
The first elemental God

After getting killed in a school shooting, James transmigrates into the body of one of the elemental gods in another world. But soon his happiness fades away. The other gods want to kill him, but James survives without them knowing he did. He can flee onto an earth-like planet with very little qi. To add to his misfortune, he loses all his powers. Now he wants to get revenge on those who made him look so pitiful. _-_-_-_-_ I would appreciate your support. Please point out any mistakes I make. You can also suggest your ideas in the comment section.

1txd0r1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

The 1395th conference

I sat down opposite to the three gods. While the God of Fire had red hair and a wiry body, the Goddess of Water had blue hair and a body with perfect shape. If a mortal saw her, they would definitely fall for her. She was more beautiful than any other person I've ever seen, but unfortunately her character was bad. She was greedy and that's why I wouldn't want her as my spouse.

The God of Fire on the other hand was the wisest of us gods and also the smartest. He would always plan the things we had to do. And they succeeded every time.

"What's this conference going to be about?" I wondered. I still didn't know the reason we were all summoned and wanted to know as fast as possible.

"I'll tell you later when everyone's here." The God of Light answered.

I had to wait. After a few minutes the God of Earth came. His short brown hair and its texture made it look like actual earth. His body was just like mine, well-built, but not too much muscles, and athletic.

As he arrived he bowed and greeted us: "Hello, my master and my fellow disciples. I hope you've been well."

He sat down on the chair on my left. I nodded and retorted: "Hello. I've certainly did fine in the time we didn't meet. What about you? I heard you had too little work and were always bored."

He just responded: "That's right, but I always waited for this day to come."

Again I felt something obnoxious. I still wanted to know what it was and I wanted to ask him about it, but before I could, another person entered the room.

It was the person I'd missed the most. It was the Goddess of Wind. Despite being the Goddess of Wind, her hair was long and dark, just like mine. She didn't look as feminine as the Goddess of Water, because of her smaller breasts and her not as much developed curves. Even so, her face was cute.

She was very loyal to me and always tried to help me. She had good habits and was the most likable of the five other gods.

"I greet you all. I see I'm the last one. I apologize for my late arrival." She fastly went to my right and sat down.

I didn't feel the sinister aura from her. It only made me more interested in what the others were hiding. But I would wait and see the development of the meeting.

The God of Light and also holder if the meeting stood up and said: "Now I want to announce the start of the 1395th conference. I'd like to talk about the following topics:

Firstly, I was thinking about the advancement of the mortals. I think it would be an aid for us, since we didn't need to control as much planets. Some humans have even reached above the limits we'd set.

Secondly, I was thinking about the change of the hierarchy. More about that when the time comes.

Do you all agree to talk about the topics I've decided on?"

We all nodded and The God of Light continued: "Then please allow me to explain. Of course the universe needs to be managed by someone. Right now though, we six alone are the ones who do this. There are already fluctuations in the division of qi. Some planets have almost no qi, while others have more than five times the usual amount. That's why I would like to let the mortals become demigods, to let them manage their own planets. The result would be far better than the current situation looks like."

The God of Fire raised his hand and asked: "But what if humans got to grow stronger and become a threat to us? It could just be like now, some could get past our limitations again."

A smile appeared on the face of the God of Light's face: "Then we just need to find them before getting as powerful as to harm us. We can set up a technique that would detect any unwanted growth. And before they reach our level, we just need to kill them. If there isn't any other problem, let us vote now."

He looked around to see if anyone disagreed. Nobody did and so he resumed: "Then please raise your hand for what you desire. First, who's for the idea of raising the growth limitations to help ourselves gain control of the planets again?"

Four people raised their hands. It were the God of Light, God of Fire, God of Earth and the Goddess of Water.

I didn't agree, because it was just too risky. No one could detect every person that surpassed the limit. They would threaten us after that and it could end in them killing us. That wouldn't be any good.

The Goddess of Wind was probably waiting for me to decide. She would very likely be on my side. But it wasn't totally clear yet.

The God of Light sighed and said: "It's indeed unfortunate that our master doesn't agree with our plan. But since four of six people do, we will make it possible right after this conference ended. Can we continue and come to the next topic then?"

Again everyone nodded. I found it bad. I could just hope my fears wouldn't become true.

Just as before, a slight smile formed on his face: "Okay, that's perfect. The hierarchy I told you about earlier. It doesn't have to do with the mortals, but with us. Even though we are gods, I think our standing is quite... low. What do you say about this?"

He intently looked at me and waited for an answer. Only I knew the world outside this universe.

I cleared my throat and said: "The space in which this place exists is many times more vast than you think. There some beings even managing thousands of universes alone. How do you think I became so strong? The limitations of these universes are much higher than here. In some, we are even seen as the average person. Even I can't handle all those higher beings that live in this vastness."

If I didn't have the memories of this vessel, I wouldn't have been able to answer him.

The God of Light began to laugh: "Hahaha, you really think we believe you? I think you don't know us right."

"It's your choice wether you believe me or not. I know it, because I came from such a place. Do you think I was created out of nothing? No that's impossible. Even I don't know how all the life in this world was generated." I responded in a calm tone.

"I don't believe you. Do you think we can be controlled so easily? Do you think our heads are made of nothing? We are the only gods that exist. This is our universe and we can do whatever we want." He began to shout and got louder as he finished. The other gods, but the Goddess of Wind, nodded.

I thought it was because they saw themselves as unbeatable and believed they couldn't be defeated by anyone. Their wishful thinking almost made me laugh.

There was always someone stronger. That's what was more than 99.9% of the time right. Only the most powerful could not be beaten by one person alone. And even I was stronger than them. The beings that existed in higher realms didn't even put me in their eyes.

The people before me really thought they could do anything they want. I just needed to show them the difference in strength.

"So what do you want to do? Do you think you cannot be defeated?" I asked.

He immediately responded: "Then show us how strong you are. I don't think anyone can defeat us four together."

He pointed at the other three gods that sat with us at the table. Only the Goddess of Wind wasn't included.

It had probably been their plan all along to get me to fight them. They knew I wasn't dumb and just agree to a fight. That's why they tricked me to let me announce the start of the battle.

They hadn't included the Goddess of Wind, because they knew she was loyal to me and would tell me what they were planning.

"I see. Then let's begin, you four ungrateful bastards." I calmly stood up. I was confident in my power, but theirs wasn't to be underestimated either.

On each of their faces formed a big smile.

The God of Light prepared himself for the fight and retorted: "Then let's b..."

Before he could finish, my fist landed in his face and he flew backwards.

Please wait for a few chapters before the promised events(in the synopsis) happen.

Please correct any mistakes I made and give feedback so I can make your reading experience better.

I would also feel grateful for any suggestions that might come in.

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