
Rednecks Aren't Quiet...

As George entered the truck, he smiled. "Ah, finally. No more hard rock seats." He said while sitting comfortably on the cushioned seat next to the Major.

"I bought this baby. The M35 series. They used to call this the Eagle Beaver. Don't know why they changed the name, but I liked it. Served me in Iraq, and I will never forget its service." Major Ivan spoke as he rubbed his hands against the steering wheel before inserting the key.

George looked at the meters that were behind the steering wheel and wondered how old this truck could be, "Well this truck is nice and all, but it seems pretty ancient." He commented.

When the Major heard that, he looked at George and said, "You bastards are spoilt. With your hologramic meters and your auto-driven cars or whatnot ." He complained before noticing something strange.


After a few minutes of driving, Major Ivan slowed down...

"What the hell..." The Major said as he looked at the surroundings, "Corporal, are you seeing this?" He asked.

"Pretty strange, sir," George observed as he looked around. This place is normally filled with rednecks... And by my understanding, rednecks aren't quiet. " As he tried harder to look around, he said.

"No, they aren't... Corporal, do you have a gun on you?" The Major asked as he looked George in the eye.

"No, sir. "I do, however, have a knife." He replied as he could see a slight fear on the Major's face.

The Major then turned to George and looked him in the eye. "There are a few guns behind, take some for yourself, and while you're at it, get me an AR-15, and a few 30-round magazines." Before looking through the window again, he said.

George nodded, "Yes sir!" He whispered before walking to the back of the truck and opening the boxes. He immediately recognized the AR-15 and picked it up, along with five 30-round magazines, before handing it to the Major.

He then looked through the boxes and found an M16; he then packed himself with bulletproof gear and a lot of ammo.

Before going back to the front seat, he picked up a Glock 19 that was the nearest to him.

As he looked back at the front seat, the Major looked at him with widening eyes, "Goddamn, Corporal. I only told you to pick up a weapon just in case we are being attacked." He laughed before a loud gunshot could be heard behind him.

As the Major turned to the window, he could see the bulletproof glass almost broken. "Crap! Get down!" The Major shouted while the both of them ducked.

As they did that, a flurry of gunshots could be heard, and the window shattered completely, with the pieces of glass dropping on George and the Major.

"We have to get to the back!" The Major shouted as he and George crawled to the back of the truck.

Realizing that he was in bigger trouble than he expected, he took off his uniform and put on his vest. "Corporal, we are in deep shit. Take as many weapons as you can carry. We might die here. But with luck and, hopefully, God's grace, we might make it out alive." As sweat ran down his brow, he said.

"Yes sir," George replied while taking more magazines and grenades.

Major Ivan then pulled out goggles, saying, "The Xaver-2000, this thing should help us look through these walls," as he put it on.

But as he activated the goggles, all he saw was the screen glitching. "Damn it! They are using a signal jammer..."

"We won't know what's going on..." George commented as the Major nodded in agreement.

"We have only one choice..." The Major said this as he pulled out a smoke grenade and pulled out the head, allowing smoke to escape from the canister.

He opened the door before throwing another smoke grenade outside, and as the smoke started to enlarge outside the truck, the deafening sound of machine gun shots started again, and the two of them could see bullets piercing through the smoke.

"Damn it, how many sons of bitches are there?" The Major asked as he peaked right outside of the back.

Bang! A bullet flew right past the Major, brushing his cheek.

As he drew his head back into the truck, a cut could be seen on his cheek, and blood started flowing from it. "About 9 guys. Well trained. I doubt that they are terrorists. The shot that almost killed me was done by a guy using a revolver. Skilled bastards." He said as he wiped the blood off his face.

"How far are they from here?" George asked. "If they almost shot you in the head, it could only mean that they are near. We might have a chance." He said while smiling.

Major Ivan gulped as he heard what George said, "About 700 yards away... He said while lowering his head.

George heard this and almost dropped his gun in shock. "700 yards?? He shot at you, using a revolver? That's impossible!" He said.

"Yeah, if they were normal humans then you might be right. But it seems that they are hunters, low-ranked hunters at that, but they know how to use their skills effectively. The guy who shot at me should be a gravity manipulation hunter." The Major said before sighing.

"What can we do..." George grumbled while scratching his head.

"Tsk, I have an idea. I will stay here. It seems that the enemy is only from the left. And as far as I know, the right is empty. I will distract them here, while you exit quietly from the right door with a sniper. Change places every time you take a shot." The Major said this while pointing to the right-hand door.

George nodded, "Yes sir!" He muttered as he crept out of the car on the right side.

As he exited, the Major started firing shots from his part of the truck, distracting the enemy to his side.

George dropped out of the truck and started crawling through the field. Fortunately, the truck was parked in a grain field, allowing him to crawl through the tall plants.

"Damn it!" He whispered. 'Although they wouldn't be able to see me here... Because of the tall plants, I wouldn't be able to see them either...'

He continued crawling to find the perfect spot before mud started covering his vest and face. As he saw the mud that was sticking to his hand, he smiled and smothered it all over his face and clothes as much as possible.

He even plucked out the plants and stuck them in his shirt, camouflaging him. He stood up as slowly as he could, and as he used the military binoculars, he gritted his teeth at the point of almost breaking them, "Son of a... What the hell are you doing here?" He murmured as he noticed Lu Bu behind the nine hunters.