

I watched as the people moved forward and the line got longer. I stood in the dark corner not paying attention to anything at all, well other then the tons of people. Five booths had been opened to pay to watch this fight. I just kind of ignored the scared looks from the fighters. Having a free pass to come this early wasn't the best. For anybody here but the costumers already voting on who will win.

Both of the fighters were talented and from the same school as me. The only way I got in, was because I was in the same school as them. I'm the only one in the school who hasn't practiced fighting. They won't let me since I was the new student. What I haven't told them is the moment I fight I can't go back. I go till the person is down. That's how we were taught at my last school.

I normally stayed in the back anyways. I liked the shadows. They were actually my weapons. I had one familiar like everyone else did but no one saw him but other familiars, and no one wanted to see my weapon, since I normally only used my familiar and could kill a whole army. My weapon was also let's say the most uncomfortable of them all. I didn't care for the shape or size, but the power and the movement of it.

Someone's shouting caught my attention, a nerd at the back, with a group of an assortment of friends. I remembered them from class. They look a small clear way to the first counter and showed their card to the woman there. Being a first year like me they had a hard new card. I walked up to the woman, right behind her and looked at them.

I know them. I told her in her head. All of them, front of my class. Let them pass. She nodded from my words.

"Alright you guys, someone just cleared you. Please head on in. No charge for you." She handed the cards back to them and they said thank you and went in. I followed them.

I followed the girls who went to get food while the boys went to get some seats. They were both blond, though one of them had brown streaks in her hair. I nicknamed her Stripes. The other ones name was Happy. Since the smile on her face never left. I watched them use the machine from across the room when another boy came up behind them and started talking to them. Not one of the two from before either. I saw the smile fade and Stripes got mad at him.

He was not aloud near them, their aura told me. Filled with fear and angry. I walked over to them calmly and stood at the machine with them, he noticed me then and I looked up at him, and grinned. My familiar took the form of a dog and came to say hello to him. Big black and scary was he, the men took to running away. I looked down again and my familiar came back to me and disappeared. They were shocked so I walked away from them back to my corner.

They got their food and I followed them to the guys. I saw the one who was screaming first. The nerd from before, had taken off his glasses. He was brown haired. His eyes looked across to me. I'd call him Spy. The other one I already didn't like, he was muscled and it reminded me of the boys at my old school, but he was sweet and kind to the people all around him. He was red headed. So I called him Candy.

"Who's she?" Spy asked the girls. They turned and stopped when they saw me.

"You made sure he wouldn't come back again, didn't you?" Happy asked me. Stripes couldn't keep her mouth closed as I nodded. "You saw us come in didn't you?" Happy asked me again. I stayed quiet. I didn't move, I just turned around and went back to the shadows. I followed them down to the ground where the fighting rooms were going to be held. Popping in and out of them to find the rooms that were being used. I popped in on a guy a grade above mine putting on his pants. I waited till his shirt was on before stepping out and into the mirrors view.

He jumped back and turned around.

"Who are you?" He asked.

I just came to tell you good luck.

"Did you just speak in my head?"

I'd rather not use my voice, so yes.

He nodded in understanding and the turned around. "Thanks." I stepped back and into my shadows. "Next time though, send a letter."

Taken into consideration.

I popped in and out again till I found the room with a girl in it. A girl from a year above putting on her gloves. I stepped out.

I wish you the best senior.

"Thanks, tell your shadow friends to be quieter if you wanted to make me jump."

You'd be a first who's also close with there familiar. But not with mind manipulation. Can't be the best at everything, I guess. Can you?

I grinned in silence for a bit. Then I backed up, and popped out again to the shadows by the girls and the boys from earlier. I noticed Happy and the empty seat beside her. I went and sat in it.

Keep looking forward, did you know I'd come back, Happy?

She kept looking forward, she stopped moving though and her words cut off. Stripes made a scared look and she smiled back, an encouraging smile. The boys noticed it though, mainly Spy. She then looked at them and told me her answer.

"I'd hoped you'd come back. I didn't know when. Is there something you wish to tell me." They all clued in then.

It's going to be a good match. A boy and a girl today all a year older. They both have different strengths. I can't wait.

"What do you mean by they all have different strengths."

You'll see. I told her happily. Now go ahead and talk to them while I sit here and take a nap.

"Alright." She started to talk to them as normal.

My ears opened up when my familiar told me 'it's almost time.'

I woke up and sat up straight then, the speakers went off then, talking about the fighters. The all about and then the weaknesses and strengthens. I noticed that someone was looking at me then. Happy was eyes wide at me. She knew what I meant and so did everyone in the group. I winked at her, she looked back at the game. I took this moment to disappear again to the shadows. I went to the front of the building and everyone was gone to the game. I stepped outside then and headed for the back of the building. I looked around the area. No one in sight. Just then a group of guys and girls pulled up out back, I hid and watched at a distance.

Most of them weren't from my school, they were from the other school. Power equal to ours, but not since I came. They were laughing so I got closer to them slowly. One girl looked my way but looked back. She said something but got pushed off. I noticed what they were doing then. They were trying to make the shield on the place brake down, meaning that the people inside the circle would have a chance to go all out, or they'd end up killing each other. I set my familiar in to scare them and he did a good job. They ran this way and that way to avoid him. People were yelling retreat. I made sure I copied each face into my memory just in case I was asked what was happened. That's when I heard Happy yelling for me in my mind.

'Are you okay? Your not in your seat.'

It was nice of her to care.

Just dealing with people who wanted to ruin the show. I'm fine, I think they might need new clothes though. How did you get me from this far?

'Oh my friends are helping me.' That's so nice of them, to care about me. I'm going to have to make it up to them.

That's good, maybe with practice you could reach me yourself one day.

I could feel them letting go. I shadow hopped to the area, and walked down to my seat. My familiar laying down on my feet as I sat down. After all that running around and playing I'd think he'd need a rest to. I looked at the game and watched intently then. I guessed the other had known I was back as they never tried contacting me again. I watched one blow against another's to fast shield, then an almost unstoppable move just make it in time to get stopped. The blows kept coming but the guy looked really eager for something. That's when my shadow hoped in and looked at the ground view of the playing field. He saw what I had been noticing. He was using a cheating move, or so they say it was only cheating if you got caught. This one you couldn't notice unless you had an outsider looking in for you. Like a shadow or someone of the light. Having feared it I hopped down there, and took a look at it myself. He was using a forbidden light spell that took the attackers magic hits and slowly regenerate energy. To do this spell you had to have a familiar who was a light element, and could move without being seen. These animals though you had to buy. Your original familiar was also a slave till you gave the one you bought back. I looked at her play then. No cheats at all. Her familiars bound was a shield and gave some attack damage to when she hit him, but other then that she was doing well on her own. I wasn't having it. I think I know who was also paying for the shield to be destroyed now by the punks. How do I call him out though? I had to think about it. It hit me then. A light familiar can not heal points. None of them can unless it's for a cheating method, and she's doing fine on her own. I stepped out and walked to the middle of the battle field, drawing the attention and the eyes of the attackers. I let my familiar draw in the dirt as I watched the words he made, telling him how to wright it.

The words: cheater, no familiar with an arrow pointing at his side showed. I stepped back and waited.

"She claims him to be cheating with a familiar. Are they going to back down from the challenge and lose to it, or are they going to fight without familiars." The speakers said.

The girl stepped up without her familiar. He took a second to think then walked up to me and tried to stabbed me. He managed, I bled but only a little.

"I wish to challenge her, with no familiars." He said at last. "After all she tried to frame me."

I turned to look at the girl, asking her permission. She noticed and nodded.

"Good luck," she told me. I smiled.

"Am I aloud to use my weapon?" I asked him.

"If you didn't I'd think you are humiliating me." He laughed, "show me your strongest weapon then." I nodded and did my full body change. He stepped back as I grew as big as the place we were fighting in. I looked down at him, and I heard my familiar laughing at him. The whole place heard him. I growled at him. He took the time to attack me, and it broke his weapon. I went down to my regular size, the one I was under the cape. Just a little girl no older then thirteen. My hair fell behind me landing on my back, my eyes the color of that of my true form. My strongest form still. Pure white. He kneeled down to me. The black cape beside me a mess. It was my favorite one too. I sighed, it wasn't cheap either. I noticed then that he was the one guy before, the one by the girls earlier.

I won by default and you cheating. I wanted to say instead I said something else. Something I won't forget. Our debt would be equal now.

"Stay away from the girls, any girl, but the girls from before." He understood what I meant. "Oh and if it isn't to much to ask, for me wining. Will you get me another cape, this ones ripped and cost's a lot." He nodded and bowed to me. I stepped back and looked at her. "Will you finish him off, or leave him to the guilt?" She turned and left him to the guilt.

The light familiar came to me and asked, 'what should be done with me.'

I looked at it and smiled.

Ask your self that. I think you already know, after all no regular ordinary familiar should go without there loved one. Neither should you but you are special and need to be earned. These ones must be loved.

'I understand well. Thank you for catching him. I didn't wish to hurt anyone.' I nodded.

He took his leave then and I went into the shadows and back to the front where everyone was leaving. I found the group in a corner, near my shadows by the food. I stepped out and got lots of hugs. The girls were so happy they were in tears. Happy, Stripes and I noticed a few other girls were like this. Spy, and Candy were just standing there awkwardly as I got lots of hugs. Then they hugged me and started to cry, I didn't know why. Soon I was having a group hug with them all.

So I guess this meant that I had friends. Might however, I felt someone's awfully cold glare touch us. I looked toward it and saw un recognizable person.