
The Final Frontier Mission On Nilfheim

William who had been rebirth as felix has been task to protect the empire and his path on pioneering his own dominion to the depth were the enemy lies, his journey will slowly become unfold as he strive hard to protect the people, his dominion and the empire from every invading demon beasts he already accept his fate when the system tapped at his shoulder, now lets follow the path where he will lead his people. Will he succeed? Defend no matter the risk, he will walk in an unknown path Into the darkness of the depth. Authors note: The character names, event and places i created in this novel was purely fictional and non related to reality. But atleast for fun.

Void_Immortal12 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Monster Turf War!

[year 93 of gracian era, month 5, day 2, adjacent the cliff region of coldgate canyon.]

It was a freezing weather all day round the year, at this mystifying place, creatures with cold resistance still remain settled.

This frosty region were infamous even for the nation of falmas, banditry activity are constantly active in this part, despite the coldness of the region many intelligent monster build camp here.

In one of the camp near the cliff region, a tall house with a throne like chair, lies a humanoid monster with body full of blue scales except for the face and the front of his body. His race was called magireon.

On his side was a harem of humanoid monster race, demi-humans, it seems the guys was enjoying himself, laughing while drinking a cup of beer.

"hahaha, at last I could finally obtain the powerful artifact hailed from the ancient times, the ancient sword Vindgapi Minni, at last I'll just wait for it's arrival here, good work servant I will reward your group once I have received it"

'kekeke now that the sword is about to be on my hands soon, you damn pig from crimson boar group, be sure to clean your nose before I cut it'

"thank you, milord I will make sure to you safely even if it cost me my life, he said" spoke the messenger that communicate with the group leader of the small tribe that has recently joined the acoridge society.

"good, good be sure to make haste"



Before this happened, the nation of falmas and firama, firama the monster nation of north-west part, sky mountain while falmas located north-east, Gaia mountain on the lower part of the impassable mountain.

This nations are connected through using the coldgate canyon, because of the intense cold when travelling here, those without resistance to such cold might freeze to death. But there is somehow a special route that wasn't affected by these, one is the ravine road from skyrel duchy to kiltrant forest and the other is a large cave borrowing underground but was connected from the other side, since such cave was far from the cold area, the upper side of the coldgate canyon, the cliff region was neglicted since there is nothing to gain in a barren, freezing place in such a cold climate only those who lived there are just snow bandits organization or snow mercenary tribes like the acoridge society and crimson boar group.

There was an item auction in torrid city's blackmarket, torrid city is one of the big city in firama kingdom, acoridge and crimson boar was always fighting for territory but neither of them won against each other.

In the auction site, kignuz, the orc leader of crimson boar group and arrolyth izradovur a magireon leader of acoridge society was present, the auction was being flocked with people full of money.

Kignuz and arrolyth keeps mocking each other even in an auction and kignuz was somehow interested about a treasure map that is somehow just near his domain being auctioned, but kignuz was enraged because of the bastard leader of the acoridge, he was forced to pay the treasure map a higher price than it worth and left only buying the treasure map while arrolyth was happily bidding in a good mood at the auction site.

The treasure map was old and somewhat fragile that it is easy to torn.

The monster kingdom is somewhat just as civilized as humans in the current age with many infrastructure in it.

Kignuz throw the map in raging fit, in the end the treasure map fall on a puddle of water.

Realizing that throwing away the things he bought is like throwing away the big money he exchange for it, he might find something with it to recover it's cost. Kignuz hurriedly ordered his men to pick the map and bring it to him, but to his men's dumbfounded expression.

The map mysteriously becomes solid like a plaque and there's an X sign indicating there is a treasure there, what's more to his surprise, the X was just in his domain in coldgate canyon, and the empty and fragile map become rock solid and with it's secret revealed.

He didn't know what treasure contained in that part of a cold land, but he knew he could profit more if he could excavate a certain artifact but even if there's a high chance that it might contain an ancient artifact, but the chance that there's not can't be just overlooked.

He ordered his men to excavate the area, there search seems fruitful as they found an old ruins with ancient inscription on the wall, it looks like an altar of worship at the top of the altar lies a unsheathed blade with it's sheath placed besides it, the blade's hilt has a few rust on it while the blade remained sharp without any damaged on it, that is if the sword wasn't in a sealed state, currently it's duller than a crumbling sword on the battlefield, it could barely cut a single fruit from a tree, now it's only physically a decoration.

But the hilt on the sword was intricately well designed, there is a symbol inscribed in it while on the other side of the blade written an inscription of it's name, Vindgapi minni.

There is also many types of treasure contained and preserved well in the excavated ruins but only the sword stand out, after obtaining the sword, he was having a second thought about the sword, it does look special because of the design but can a dull sword be useful? In the end, he stored the sword because he thought if he sold it with the other excavated items, his honor and reputation will be taint for selling dull swords for decoration.

It would be a lie if no one would get interested in it, there might be collectors or archeologist in the humans side that would have an interest in buying it.

Kignuz didn't know that such discovery would be quickly sniffed out by his enemy whom he bears hatred to, arrolyth izradovur.

Not knowing arrolyth has planted a spy to analyze the inner workings of the crimson boar group, arrolyth was surprised not because of Kignuz found an intact ruins using an old treasure map but because the sword that Kignuz found in the ruins bears a resemblance of a sword craft by arrolyth ancestors, when arrolyth saw a well-detailed drawing of the sword by the spy, which made him remember one of the content of a certain old history book that was pass on in each generation by magireon race, it is unfortunate that arrolyth left his hometown were the magireon tribe lives.

Arrolyth became very interested in it and wanted it to confirm in his hands, so he ordered the spies to know the location of the place where the sword well be sent to store, the place where Kignuz kept many important things is well secured and protected that even a big army might think twice in raiding it, there security is also very tight that the only chance to get the sword is to steal it before it will be sent in that place.

Arrolyth then ordered few small tribes under him to ambush the convoy that delivers it to the storehouse of crimson boar group.


Extra info:

The four commonly known Impassable mountains, had names being called Inferno mountain is a south - eastern alkaid border mountain, bursting and melting lave drip in this high temperature mountain, with many active volcanos that might erupt at any time and lava induced monster roams the middle part of the mountain.

Aqualtum mountain is a south-western border mountainous ocean plane, aquatic creatures and monster lives in these place, like sahuagins, mermaids, hydras, and the deep dwellers of this vast and deep ocean with tall mountains in it, out of all impassable mountains, this place is quite safer than the others but storms whirls and whirlpools makes boats sink, people would think twice in crossing it because once people goes to the deeper(the upper part) into the ocean, crossing the mountains, strange geographical phenomenon occurs, and deep sea predators are hunting there.