
Chapter One

It was October 3, the crisp cold air blew harshly against the branches if the trees. It was quiet no one but me and the target but I wasn't here to kill him. Not yet anyway, I was here to watch, to spy, I was here to watch his every move, to learn his daily routine.

I've been watching him for two weeks and the target has done different things every day. He has no daily routine this is going to be harder than I thought.

As the youngest assassin ever known I decided that my best bet is to go to his school. I knew this would be hard but the only way I could learn his actions was to become his friend but little did I know this would end in disaster.

The first day at school I didn't understand why he was a target. He was a complete social outcast. As soon as I first saw him he was getting bullied. As the day continued he hasn't said a word to anyone i figured not to bother him but something was weird about him.

After school, I followed him home and nothing seemed to be off he just went home and did homework. I still didn't trust him, I couldn't he's the target and i can't trust the target. After watching him do homework for an hour I decided to to go home to my girlfriend Alex.