
The first elemental God

After getting killed in a school shooting, James transmigrates into the body of one of the elemental gods in another world. But soon his happiness fades away. The other gods want to kill him, but James survives without them knowing he did. He can flee onto an earth-like planet with very little qi. To add to his misfortune, he loses all his powers. Now he wants to get revenge on those who made him look so pitiful. _-_-_-_-_ I would appreciate your support. Please point out any mistakes I make. You can also suggest your ideas in the comment section.

1txd0r1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


I needed to quickly get away. The technique they'd used has drowned almost my entire energy already.

I activated "Teleportation". But nothing happened. Normally I should be transferred to the destination I want to travel to. But now, I just set the condition on any planet in this universe.

My qi was slowly depleting and that's why I was still here.

The ground we all stood on began to rumble. Because of the distortion of balance, the planet crumbled.

The hurricanes started to drift around, melting together with the dark clouds, created by ferocious eruptions, of the volcanos. Rain came rushing down from above, making the rivers, lakes and seas increase its height and sink the land under water. The earth began to break apart and huge chunks of black and white matter were sent into the vastness of the space.

The atmosphere dissipated and the magnetic field detoriated. It became cold. I felt it, even though I was a god. It was because of my significant reduction of qi. I transformed into a mortal.

The coldness grew every moment. I had to focus on gathering the last bit of strength I had and teleport somewhere. It didn't matter where, I just needed to get out of here.

I had really underestimated their power and their skill to create their own techniques. And now I had to pay for that.

I drew every bit of energy I found inside my body into my innermost core. I channeled it and used it on the telepotation technique.

Before I could execute my skill, the temperature suddenly rose. Instead of the cold sensation I felt before, now there was something extremely hot. I looked at the four gods. Above them floated a gigantic ball of fire. Since they all put their energy into it, it was only more dangerous.

A smirk appeared on their faces as they waved their hands and the sphere started to move. It quickly approached. I prayed to survive this ordeal that burned my skin. Rotten smell came into my nose. I almost vomited, but suppressed it and used my entire qi on "Teleportation".

The ball came nearer ever passing second and soon I was covered by bright light.


The next day.

Two people walked side by side through a beautiful garden. Exotic plants, that could nowhere else be seen in the whole universe, were everywhere.

The two suns, the littler one shone blue and the bigger one red, were just setting and a small moon could be seen on the other side of the horizon.

The two people were both men. One had white hair and the other red hair. They were two gods, the God of Light and the God of Fire.

Both had their hands behind their backs and solemnly watched the stars vanish behind loads of fields, turning the sky in a dark red.

The white haired man sat down into a meditative position. He still looked up into the sky and muttered: "We finally achieved what we've been waiting for so long."

"Yes, it certainly wasn't easy to create such a technique. Even with the four of us." The red haired man replied.

"If we haven't had done it, our master would've killed us. He's actually much stronger than us. By the way, what happened to our fellow disciple, the Goddess of Wind?" The God of Light asked.

The man beside him smiled bitterly and answered: "She fled. I wanted to follow her, but then I received your message that the necessary preparation were already done. She probably hides now."

"I want to ask you something. As you know, we lost two gods and we gained the power to control the universe which was actually under our master's supervision. Now many tasks, we will need to take care of, are going to fall into our hands. What would you suggest we do?" The man with white hair and attire retorted.

"We wanted to raise the limitations for mortals didn't we? I would first revise them. Then we wait for several individuals to reach the new limit and put those in charge of different parts of the universe. Even so, I would still pick one human and teach it to be the new God or Goddess of Wind. In my opinion we don't need a God of Darkness, but a god for the element wind is necessary." The red haired man answered honestly.

"Hahaha, that's good. We will definitely need to set new limits and put another individual in charge of the, now open, position. But I would like to add something. Instead of only leaving the later appointed mortals, who reached as high as to reign over a territory, roam alone through the space, I would try to bargain as much as possible, so that we will be able to control them." The God of Light added to his fellow disciple's suggestion.

After planning their future doings, the two agreed on celebrating the matter soon. They also vowed that if something should ever happen to one of them, the other person would come to their rescue. This oath though was only to strengthen their brotherhood and they couldn't know that in the future this would lead to their doom.


A week later.

I opened my eyes with a sudden motion. My whole body hurt. I probably had burns all over my limbs.

A cooling sensation calmed me down though. I wondered why it was so cold and when I looked around, I found a forest. The ground was white because of snow and the trees were barren.

It was exactly like winter in his previous world.

Suddenly I remembered all the events that had happened before. Didn't I die? Did I teleport in time? What about my disciples?

They had tried to kill me, but didn't succeed. They wanted to have the position I'd held, the absolute power. But I knew that they weren't going to uphold the balance of the universe for long. For them, it was too complex and even if they did find a way, I believe another coup will take place, wether it is the realm of gods or the realm of mortals that will revolt.

If a higher being should come, then they would be dead immediately, even with their strength sealing technique.

I just hoped that the Goddess of Wind was alright. She sacrificed herself for me. Her loyalty was just too amazing.

I stood up from the snow-covered ground. My clothes were wet and I needed to sneeze. I wasn't sick for so long and now I knew again what it felt like to feel weak.

I tried to use my powers. Nothing happened.

"Fuck!" I cursed out loud. Nobody was going to hear me anyway.

The seal was still active. I didn't know how to lift it and would need to research it before trying to experiment on myself. Unfortunately though it was impossible, since I had neither any strength and special powers nor did I have any material to do so.

I had to get stronger again and kill the gods to be able to be free. I was lucky that my memories were still intact and I could learn the things I knew in my previous state.

I looked around. Which direction should I go to?

I decided to take a little path that reached through the plants and bushes. The sky in this direction was blue, not as here, grey.

Then I started my way into the unknown.

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