
The Final Exploration

In the 1960s, as members of the first group of geological explorers in New China, we were secretly selected to join a geological engineering team at an undisclosed location. With a secret order in hand, we arrived at the primitive jungle on the Sino-Mongolian border that even the oldest geological engineers could not confirm. After a period of anxious uncertainty, during which we even thought we were going to be secretly executed, we watched a top-secret film called "Project Zero" that was exclusively for senior officials of the central government. The images on the film, which were suffocating to us who had been educated in materialism, showed that the information transmitted by seismic waves was restored on the film, and when magnified two hundred times, it clearly showed that a Japanese heavy bomber was embedded in the rock stratum one thousand two hundred meters below the ground. Was this a conspiracy or a supernatural force? If it wasn't for the nonsense of space distortion, then what crazy force caused the plane to appear there? Or was it a significant move made by the Japanese army before its defeat in the war? With doubts and confusion, we, as one of several exploration teams, relying on tremendous courage, entered the earth's stratum through a crack in a cave more than thirty meters tall, beginning our eerie and terrifying journey. Even now, I still wonder, if we did not have the steadfast faith of materialists at the time, could we have persisted in that hopeless darkness after seeing everything buried in the stratum?

Yufeng_Wang · Sejarah
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Before writing all of this, I thought about it for a long time because many things cannot be explained in just a few words. Some things I still don't understand to this day, and many things do not fit with the worldview of that time and should not have been passed down to future generations.

And the reason why I decided to write it down in the end, is because I feel that if I don't say it out loud, it would be a regret and it would be irresponsible to certain people and even history.

I am a retired geologist who used to belong to the People's Liberation Army Geological Prospecting Engineering Corps. In those red and crazy years, we were lucky and unfortunate enough to be outside the storm of the "Great Revolution" and wandered through the mountains and rivers of China, searching for the buried wealth underground. In the 20-year exploration life, we traversed 80% of China's uninhabited areas, experiencing extreme boredom and hardship, as well as encountering many incredible and inexplicable things. And these are things that you can never see in file records. They are all "should not exist" facts that have been permanently sealed.

"Some of these things are my own personal experiences, and some are things I have heard from older comrades. Many of us have kept our oaths from back then and have not made these things public. I cannot describe them in a journalistic way, so please remember that what you are reading is just a novel."