
The fire of love

Author’s POV which I think is important. :) [skip the first 10 seconds of the chapter cus it just explains the total life of Lana which might be boring ( I think ) but yeah haha also I don’t post everyday but I’m doing my best. I had an idea and wanted to write it down so I hope to receive your support and if you have any advise or any prob pls comments below and I will reply. Thank you and hope u enjoy!! ] ******* After years of living in the shadows, Lana is a mafia princess determined to make her own way in the world. She has the brains and ambition to succeed. However, as the daughter of a powerful mob boss, she must also face the consequences of her familys legacy. With the help of her closest allies, Lana must navigate her way through organized crime. She must ultimately find a place to belong. When she meets Max. a handsome and mysterious stranger, she finds love she never thought possible. But as their romance blossoms, Lana discovers that Max is part of an opposing mafia family. To make matters worse, Max’s family is determined to take control of her father's business. Soon Lana is caught in the middle of a dangerous struggle for power. one that could cost her the life she's worked so hard to build. As Lana and Max struggle to save each other and the people they care about, they must also face the consequences of their families secrets and pasts. Will Lana and Max’s love survive or will their families feud tear them apart? This is a story of romance, loyalty, and power in the mafia world. Will Lana and Max be able to keep their hands off each other long enough to survive the mafia world, or will their passionate relationship only add fuel to the fire? Tune in to find out if they will find a way to make it work or if a kiss is a kiss of death!

Hazelfey · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

The truth…

I hurriedly excused myself from Abi and followed Max as he led me towards his sleek black sedan Lamborghini. The car's exterior gleamed under the dim light, and the interior exuded an air of sophistication. I climbed into the comfortable leather seats, my curiosity piqued by Max's urgency and the mysterious tone of our impending conversation.

Liam wanted to take over as a driver but Max told him to take off and that he will drive himself.

As the engine roared to life, the car glided smoothly onto the road. The city lights danced outside the windows, casting fleeting shadows across Max's profile. The tension in the air was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of apprehension and intrigue. I stole a few glances at him, trying to decipher his emotions, but his features remained impassive, giving away nothing.

Minutes turned into moments, and soon we arrived at a grand, renowned restaurant that stood as a culinary landmark in the city. The exterior of the restaurant was adorned with intricate architectural details, and the inviting warm glow from its windows beckoned us inside. Max parked the car with precision, and we stepped out into the cool evening air.

Inside, the restaurant exuded elegance, with polished marble floors and dim lighting that set a romantic atmosphere. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft, enchanting glow. Max led me to a secluded booth, carefully chosen to provide us privacy amidst the bustling establishment. The booth was nestled in a cosy corner, affording us a view of the restaurant's opulent surroundings.

As we settled into our seats, a waiter approached to take our orders, the clinking of cutlery and hushed conversations forming a gentle backdrop. Max ordered with practised ease, choosing dishes that showcased the restaurant's finest offerings. The waiter departed, leaving us in a cocoon of intimate ambience.

Max finally broke the silence that had enveloped us since we left the hospital. His gaze bore into mine, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

"Lana, I need to tell you something that I've kept from you since but I think it's time to put him away" Max began, his voice low, calm and earnest. "But before I continue, I want you to promise that you'll listen to everything I have to say before jumping to conclusions."

I nodded, my heart racing in anticipation. Max's words held an unexpected weight, and I was on the edge of my seat, hanging onto every syllable. I wondered who he was referring to. is it my father? Maybe.

"First, I need you to know that your father is not who he appears to be," Max admitted, his tone calm yet with an unspoken burden. "He's involved in things that go far beyond the realm of legality. He's a key figure in a powerful underground corps, and the operations he oversees are often dangerous and morally questionable."

I listened in shock as Max's revelation unfolded. My mind raced to piece together the implications of his words. My father, the man I hated for many things wasn't just a hateful father but he was something far more sinister.

Max's gaze never wavered, his sincerity evident in every word he spoke. "Lana, your father's reach extends far and wide. He has resources that allow him to manipulate situations, control people, and cover up his tracks. You need to be careful, as he's not an easy person to deal with. I can deal with him but not you, I can't risk that." He insisted.

My mind swirled with disbelief and a growing sense of unease. That man. I hate him even though I kept imagining him as a loving father I still failed. I didn't choose to entirely believe what I thought he was since my kidnaping but I hoped he was not what I thought of him and that he loved me on this own way.

Max reached across the table and placed his hand over mine, his touch grounding me in the midst of the storm of emotions. "Lana, this is too much to take in, I understand. But I couldn't keep hiding this from you. I want you to know the truth, your father has got plans that I am aware of. Trust me I can't afford loosing you again.i will find a way and if u want to do this then you have no choice but to do it with me."

I looked into Max's eyes, seeing the sincerity and vulnerability that he laid bare before me. His words echoed in my mind, leaving me torn between the tumultuous reality he had unveiled and the undeniable connection that had grown between us. He said "again" what does that mean? I thought of it for a bit but chose to feign ignorance since I had a lot to think about than this.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and revelations, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. Max's words had opened a Pandora's box of doubts within me.

As we continued to talk, the restaurant's ambiance faded into the background, and it was as though time had slowed. Max's story was a rollercoaster of emotions, revealing a life of constant struggle, deceit, and the longing for redemption.

As we talked, I couldn't help but notice the significance of our surroundings. The restaurant, with its opulent décor and hushed conversations, seemed like a world apart from the secrets that Max had just revealed. The contrast between the elegant setting and the gravity of our conversation was surreal, as if we were characters in a suspenseful novel.

Max's revelation about my father was a jolt to my perception of reality. My mind raced back to memories of my childhood, the moments of warmth and guidance my father had provided. How could I reconcile the man I knew with the dangerous figure Max had described?

My father had always been a complex presence in my life. He had a temper that flared unpredictably, and I had grown up fearing his wrath. The locked doors, the stern lectures, and the harsh punishments were all part of my childhood memories. Yet, I had clung to the belief that he loved me in his own way, that beneath his tough exterior, there was a father who cared.

As our conversation deepened, the gravity of our situation weighed heavily on me. The romantic spark between us was undeniable, but the realities we faced were far from fairy tales. Max's resolve was both inspiring and daunting. Could we truly overcome the shadows that loomed over us?

As we sipped on our drinks and savoured the exquisite dishes that had been placed before us, the din of the restaurant faded into the background. He seemed to know a lot about my father than i. Is he that close to him? He said my father has got plans on me what are they? I thought wanting to ask but kept quite.

As the night wore on, the restaurant gradually emptied, and the staff discreetly gave us our space. Our booth became a sanctuary where truths were exchanged, vulnerabilities laid bare, and a sense of camaraderie deepened. The flickering candlelight cast gentle shadows on Max's face, accentuating the determination and sincerity in his eyes.

Eventually, Max concluded his narrative, and a silence settled between us. The weight of everything he had shared hung in the air, and I found myself grappling with a mix of emotions – shock, disbelief, fear, but also a sense of camaraderie and the beginnings of a plan.

Max's gaze never wavered, waiting patiently for my response. With a sigh, I finally found my voice. "Max, this is a lot to take in. I never imagined that my father... But I appreciate your honesty. How you got this much information? I can't imagine. I don't know if I should trust you or not but all this is just…"

Max's lips curved into a faint smile as he looked his eyes with mine. " your not going to do this alone. Understand?" He asked as if it wasn't more like a conversation but a rule. "How I got the information and how close I'm with your father, it's just a lot and you could be more in danger if you're aware of them." he added."