
Training for The Wave

I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my door and yelling rise and shine maggot. I thought to myself this is way to stereotypical to be true. But sure enough when I got dressed and ready and stepped outside I realized everyone was standing next to their door arms at their sides and standing straight up rite. I quickly follow example and wait for someone to tell us what to do. The general walks in with 5 researcher looking people behind him

The general then says "today your training starts and depending on what you can do you will be following these fine ladies and gentlemen behind me. Magic users follow Tracy, regular strength awakened follow Mathew, Endurance users follow Tim, Skill users follow Stephanie, and awakened intelligence follow Anastasia".

I turn to the person the general pointed to when he said Tracy and when the general said go followed Tracy along with every other magician. I stuck closer to Alexander because he was the one I "knew" the best. Finally the researcher leads us to this open field where I presume we will be able to use our spells and practice to the fullest.

The researcher walks to the middle of the field then announces "You will train your spells here until we tell you to stop but if by then you fully reach blank rank tell us so you can be moved to a different area".

Alexander pipes up with "why would we need moved when we get to blank rank what's so special".

Well once you reach full blank rank you'll be able to survive closer to the tower with better mana density so you can train better and faster". The researcher responds

Everyone then realizes the faster the get to blank rank the faster they can get better.

"Moving on to where you will be training" he then starts pointing towards different areas or rooms. "Holly here, Alexander there, John over there, Abe and George here, and Joel in here".

When I walk into my room it is surprisingly tall and there is a target just like last time and a freezer in the corner. When looking inside it's chalk full of ice bags. Well at least they remember it hurts to punch solid steal, for now at least. Seeing this is where I'm going to be training for a while I get to going. Deciding it's best not to go punching at straight steel I step back from the target a bit and decide when I can dent it any bit without touching it I'm strong enough to punch it. and after just an hour and half of training EF(empower fists) leveled up to 7 and just like I though actually using the ability is much faster training than just meditation. Continuing on right before I feel like I'm about to level up again the researcher dude who lead us here busted through the door looked at me and then at the target with no dents in it and says "lunch is ready and have you even been training".

I guess they expected me to be punching it or something and I'm sorry to disappoint I don't want to break my fists.

"Yes I've been training but I don't want to break my fists against the steel. I feel like that would debilitate my training".

"Hmm why Kay but if I come back in here the next time and there isn't at least a dent in that steel there might be some changes".

I don't like what that means but all I have to do is punch it once or twice so it should be fine. Following Mr. researcher towards the cafeteria I get my lunch and decide to sit over by the other magicians.

John is the one talking as I walk up

"So did you guys also have areas similar to how you got tested in the first place"

I sit down in an empty seat next to Abe with Alexander to my right as George starts talking

"Well ya but it was bigger and better probably because of how strong I am" he said while flexing his arms

I started to dig into the food they gave us which was surprisingly good as Holly pipes up

"Actually mine was quite different from the testing and more fitted to my spells" she said while eating

I go next "mine was basically the exact same as the training except like George said bigger and better"

John looks over at me surprised for some reason as he says "woah didn't notice you there what's your name little guy"

Now I know I'm the youngest of the group but I'm not even that short I'm just below average ok jeez.

"Oh just got here the researcher dude must have gotten me last. Which I guess is kind of good because I got to practice more".

"Lucky" George and Abe say in unison

"Well since we got everybody here we might as well introduce ourselves and our spells and magic stat to be a better team" Holly says after finishing her plate of food "I might as well go first because I brought it up. My name is Holly and I have three spells Hasten lvl 3, Healing Hands lvl 5, Fire Spark lvl 7 with a magic stat of 19"

"I'll go next my name is Joel I have two spells Empower Hands lvl 7 and Leap lvl 4 with a magic stat of 14"

"Me and Abe will go next I have a single spell Spark at lvl 8 and Abe has a single spell Mist at level 8 I have a magic stat of 14 and he has one of 6"

"Next up is me I guess, my name is Alexander and Alexander only no Alex. Moving on I have two skills minor gale lvl 8 and hasten lvl 6 with a magic stat of 14"

"Guess I'm last My name is John I have a single spell strengthen body lvl 10 with a magic stat of 15"

"Well now we know what every one can do let's just work towards being a better team" holly said cheerfully as she was getting up to go get seconds.

Turning towards Alexander I asked him "what does you lift spell let you do?".

"Well right now it only makes me lighter so i can run faster and jump higher and farther and take less damage from fall, but i can tell in future i might be able to fly" Alex responded

"cuhl" I say with my mouth half full of food. the food they give us is surprisingly good, but isn't that much different from school food in appearance. I hear everyone else in conversation but focus on eating because I plan to head right back to training once I get done.

Finally done eating I get up and throw away my trash and head back towards my training chamber. getting to the main area I see the researcher and general walking out f my chamber I walk past them without saying a word and they just ignore me as I walk into my training room and get to training. Weird wonder what they were doing in my training room well no problem lest get back to training. I use EH one time and just like I though it leveled up to 8. Well I guess now is as good a time as any I walk up to the target activate EH and *boom* I look at the target and again there is a dent and it's nearing double the size of the first punch I've done.

Going back to my old training spot I decide it's better to get my EH to level 10 before I start training leap again. Getting back to my old training spot I start going through the rhythms of punching with other workouts mixed through. Like push ups or Pull ups on the roof using lea pat like minimal power to reach it and using it again to lessen fall damage. after 3 hours of this training EH still hasn't leveled up but it feels close though Leap has leveled up twice to 6. taking a little break I walk to the cafeteria to see if I can get a water somewhere. Walking in to the cafeteria i see a couple of coolers looking in there are a couple bottle of water I grab like 4 or 5 and walk back to my training room. Walking back in I put them in front of the freezer in a hope to keep them cool. sitting down and drinking a bottle I decide might as well get back to training. After another hour of training EH finally levels up to 9.

Seeing how long its going to take to get EH to level 10 I decide to start working on Leap. For the first part of training leap I decide to jump with it to the first floor above me then activating it before I hit the ground again. Seeing how it barely affects me I decide to move up to the second floor above me. Looking down it is quite daunting but I know that I can survive with the right timing deciding its now or never I jump off. wind whizzing past me as the floor rushes towards and right before I land I activate leap and *thud*. I land with only mild pain in my legs. training leap like that for the next hour got it up to 7 before someone came to get me saying dinner was ready.

Leaving my training room I head back towards the cafeteria and join the other guys after grabbing my food. sitting in an empty seat next to John this time on the end of the table. deciding since john also has a spell that enhances physical attributes I ask him how he trains to try and see if I'm doing anything wrong.

"Hey john since you also have an ability that strengthens your body how do you train?".

"Well I just activate my spell and for the duration do workouts that would benefit the most for fighting". he responds while scratching his head "how do you train your ability?".

"I activate and for as long as its activated i punch because that really all you can do with hands in a fight against a lot of things".

"Hmm I guess your right, but do you do workouts with it active".

Ya sometimes but usually I forget to do any and just punch".

he nods and gets back to eating. seeing how the conversation has died I follow his lead and get back to eating. After finishing I throw my stuff away and sit back down at my seat because I feel like there is going to be some announcement seeing as how the general walked into the room. He walks to a little raised platform and clears through and quickly all conversation stops as people realize.

"Now I would like to congratulate you on completing your first day of training. though those of you who did not meet our standards of training today will be politely asked to leave because we do not help freeloaders. Moving on those who did meet our standards are going to be rewarded with certain objects that will help you in your training. you my now be released to your rooms where you will find your rewards.".

Following the lead of everyone else I get up and start heading back to my room. walking in and closing the door behind me I see I sort of marble like object on my bead and when picking it up I feel a dense amount of mana inside. as I pick it up I get a notification from the system asking me if I would like to absorb the f-rank core. I of course say yes and when I do I am rewarded with plus 5 magic and when checking on my core I see that it has finally covered my entire heart in a metallic black stone. Checking up on my status my magic has reached 23.