
The Final Frontier Mission On Nilfheim

William who had been rebirth as felix has been task to protect the empire and his path on pioneering his own dominion to the depth were the enemy lies, his journey will slowly become unfold as he strive hard to protect the people, his dominion and the empire from every invading demon beasts he already accept his fate when the system tapped at his shoulder, now lets follow the path where he will lead his people. Will he succeed? Defend no matter the risk, he will walk in an unknown path Into the darkness of the depth. Authors note: The character names, event and places i created in this novel was purely fictional and non related to reality. But atleast for fun.

Void_Immortal12 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Unfortunate Success

[year 93 of gracian era, month 5, day 5, cliff region, near the end of coldgate canyon, narrow road]

The fires around the tepee style fireplace with it's woods being burned ignites brightly, but silreon stand up, and cast a simple water magic, extinguishing the flames.

"OK everyone, it's settled then, let's do it tonight" spoke silreon with confident, but still has a slight fear in his heart. They were entering a human camp, it might be possible that there is a strong person in the human group that can detect them, so he put all his pride to his magic powers and negate the fears he experiencing.

"what?! Tonight?! We haven't even finished the evening meals yet" complained garc, who was gnarling the food faster than his throat can take, in the end he almost died getting choked by food.

"tsk, tsk garc is so greedy, don't worry no one will take your food so eat slowly" jhorl exclaimed, worrying about something.

"yeah, tonight is the best time we can do this, there's a high chance lord carrion would arrived tommorrow" spoke garveron and he lifted his spears, inspect his armor and flapped his wings if he could still fly.

"OK everyone pick up your weapon, I'll be casting the magic spell then, until then, good luck with your mission" said silreon.

All of them nods, garc picked up his broadsword as well as the other hobgoblins, jhorl took is big double axe, and silreon caressing his staff, silreon then brandish the staff high while casting his concealment spell to the group consisting 40 people from different monster tribes.

The spell took effect, the standby group station themself at the forest waiting for the chaos to come, while the other group of 14 led by silreon infiltrated the camp, currently the lord of the camp is gravely injured and still recovering, they search each tent for such a similar sword with sigil rune engravings.

Silreon, was on the temporary food destribution area, there was 2 soldier talking about something related about the ambush and silreon can somehow understand them, unlike other monster, they can understand human and monster race language and even weild magic and demonic energy.

"dyruf will lord felix be OK? The entire expedition force was worried about the lord's condition"

"kentil, the lord will be fine, he is strong just like when he saves us from the slavers back in faust savanna, did you really forgot?"

"of course not, I clearly remembered what he said at that time... Umm was it 'you people, don't slave others, die'?"

"what are you talking about, it's precisely 'those who captured innocent people and enslave them is akin to a foul beast in that filthy abyss, succumbed with power while abducting souls of the dead' wasn't it cool? He could cut those bastards in half with his glowing sword like in the legend"

"it does cool and touching but what is that foul beast in the abyss?"

"as I clearly remembered last time I read the book of alkaid chronicles,chaos origin' there was a page with a certain lion like monster that eats souls and hunts in the abyss" the one who spoke was left with uncertainty In his words, it was already a long time ago, when he arrived at Lunaria Alaris theocracy to read some books in the great library of lunarlight.

"dyruf, where were you even last year?" asked kentil.

"don't mention it, lord felix orders me to deliver the book on the library in Lunaria aris theocracy, that's why I also spend some time reading in there"

Then suddenly another person enters the conversation, silreon notice something in his waist, it was a sword like on the drawn picture.

"ohh dyruf, kentil why are you still here?" the man wondered.

"can you see where eating? Don't bother us Thomas" refute dyruf.

"by the way, look at this sword isn't it's design cool and complex" he spoke while holding the sheathed blade in it's intricately designed scabbard.

"yeah, yeah... What can a dull blade can do? It can't even kill a chicken, that sword isn't even special so don't brag about it"

"it's not like I asked for your opinion, then I shall leave first, I can't waste my time with you two idiots who doesn't know the value this handsome sword like this" Thomas then left the area sulkily.

"hey dyruf, he just called us idiots, won't you confront him?" kentil spoke while gnashing out food.

"leave it, that narcissistic bastard who always say to to his sword, that it's as handsome as him, I really wanna punch his face and see who he was calling himself handsome" dyruf spoke with his fist clenched.

"why not do it then?"

"it might cause chaos if I do, you already know this expedition force promotes cooperation not infighting"

"ahh, I totally forgot that part, even if that guy Thomas is annoying, it's not like he's causing disorder, but if he did, he would feel lady lina's wrath" said kentil while drinking a cup of water.

Dyruf merely nods at kentil claims.

Silreon followed the guy who was wielding the objective sword secretively.

As he followed him, he secretly grabbed the sword when he got the chance, but it was unfortunate that he can't create an opportunity to steal it.

Until they arrived in an alley devoid with people, there is another soldier that arrived Thomas and the soldier was talking, silreon grab the chance to steal it and manage to take it from the man's waist, he finally has his hand on the sword but he noticed that his concealment wore off and it made the two soldiers wary.

One soldier draws his sword while, Thomas shouted as a signal. "enemy ambush!"

The whole camp was alerted, and suddenly the other's concealment spell wore off too, resulting to them engaging in a fight.

Silreon cast a basic spell, fireball onto the enemy and quickly casted fog to deviate their eyes. Silreon made a ran, every turn he encounters a soldier he defeated them using his magic spells, while running he saw the dragon knight been flying up towards the canyon cliff.

"garveron!! Catch!" his desperate cries was heard by the dragon knight as he look at the direction where the magireon running, silreon throw the dull blade in his hands then cast a wind spell to accelerate it's fly.

Garveron manage to barely catch it while avoiding the arrow being shot in his direction and made it at the top of the canyon with a few injury resulted by the piercing arrows.


Extra info:

There is an upper part, middle part, and lowest part of the mountain, and I will explain it briefly, you encounter the thing I wrote as either lower or lowest part with a monster kingdom in it, I'm gravely mistaken, it was actually the middle part of the impassable mountains. I will explain it as sections.

The Outer section of the 4 Impassable is the most dangerous and cannot be entered, like a huge wall with no way to enter, there's only one entity living in this place, and that is the sovereign 4 guardian of the 4 Impassable Mountains, even cultist and worshipper only pray on the shrines or temples at the Central Area of the mountains. The outer section as I speak is the upper part of the 4 impassable mountain.