already know."

He looked at me with a look that says 'How did you know', then his expression returned to normal a few seconds later.

"Anyway, you were not supposed to die but a small mistake resulted in your death. The supreme one allowed me to give you an offer as compensation for your death, you will be allowed three wishes and a chance of reincarnating into any world of your choosing."

I wasn't expecting him to tell me he was the cause of my death but when he said about the compensation I became excited immediately. Who will care about that boring life if they can reincarnate into any world they want with wishes?

"Does any world includes fiction worlds too?"

I asked the most important question as that will decide my future from here onwards.

"There are many worlds in the omniverse, some worlds may be fiction to you but your world is also fiction to some other world."

His answer confused me a little bit but I understood it after a few seconds of thinking it over.

"If so then I want to reincarnate into the flash universe and for my first wish, I want to be a speed force conduit. For my second wish, I have the combined IQ of Tony Stark and Reed Richards. And for my last wish, I want to be born into a rich family."

I said where I want to be reborn and all my wishes. I asked for those wishes because they are what will make new life exciting, if the speed turns out to be boring I could immerse myself in creating new thing and if that also become boring I could squander my family's money.

"Ok, you should be on your way."

Snapped his hand after he finished what he said and I started to fade away.


In one of the hospitals of the central city. In one of the rooms of the hospital, on a patient bed lay a blonde-haired woman and in her arms is a healthy baby boy who has his eyes closed.

The woman gently rubs the baby's head with her right hand, she had a beautiful smile on her face while looking at her baby but she is interrupted when the door to her room opened and a nurse walks in.

"Sorry to disturb you, Mrs Stone but I would like to know what your son's name will be?"

The nurse said as she came closer to the blonde woman.

"His name will be Alexander Stone, my little angel."

The woman said as she rub the cheeks of the baby with her thumb. But unbeknownst to the two women in the room, the baby had opened his eyes and was staring at them with curiosity.

'So this woman is my new mother and the other one seems to be a nurse, and my name is the same as my past life.'

The baby thought to himself as his little blue eyes stared at his mother's face with a tiny smile on his face.

'This new life is going to be fun.'