
The first elemental God

After getting killed in a school shooting, James transmigrates into the body of one of the elemental gods in another world. But soon his happiness fades away. The other gods want to kill him, but James survives without them knowing he did. He can flee onto an earth-like planet with very little qi. To add to his misfortune, he loses all his powers. Now he wants to get revenge on those who made him look so pitiful. _-_-_-_-_ I would appreciate your support. Please point out any mistakes I make. You can also suggest your ideas in the comment section.

1txd0r1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Planet Nemaha

I immediately made the necessary preparation for my departure tomorrow after receiving the message. It wasn't much, but I didn't want to do it just before my travel began.

Unfortunately though, the memories of my new vessel disoriented me and also made my thinking detoriate. If I could learn English, German, Latin, ancient Greek and Japanese in my former life, I was now only able to speak at most one language and couldn't be taught anything.

My head first had to recover and get used to my new body. After that happened, I would probably be able to use my brain to the fullest again. My capacity after that would also surpass my previous capabilities many times.

For that I had to rest for a bit. That's why I laid on the cold ground. I didn't freeze or anything, since my body was numb to such little pain.

I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. Even though I couldn't sleep, I started imagining all the things I was now able to do. I made a plan for the future. I hoped I could travel through the vast space and visit all kinds of planets, wether humans lived there or not. I wanted to discover all the mysteries I didn't know about my self-created universe.


I opened my eyes again only after thoroughly thinking through my whole future. One detail was frustrating though. I would still live tens of millions of years. I certainly wouldn't take as long to visit all the planets. I had an incredible speed and could arrive on the other side of the universe in a matter of minutes.

I could create another universe and look for the civilizations there. But I thought that wouldn't be any fun. I would just react spontaneously and adjust myself to the situations that would occur.

I realized it was the next day and almost noon already. I stood up with a determined expression on my face. I would finally see the other five gods. My heart began to beat faster as I took off the ground.

And then I flew. I was extremely fast and couldn't control my movements right. Fortunately the memories of the god's brain kicked in and I regained my stability. I had to find the center balance inside my body and if I wanted to change direction and turn, I needed to change the center of balance a little. If I switched it too much, I would lose it and would fly chaotically through the space.

After the second try I found my center of balance and began to head into the direction of the planet as I remembered it.

On my way I passed many objects, but hadn't had any time to look at them. As fast as I could I rushed to Nemaha.

I slowed down when my surroundings seemed to remind me of something I've seen before. It was actually impossible, but after transmigrating and getting new memories I guess it was understandable.

I looked around me and saw a weak light shimmer far ahead. I was certain it was the planet I was looking for.

I flew further until I arrived at, now bright shining, Nemaha. It was bigger than my own planet and consisted of two territories. One was of the God of Light, it shone very brightly and white. The other was my territory. It was black and the total opposite of the region besides it.

But instead of consisting out of compressed matter, it was made of earth. This was the doing of the God of Earth.

On the surface were many rivers, lakes and seas. The Goddess of Water had put there. Even from a far distance, I could see that it was sparkling and looked very clear.

The God of Fire on the other hand had let the core and lava of the planet heated. Volcanos were distributed into various corners of this beautiful land.

At last, I could see hurricanes rampaging in different locations, the Goddess of Wind had placed there.

All of the elements were evenly matched on this planet and were in perfect balance, not disturbing one another. If only a little drop of elemental qi would be added or withdrawn by one of the gods, the balance would fluctuate so much, Nemaha would crumble and be destroyed.

I admired this astonishing piece of art.

After awaking from my slumber-like state, I shook my head and flew down onto the ground. The meetings we held were always in the region of the God of Light.

When I descended and touched the earth, it felt very energy rich. The ground felt soft and I sunk into it a little.

There were no noises as I slowly made my way to a big castle. Castle was a total understatement. It was as big as the earth. The walls were several kilometres high, the towers inside even taller.

It too was split into light and dark regions.

Before me stood a two-colored gate. It was assigned as the walls and it was heavily guarded. Above the gate stood thousands of my soldiers, not moving at all. Besides it were two, hundreds of metres tall, giants with spears in their hands.

"I am the God of Darkness, the eternal creator and originator of this vast universe! Let me through!" I ordered the guards, while holding a black flame in my hand. It served as a token of identification and only the gods had these.

If a mortal should try to imitate me and form such a token, I would be notified and would take their life. But besides from me, nobody should have this ability and it was very unlikely someone had it.

The gate opened, even though the guards didn't move. It was because they could control the entranced as they liked. Fortunately though, I had created a technique that wouldn't let them betray me. But I had another safety measure. If someone should get the gate open somehow, a barrier would identify this person and if they had a token. When they weren't invited, they would die, pulverized to ashes.

As I stepped through the entrance, I sensed the barrier scanning me. It tickled a bit, but I didn't flinch in the slightest.

I found a gigantic yard, decorated with rivers and lakes. The earth here was firmer and a path manifested, leading through the yard and towards a door. It was significantly smaller, but still big, and was black in color.

I opened it with my will and it sung backwards. It was bright inside, mainly because of the white walls. It was still the God of Light's territory.

A labyrinth of hallways followed after that. I was sure I wandered around for several minutes until I finally came to my destination.

An open door stood before me. Inside was a big, round table with six chairs around it. Three of them were already occupied by the God of Light, the God of Fire and the Goddess of Water.

Behind them a window showed a spectacular scenery, full of diverse landscapes.

The room was comparably small and was directly located at the interface of the dark and light region, making one half of the hall full of light and the other half full of darkness.

I stepped into the room and felt something ominous. Even so, I still walked towards the chair I would be sitting on. When the three people noticed me, a smile appeared on their faces.

The God of Light, a well-dressed man with short white hair, stood up and bowed. He then greeted me: "I welcome our master. I hope you've been well in the last few millenia in which we haven't seen each other."

The other two also bowed ro pay their respects.

"You don't need to be so humble. We are all gods and are seen as equal. Please raise your heads and sir on your chairs again." I retorted at their welcoming words.

I still didn't know what it was, but I had a sinister feeling. Was it because something happened in the past or will happen in the future? Was it just dumb from me or was it really there?

I certainly didn't know as I sat in the chair. But I would definitely find our in this meeting.