
The First System Dungeon(Dropped)

What happens when a young soul trapped within the void after accidentally falling out of the river of reincarnation is chosen by the System to be the first system dungeon? [Irregular Upload Schedule]

Unholy_Angel · Derivasi dari game
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0003 - Expansion and Boredom [Edited]

With utter silence as my only companion, I had only one thing I could do at the moment, and that was to attempt to expand this room.

And I only had one tool that could assist me in that endeavor [Mana Manipulation Lv 1]. That's right, the only option I had available to me was to start manually digging away at my walls very inefficiently with mana...

Although I did have another idea, perhaps I could summon some monsters to start digging for me?

So with but a single thought, I pulled up my Monster Menu.


--=[Monster Menu]=--

-[Giant Ant Template]-

Skills: [Pheromone Sense], [Pheromone Secretion], [Digging], [Sensitive Hairs], [Bite], [Waterproof Chitin Exoskeleton], [Hive Mentality]

Description: Giant Ants, much like their smaller brethren, are numerous fast-expanding colonies of ants that rapidly expand, conquer, and adapt to their environments and prove to be some of the most dangerous Dungeon Monsters if they are allowed to grow unchecked in number and strength.

Not Purchased (1,000 System Points)

-[Molerat Template]-

Skills: [Claw], [Digging], [Tremor Sense], [Enhanced Senses]

Description: Molerats, while uncommon to find in Dungeons, can prove to be nuisances to weaker parties due to their burrow and ambushing tactics and senses that allow the Molerats to locate and sense their foes

Not Purchased (250 System Points)

-[Slime Template]-

Skills: [Slime Core], [Slime Body], [Consume]

Description: Some of the most common and weakest monsters found within Dungeons, Slimes are non-sentient dungeon monsters that can consume anything and everything but have a glaring weakness within their slimy center. Their Core is their biggest strength and biggest weakness, so long as a Slime's Core is intact, the slime can regenerate any damage dealt to its slimy outer layer, but if the Core is damaged or broken, in most cases, the slime will instantly die, in the case they do not die, their regenerative capabilities will greatly decrease. If a Slime is allowed to live long enough to grow and evolve, it can become some of the most frightening monsters found within dungeons being able to consume entire parties with little to no effort

Not Purchased (100 System Points)

-[Giant Rat Template]-

Skills: [Enhanced Senses], [Claw], [Bite], [Swarm Mentality]

Description: A much larger version of their smaller brethren, Giant Rats reach the size of small children and tent to swarm up with their fellow rats and become a ravenous swarm that consume anything that stands in their way

Not Purchased (500 System Points)

-[Viper Template]-

Skills: [Venomous Bite], [Stealth], [Lunge], [Burrow], [Vomeronasal Organ], [Infared Vision]

Description: A small serpentine ambush predator, Vipers are venomous snakes that can usually kill most of their small prey with but a single bite, while a few Viper species have venom strong enough to take down many men with just a single bite

Not Purchased (150 System Points)


The list went on and on, and the monsters I actually could purchase or unlock were the weakest of the weak...

So after some thought, I eventually decided to use one of my five free unlocks to unlock the Slime Template. Just think about it, Slimes apparently can eat anything and everything, including stone.

Annoyingly, it will take 100 Mana to summon each slime, which means I will have a lot of waiting ahead of me if I want to summon multiple slimes...

And it all started with one. Then, I began creating the slime using all of the mana that I had stored in my Core.

Although I don't understand how it works, my mana quickly shaped itself into a round ball before becoming compact and forming an orb. This very Orb was the Slime's Core. From there, slime began to ooze from the Core rapidly until the slime completely formed and started moving on the floor.

With a mental command, I inspected the status of the slime.


Name: N/A

Race: Slime

Titles: [Dungeon Monster]

Level: 1/10

EXP: 0/15

Class: N/A

HP: 150/150

MP: 0


HPR: 50 Per Hour

MPR: 0


Strength: 1

Perception: 5

Intelligence: 1

Dexterity: 1

Endurance: N/A

Vitality: 15

Willpower: N/A

Charisma: N/A

Luck: N/A

Free Attributes: 0 (+1 Per 5 Levels)

Skills: [Slime Core], [Slime Body], [Consume]


That is...beyond pitiful...

I had no that slimes were that weak. From the information I was given by the system, I knew that the average man had around 10 to 15 points in some stats on modern earth. So for a Slime to be so...weak, I bet even a child could beat it...

And then the wave of exhaustion hit me from using all of my mana...

Starting to feel my consciousness slip, I quickly commanded the slime to begin eating out a perfectly square tunnel in the northern wall of my core room and continue digging for as long as it could before my consciousness slipped and I fell unconscious.

When I reawoke from Mana Exhaustion, I could feel my Mind pounding and confusion dominating my mind.

Once I got my head back together, I realized once again none of this was a dream...

Focusing my vision on the northern part of my room, I noticed a very long tunnel that seemed to stretch a mile long. Just how long was I out for the slime to get so far?

[Congratulations on earning a new skill!

Mana Exhaustion Resistance Lv 1

+10 System Points]

Moving my sight down the tunnel in a few moments, I found the slime, and boy, was I surprised.


Name: N/A

Race: Slime

Titles: [Dungeon Monster]

Level: 10/10 (Evolution Available)

EXP: 150/150

Class: N/A

HP: 150/150

MP: 0


HPR: 75 Per Hour

MPR: 0


Strength: 1

Perception: 5

Intelligence: 1

Dexterity: 1

Endurance: N/A

Vitality: 15

Willpower: N/A

Charisma: N/A

Luck: N/A

Free Attributes: 2 (+1 Per 5 Levels)

Skills: [Slime Core], [Slime Body], [Consume]


It hit max level?! How?!

Does eating rocks give it XP?


-[Unnamed Slime]-

-[Greater Slime (Common)]-

Conditions for unlock: None

Evolution Rewards: +5 Vitality, +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +1 Free Attribute Points Per 5 Levels and [Split]


-[Dirt Slime(Uncommon)]-

Conditions for unlock: Consumption of Dirt

Evolution Rewards: +2 Vitality, +3 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +2 Free Attribute Points Per 5 Levels and [Dirt Manipulation]


-[Stone Slime(Uncommon)]-

Conditions for unlock: Consumption of Stone

Evolution Rewards: +10 Vitality, +3 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +2 Free Attribute Points Per 5 Levels, and [Stone Slime Body]


-[Coal Slime(Rare)]-

Conditions for unlock: Consumption of Coal

Evolution Rewards: +8 Vitality, +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +3 Free Attribute Points Per 5 Levels and [Combustion]


-[Metallic Slime (Rare)]-

Conditions for unlock: Consumption of Metal

Evolution Rewards: +15 Vitality, +5 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +3 Free Attribute Points Per 5 Levels, and [Metalic Slime Body]


So a slime's evolution is based on what they consume? Then what would happen if they eat something like flesh?

Putting that thought behind me, I thought over the evolution options before me and eventually went with Metalic Slime to make the slime more durable and stronger.

[A Monster Has Evolved

+10 System Points]

Soon the blue slime took on a slightly gray color, and I had it go back to consuming a tunnel as far north as possible as I examined its new status.


Name: N/A

Race: Metallic Slime

Titles: [Dungeon Monster]

Level: 1/25

Overall Level: 11

EXP: 0/165

Class: N/A

HP: 300/300

MP: 0


HPR: 150 Per Hour

MPR: 0


Strength: 6 (+5)

Perception: 5

Intelligence: 4 (+3)

Dexterity: 1

Endurance: N/A

Vitality: 30 (+15)

Willpower: N/A

Charisma: N/A

Luck: N/A

Free Attributes: 0 (+4 Per 5 Levels)

Skills: [Slime Core], [Metallic Slime Body], [Consume]


After assigning the two free attribute points into intelligence, I steeled my mind. I summoned yet another Slime, fainting from the Mana Exhaustion after commanding the slime to help dig the tunnel with the Metallic Slime.

I felt that with each try, it seems that Mana Exhaustion would affect me less and less as Mana Exhaustion Resistance Leveled Up, plus, I might as well summon as many Slimes as I could and breach the surface as fast as possible, seeing as I had no idea if I was deep underground, or in a mountain of some kind.

I hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas, suggestions, and thought, feel free to comment!

I accept constructive positive criticism, so please, if you find something wrong with my novel(s) just let me know so I can fix and learn not to make the same mistake in the future and better myself and my work!

Feel free to join my discord: https://discord.gg/CMZm2uJ

Thanks, and enjoy!

Unholy_Angelcreators' thoughts