
Spring Training(5)

Josh looks at the girl who has bright red short hair and green eyes standing in front of him, he smiles. They exchange their contacts. Zoey is waiting for the bus to go back to her place, and she tells him that she's a senior student of Addison University. They have a little chat until the bus arrives in the middle of the conversation. After getting Zoey's phone number and watching her leaving, Josh turns around and tries to find a sign of Matt. Surprisingly, he's already left when they were talking. "That was quick," says Josh.

Weeks later, the end of the spring training comes. The manager of the Fighters gathers some players in his office to inform them that they will be starting their season in Victoria, including Leo and Dan. Hearing that he won't be able to start his rookie year in Baku, Dan feels a little disappointed but then he bounces back quickly, he needs to be patient. He knows he still has a lot to improve and doesn't have time to be down. When the meeting is over, Dan heads back to the dormitory and packs his stuff so he can go to Victoria for his first season as a professional athlete.

Dan gives a call to Matt to inform him and Josh of his movement. He walks out of the building and sees a bus waiting for him. It's a bus of the Victoria Dreamers, it's outside to pick up players who are going to Victoria. He gets on the bus and finds a seat. He tries to get some sleep before the bus arrives in Victoria. He sleeps along the way to Victoria on the bus. Soon, when the bus reaches the Dreamers dormitory, Dan sees Matt and Josh are there waiting for him. He gets off the bus walking to them. Before anyone can even say a word, Dan speaks, "So is it real, Josh? You really got that girl, Zoey?" and asks.

"Wait? What?" Josh asks.

"Yeah, the college girl. Matt told me everything." Dan says.

Josh looks at Matt jaw-dropping, trying to say something but he can't, then he looks back to Dan and explains. "Okay, look, I did get her number. And we texted each other a few times. But so far that's it. I haven't gotten her yet."

"Really? I don't buy it." Dan smirks.

"She's busy, and she's a senior, that means she has a lot of job hunting to do." Josh continues to speak.

"Well… I would like to add something to it. It's more than that, last time she went out with you on a date, right? Josh?" Matt interferes.

"No shit!!!" Dan's surprised.

"It was not a date. We just hung out and had some coffee and chatted a little bit." Josh rolls his eyes, and he denies it immediately.

"Come on, like you said, she's busy but she still found some time to be with you. It's a good sign, isn't it?" Matt laughs.

Josh feels embarrassed, he doesn't want to continue the conversation about him and Zoey. "Ok, let's drop it. Please? I don't want to talk about this right now." He looks at Dan and asks. "What about you, Dan? Any news?"

Dan chuckles. He wants to keep the subject going, but he knows Josh has been embarrassed enough, so he goes, "Not really…Not like you…No news, No girls. I've decided not to date anyone, until I get called to Baku." Dan replies.

"Really? Why? What do you mean?" Matt and Josh both ask.

"Well, let's get inside and I will explain to you. It's a long story and it's kind of cold here." Dan shrugs. The three move inside and head to Dan's room. Matt and Josh help Dan have his room done and they sit around in the room. Dan talks to both of them about the training program and the conversation with Ian.

"That's big." Matt listens to the story and says.

"It is." Josh's impressed by Dan's determination.

"That's fine. Just trying to do better." Dan smiles.