
Isn't that...

"So let me explain to you everything, you will be-"

George paced back and forth as he spoke, his frustration palpable. "Be pretending to be Senator Dick, I will be going inside to take an identity of a guard before going to Roth Tower to get some information."

Agent Jefferson nodded, but George could sense his apprehension. He walked over to the metal cabinet and swung it open, revealing a man bound and gagged inside. "This is Senator Dick and you will be scanning his face to get me a mask which will make me look like him. Look, I don't need any information, and I damn well know that I do not need the string that is in that suitcase, I need a gun."

Agent Jefferson hesitated for a moment, eyeing the suitcase in his hand. "Look, the string is pretty strong," he offered.

George rolled his eyes. "I need a gun," he said firmly.

With a resigned sigh, Agent Jefferson rummaged through the box and retrieved a black Glock. "It's a gun with a silencer," he said, handing it over. "It will be loud, but if you don't use it in the hall at least not many will hear it. And the gunshots sound like a thud instead of a bang."

"If it's better than a string then its good enough for me." George said while placing the gun in the suitcase.

He then opened the back of the van before walking out; he could hear Jefferson wishing him luck after that while the door close.

"Alright... Don't mess it this time, George..." He whispered to himself.


"Help! I can't see!" George shouted.

The guard outside the door entered the restroom before George pulled out a gun he hid behind him and shot the guard right in the head. "Done." He said before running towards the gun and catching him before the guard fell on the floor.

"Alright, now I need you to scan his face." Jefferson said.

"Understood." He said while opening his suitcase and placing one of the chips into the guard's throat before taking out the chip and sticking it onto his neck.

"Hey Mason, is that old hack okay? Last thing we want is for that old man to die under our supervision." Said one of the other guards through the radio.

"Everything is fine. The old man just went back home." George quickly responded as soon he heard the radio.

"Uhm... Mason... I am right outside the toilet... And I don't think I see the old man coming out of the toilet..." The guard responded, sounding suspicious of George.

"Shit." George said before his heart started pounding. "Look, Mason. You better stop gaslighting me. It's not funny."

But Mason didn't reply.

George looked at the blood that was flowing, "Im screwed."


Outside of the toilet, about three guards gathered, "Whats going on?" One of the guards said.

"Something suspicious." The guard, who sounded just like the guard from the radio, said while gesturing to the other two guards with his gun to aim at the toilet.

"What's going on?" One of the guests that were invited into the building said as he headed towards the toilet.

One of the guards then stopped the guest, "Sir, there might be someone really dangerous inside." He said before the restroom door opened, and quickly, the three of the guards aimed their guns toward Xavier, who looked just like the guard he killed.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked as he raised his hands.

The guest of the event started turning their heads toward where the action was, "What happened to the Senator, Mason?" The guard said as his finger was nearing the trigger.

"I told you he went back home." He said while blood from the palm of his hands.

The eyes of the guard widened, "Holy shit, Mason. What did you do?" He asked while the other guest started taking out their phones to record what was happening.

"Its my blood." Xavier opened his palm wide and showed the scar on his hand.

"Yeah. But what did you do?" He said as his finger touched the trigger, almost pulling it.

"I'm sorry!" A voice similar to Dick Mcconnell said.

As all the guards turned their heads towards the voice, they saw the slouched old man smiling, walking towards them, "I had to go to my car to take my meds." He said while scratching his head.

The guards then breathed a sigh of relief before putting their guns back; meanwhile, George was just thankful that he didn't have to repeat this for the third time.

"Look man, Im sorry. I just thought..."

"Its fine." Xavier replied to the guard before Agent Jefferson, who was currently disguising himself as the Senator, smiled before walking out of the building.