
The Final Stage of Love

prepare yourself to fall in love. be careful because it can be addictive. ________ My first novel in english so please support Alemannus. Please give your love for this novel and i will give you all my love through my masterpiece. Thank you. This novel is made by a writer from Indonesia. Find me in instagram. •Alemannuss

alemannus · Fantasi
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5 Chs

The Final Stage of Love[4]

Hello everyone.

Happy reading!


Two days have passed and Jess still hasn't found the answer to this mysterious necklace. In this small town there is very little possibility to do something prank like this because people can get to know each other as well here. Besides, the residents of this town didn't like to cause trouble and like to live in peace. So it is unlikely that this necklace came from the inhabitants of this town. This orphanage is on the outskirts of the city so it is impossible for people to come deliberately just to prank on the orphans. There is not a normal human being in this world who can prank on an orphan. Only crazy people can do it.

Jess looked at the necklace closely. Physically, this necklace looks very beautiful. A small heart-shaped gemstone pendant hangs below a small gold-silver chain. The necklace sparkles in the sun and lights up in the dark. It was the first time in her life she saw a necklace like this because no one had ever given her any jewelry before. She also never bought jewelry because she didn't have the money to buy it. Her parents also left nothing but a photo tucked into the cloth wrapped around her body as a baby. So seeing jewelry like this was something new for her.

"Who gave this necklace?" Jess asked herself.

"Aarrgghh!" She growled in frustration as she ruffled her hair.

"Hmm! Please don't speak loudly in the library." Said the librarian firmly.

Other students who had been busy with their respective activities immediately looked at Jess with annoyance because Jess had interfered with their activities. Jess, who felt guilty, could only smile awkwardly and apologetically. This is indeed her fault for thinking about other things while studying in the library. She shouldn't let her guard down and commit stupid things like that. Next time she will be even more careful.

"Forgive me." Jess said with an awkward smile.

Jess put the necklace back in the box and put it back in the bag. She decided to refocus on studying because the exams would be held soon. Don't let her confused mind get in the way of getting good grades and graduating on time. She had to hurry up and get to work so she could help finance the orphanage. She could not bear to see her younger siblings have to hold back their desire to buy toys and books because the donations given by the people were only enough for their daily needs such as food, clothing and school fees.

They even had a shortage of food during the winter because their orphanage donors no longer gave donations to them so they inevitably had to find money to survive. They also thought of other ways such as growing vegetables in their backyard so they could be eaten when winter arrived. Jess and Tara also work part-time after school to help pay for their daily needs at home. The head of the orphanage and the volunteers who are their caregivers also have to work so that they don't starve to death.

When she was about to open her book, a foreign man suddenly caught her attention. Not because of his handsome face or his nice and neat style of clothes. The man caught her attention because of the large book covering his face. The book looks very old and dull. The pages are so many and the brown cover looks a little damaged. Jess frowned in confusion because in all her visits to this library, she had never seen an old book like that or seen someone who came and read a book that looked like that.

Jess tried to see the man's face but unfortunately she couldn't see the man's face because the book the man was holding was too big and close to his face. She wasn't curious about the book the man was reading but why he was reading a book about how to behave like a human. Isn't that strange? Isn't that man is a human himself? Jess looked under the table to make sure that man wasn't a ghost. Usually the ghosts she met did not have complete bodies and the most of them didn't have legs. Overall some ghosts do look like humans but who knows if they are ghosts. No one knows because only a handful of people can see such a creature.

"What do you see?" Asked the man irritably.

Jess, who was surprised, accidentally hit the table with her head and she became the center of attention again while the man who scolded her only had a flat expression and was calm and relaxed. Jess sat back quietly as if nothing had happened before and she tried to go back to reading the book until people stopped staring at her. Jess breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at the man sitting opposite her with annoyance that he had managed to embarrass her. She thought that the man would not notice what she was doing but she was caught in a matter of minutes. What a pity.

That man closed the book while staring at Jess with a sharp gaze. Overall that man looks very flawless and handsome. A slender and small face with a firm jawline, his eyebrows look thick and neat, the man's hazel eyes look very beautiful with curled lashes on them, his thin lips and a sharp nose make his face visible, balanced and good. The man's skin was so pale that we could see the fine veins on his face and his body. His hair is silver and looks very soft to the touch by hand. Jess wondered how tall he would be if he got up later. If that man's height matched her expectations it would mean that perfect humans really existed in this world.

Jess wrote something she had on her book and then showed it to that man. She asked that man to meet her later as she wanted to personally apologize for doing the rude thing earlier. But that man just stared at the writing while frowning in confusion. For about ten minutes that man stared at Jess's writing with a confused look. Jess just realized the oddity immediately opened her mouth in surprise then closed the book quickly.

It seemed like she had to retract the title she had given that man because apparently not a single human being in the world was born perfectly. That man does have an extraordinary physique but it turns out he can't read but wait. If that man can't read, why is he in the library? Jess opened her mouth again in surprise. Maybe that man wanted to learn to read, that's why he came to this place. Ah.. Right. It could be like that! We must always think positively towards other people so that the life we ​​live can be more useful and meaningful.

That man suddenly stood up from his chair and walked towards the exit carrying his book. Jess, who was surprised by that, immediately got up and put her things in order quickly. It turned out that her expectations about the man's height were true. Even higher than she thought earlier. Jess walked following that man from behind in hasty steps. She wondered how a human could be born with such an extraordinary physique? Does that mean, could God make him this perfect? Is this possible? But seen from the naked eye, that man looks like an ordinary human because from top to bottom he looks whole and real. Really that man looks like the main male character in a romance novel or comic! Can you imagine how handsome he is? Exactly as you imagine.

"Oh no!" Jess shouted as she accidentally tripped over her own leg.

That man immediately turned around when Jess fell towards him. In some romantic film or comic maybe this scene will be a romantic scene that will make the male and female main characters fall in love but it doesn't seem like that for them because the man quickly dodged to the side and let Jessamy fall to the floor with a movement which is heartbreaking to witness. The people around them immediately approached Jess and that man quickly moved away to avoid physical contact with other people.

"Are you all right, Miss?" Asked a man who wanted to help Jess.

"I'm fine thank you." Jess replied, trying to get back up.

"Are you hurt?" Asked a stranger woman worriedly.

"I'm fine thank you. Don't worry." Jess answered with an awkward smile.

Jess looked at the man who was standing far behind the crowd around her. That man just stood there looking at her with a sharp gaze and filled with mystery. Jess didn't understand the meaning of that man's gaze on her but she was sure that there was a lot that the man wanted to tell her but on the other hand there was doubt painted on his face. Jess tried to get back on her feet and thanked the people who had helped her. She is grateful that people are still caring in this era.

"Sorry if I made you worry. I'll excuse myself. Thank you all." Jess said politely.

Jess walked out of the crowd and stared at the place where the man had been standing. But when she turned her gaze towards that place, the man had already disappeared. Jess immediately turned her head in all directions to look for the man's whereabouts, but she couldn't find him anywhere. That man was lost as if swallowed by the earth. Usually a normal person walking through this hallway would still be able to see it even though it was far away but this man had completely disappeared in seconds. Even though she only looked away from him for a while.

He's not there anymore.


To be continuous.