

George stood in front of the portal with his bulletproof armour and gun in his hand and the sound.

That emanated from the portal got louder, and he could hear the whisper of the monsters as if it was near his ears.

“First time going in a dungeon?” Ivan asked, looking at George, who was in awe at the large portal.

“Yeah, I have only fought in New York… So I don't really know what to expect here.”

Hearing the conversation, Hans quickly brought the matter to Kenta, “Are you sure this is a good idea? The guy that supposedly defeated a Class A monster has never stepped foot in a Class D dungeon.”

“If he lives, then we know he is the real deal, and if not, then that’s one less problem we have to deal with.”

Hans nodded, hearing Kenta’s quick thinking before staring at George, still suspicious of him and his record.

After making sure everything was ready, Kenta didn't waste any more time and quickly walked towards the portal before turning, “It’s time. Let’s go in.”

“Gosh, this guy is boring.”

“Don’t worry, Major, Im sure that we will have to take a couple of rounds in this dungeon, the next round, I’ll warn you.”

As they entered, darkness engulfed them, temporarily causing their vision to be total darkness.

“Be careful!” Kenta shouted as he lifted his hands up while covering everyone in a blue translucent shield while everyone started getting their vision back.

“Those are… Undead! How lucky could we be??”

“I was expecting stronger monsters, but I’m not going to complain….”

As every hunter that was there rejoiced in relief as they saw the weak undead creatures trying to enter the blue shield barrier that Kenta put up, they realized that Kenta didn't look as happy as they did.

Kenta’s eyes widened as he looked far into the dark distance; something that looked like a cloud was steadily closing up to them at a rate that would be considered to be unnatural for a cloud.

“Don't lower your guard!” Hans shouted as he, too, realized what they were dealing with.

“What’s going on!!! What is that cloud??!”

Major Ivan and George didn't have any of the abilities of a hunter, so they took out their military binocular.

“Holy shit…” Major Ivan dropped the binocular and took a step back before George shook his head.

“Yep, a few rounds are totally needed.”

The cloud was actually made up of weak demons that were flying from afar, clearly in their direction.

“Kill all the undead!!!” Kenta shouted as he quickly removed the barrier, causing everyone to fight against the undead that was there.

He had to do it since when the weak demons arrived, they won't be able to fight properly against both the demons and the undead at the same time.

And even though the Demons were known as the weak demons, the weakest among them had a Class -B rating, and because their number was so vast, with their species ranging from humanoid to animal, they were much more dangerous than most of the creatures.

“They are flying in faster! We gotta clean up this place before they come!”

Everyone was sweating, needlessly fighting against the weak to kill the undead; their focus was to kill them as fast as possible.

“Faster! Faster!” Hans shouted as he continued increasing his muscle mass and killing the zombies by smashing them undead to smithereens.

George quickly ran through the crowd of undead using both his automatic Glock 19 and killing the undead at a pace that the hunters who were using their swords and magical abilities couldn't achieve.

The only ones who rivalled his speed in clearing the space were Major Ivan, Hans and Kenta himself.


One of the demons had exceeded the speed of others, causing everyone to freeze as they looked at the Demon with fear stamped on their face.

“That’s not a weak demon… it's a Demon-kin!”


The Demon-kin looked miles different from how its weaker counterparts looked; its body was shaped like a perfect humanoid whose face was perfect and far superior to what any human could achieve.

The hunters quickly turned to Kenta, who stood his ground, “What is a demon-kin like you doing here?”

The Demon smiled, “Are you the strong one here?”

“I am.” Kenta quickly extended his arm as the light appeared from it, which was a sign that he was about to blast the demonkin away.

“I don't think so.” the demon-kin said before crushing Kenta’s hand by only using the palm of his hand.

“Ahhh!!!” Kenta shouted as he held onto his bleeding arm before he tried extending his other hand to attack, only to have his head to be crushed.

“Kill that bastard!!!” Hans shouted as he ran as fast as he could to the demonkin with his shield in front of him.

Every hunter that was present followed Hans with their weapons raised up high. Now that Kenta was dead, they had to kill the Demon-kin as fast as possible to increase their survivability.

George and Ivan, who were the only people who didn't have any supernatural abilities, did the second best thing, and that was setting up the sniper rifle, “George, I’ll try aiming for the demons head; I just need you to give me a heads up if there are any other threats around.”

George nodded before throwing his Glock 19 away and taking out his M16 before sitting beside Ivan.

“I got a clear shot on this guy….” Ivan whispered before aiming at the Demon, who was currently fighting against the hundreds of hunters by just swinging its arms and dodging all of the attacks.

“Take it.”

“I'm on it…” Ivan whispered before pressing the trigger.


The demonkin dropped to its back while holding on to its chest in pain. “He is down! This is our chance! Get him!!!”

The hunters simultaneously attacked the Demon, who was now on the floor, helpless against any of the attacks. As it tried to get up, Hans kicked the Demon back down by its head.

“We’re winning!! We’re actually winning!” Someone said before getting crushed by a giant weak demon which arrived with the other crowd of weak demons.

As Ivan quickly aimed at the gigantic Demon, he heard George scream, “They’re here too!!”

Ivan then quickly got up as he took dropped his sniper rifle, and tried taking out his gun before one of the demons ran towards him and brought him down.


Ivan just managed to shoot its head off before the Demon could do anything deadly to him, but as he stood up, another demon ran towards him and brought him down again, this time breaking his.

“Major!” George quickly ran towards the Major’s direction before feeling a strong, blunt force behind his back.

Little did he know, a demon had hit his head like a baseball, causing his head to fly 6 meters up to the sky.