
The Fifth Legendary Hero

The legend about the four great heroes who would face the demon lord, and prevail. Joshua read a lot of novels about that, but he never thought he would become one of them... "I know Goddess, I'm one of the four chosen heroes that are blessed by the Gods, right?" Joshua mocked in front of an extraordinary beauty. "How did you know about the four heroes? But you're almost right, you're actually the fifth hero." "Wait, what?" The Gods blessed four individuals from Earth, turning them into four legendary heroes. But something unexpected happened. The God of Gods, who never blessed any individual decided to do that to Joshua. 'He will be the strongest among all, and a back up in case the four heroes can't handle the demon lord.' Joshua didn't want that. He wanted to explore the world as he pleased, and not chase the demon lord. 'I'll live a comfy life filled with beauties' Joshua couldn't wait.

RotGoddess · Fantasi
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41 Chs


The small passageway trembled due to unknown reasons. They all looked up, and the cracks on the walls and roof made them feel uneasy. Joshua did not need to say a word. All of them knew what to do, and that was to run.

It was a shame that it was a small passage. Joshua could only run in a straight line and hope for the best. Being the farthest from the way out made things even harder for him.

At first, things were only cracking, but it did not take long for rocks to fall from the roof. A huge rock could smash them into a pulp at any second, and it was not the best feeling to have.

Leo, the one leading the way, yelled in ecstasy as he finally saw a source of light. "We are almost there."

They all looked at the light, and they sighed in relief. At least now, the way out was not out of their reach. It was still somewhat scary to be in that situation, but they were almost sure they would leave the mines alive.

"Guys," Joshua gazed behind his back and noticed how the passage was crumbling into pieces. "Hurry up! Or live without me." Joshua said.

All of them hastened their steps. The passage would not hold for that much time. Leo was the first to leave. He saw the bright moonlight and felt the refreshing breeze of the summer season. Leo stayed there, appreciating the view as if he had forgotten that his friends were still in a desperate situation.

"Oh, right!" As Leo was turning around, Khali bumped into him. It did not end there. Hanrog and Aurora fell too. They all bumped at each other, creating a funny scene.

Joshua had been the last one to leave. The passage ceased to exist right after he left. A moment later could have turned the events in the opposite direction. Imagine if the savior of humanity died crossing a tunnel.


"We are alive!" Aurora felt lighter, and she would be lying if she said that she did not feel any adrenaline. It was a thrilling and dangerous moment at the same time.

They all lay there on the grass, watching the moon and the stars. Time seemed to freeze, and they all felt grateful to be alive.

"All right," Joshua got up and said. "What should we do now?"

None of them had any idea. The idea of going to Rinidan had the sole purpose of getting a carriage. It was the fastest way to reach the capital. But all of that got ruined by the mysterious attack.

"Look, there's still a way," Khali said. All of them looked at him, waiting for what he had to say.

"Remember that I said someone was looking for a mage? Before the city got attacked?" All of them nodded in response.

"He's quite the important character. We talked for a few seconds while the attack was happening, and he said that if I managed to leave the city, I should look for him."

"He said something about, Na," Khali looked up as if he was trying to remember something.

"Nagos. It's a medium-sized city not that far from here," Aurora said.

"That's it. Damn, you're smart," Khali praised her. Joshua was also surprised to see how much knowledge Aurora had about geography. It was clear to say that she was the one that needed to help the group in that regard.

Leo was older than most cities…

Khali seemed to be living in that Canyon since birth, as he knows nothing about the cities nearby…

And as if things could not get worse, Joshua was from another world…

Joshua's chin rested in his hand and he said. "Why are you certain he will help us?"

Khali laughed, and said, "Maybe our luck is simply too good, but he's going to the capital, and need an escort."

"No way," Joshua felt that he was indeed blessed by the Gods.


A plan formed inside everyone's mind. Reach Nagos and find that person Khali talked about. Aurora, who was the most knowledgable in that regard, said to them that the city was somewhat far from where they were. It would take them three days to reach it, and that's considerating a good pace.

They had traveled together for a while now, so all of them felt comfortable with that. Leo, on the other hand, was already 'crying'.

"Three days? Look how frail my body is, I can't walk that much," Leo pointed at his skinny legs, trying to make them feel pity for him.

Joshua laughed internally. Leo's human form was indeed skinny, but his real one? That was the definition of skinny.

After everything that happened, they felt all tired. But, they were still close to Rinidan, and it would be a stupid move to camp there and rest. Having that thought in mind, they decided to start their trip toward Nagos and travel alongside the moonlight.

The way out of the tunnel led to a forest filled with high bushes and trees. Bugs bite them from time to time, and Aurora did not like any of that.

It was not a huge forest, as most of the areas surrounding Rinidan had been deforested by humans. Soon they found the road, and their trip officially started.

Three days of walking. Three days of uncertainty about their safety. The feeling they thought had vanished returned. Leo showed his talent to make the trip even worse than it should be.

"Are we there yet?"

"How long it will take?"

"Man, my feet hurt."

"Hey, Joshua. Look at this cool spell." The cool spell Leo talked about was simply a ball of light that any level 1 mage could do...


After three days of walking, hiding, and enduring Leo, Nagos was finally in their line of sight. It was a medium-sized town close to a river where multiple ships anchored during the day. That was the main river of the country, and it was huge. It started from one tip to the other, and it was a waterway commonly used by merchants.

"Damn it. This city never appears before my eyes," Leo said.

"We are here, Leo."

"Yes, I know… wait, what?" Nagos turned into a holy place, and Leo fell to his knees, crying.

"I cannot believe it."

Hey, I saw you leaving without adding the story to your collection, no that won't do...

Hello everyone. If you have some power stones to spare, I'm here for you.

Another chapter will be coming out about 12 hours from now.

Stay safe!

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