
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

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Do you know what Pottervigilance is?

It's a clandestine radio program organized by Lee Jordan and supported by members of the Order of the Phoenix to broadcast news that the Ministry of Magic is censoring and encourage people to stand up to Voldemort.

I discovered them one day while on patrol as a teacher, it turns out they are using a secret room on the third floor to broadcast. It's interesting, because I didn't remember them doing it from the castle, was it another butterfly effect or was it already like that originally?

Now it becomes much more apparent why Dumbledore guarded so jealously that there is a prophecy, it just caused people to go and die.

Only one can end the other, that is, before that, they are virtually immortal before their final confrontation.

Sure, Voldemort has lost several times, but hasn't he come back just like that?

Then there's Potter, that he's still alive despite his choices only proves that there is a higher power protecting his life.

And no, it's not Lily's protection.

I studied that protection from a book I found in the Hogwarts headmaster's office, it doesn't have those effects, not by a long shot. And in fact, I was able to verify that my idea of filling one vial of Petunia's blood a year and using it as a necklace was more than enough to activate the protection left by Lily's sacrifice, so the excuses Dumbledore gave were just that, excuses.

Potter had no reason to be with those abusers for his entire childhood.

It's more like plot armor, although it seems to have weakened quite a bit.

It's been a few months since I became Potions teacher and I can understand why Snape seemed so impatient when it came to dealing with students.

Some of them are so clumsy that it shouldn't be legal for them to go near a cauldron!

They're like those people who walk into the kitchen and are able to set a glass of water on fire just by looking at it, they have a knack for destruction. And the ingredients they use are far from cheap, every failure is no different than burning money.

Oh, it seems that some students are getting restless lately.

We haven't blocked letters or anything like that, so in less than a week everyone knew about the new special measures we took this year. Several Howlers tried to raise a ruckus, but it turns out that a bubble of silence and some fire can solve these minor problems.

There were also a few missing students who tried to join mid-year, claiming that they now feel safer and of course we gave them the opportunity.

Well, none of them passed the enchantment.

Yes, they seemed to think that by joining later there was no need to be tested through the main gate and they could just walk right in.

It was a rather pathetic and predictable attempt, really.

We also caught a Slytherin student who had cast the Imperius curse on Professor Sinistra before he could do anything worrisome, so without hesitation we knocked him out and kicked him out of the castle right after replacing his memory from the moment he walked in on the first day.

The memory part was my doing, I'm sure the others wouldn't agree to mess with the memory of the students. Well, I don't have that problem with people who are like that.

You will remember that you were in the castle, but if you try to think of details like who was with him or what the inside looks like now, you will only see pure white and no sound.

After this incident, every two weeks or so we would discover an unpleasant situation and the students present in the castle continued to dwindle.

I'm not going to lie, everyone's morale was getting worse and worse. Teachers had their trust betrayed time and time again, while students didn't feel safe from their own peers.

Even the golems Silvia made conveyed more positive feelings!

Do a Nico Ravenheart concert?

No, forget it, in this situation it would only cause more confusion than help. And there are still moles present, it's simply not worth the risk.

Handing out euphoria potions with the help of the kitchen?

Not unless you want to have a dementor feast.

The rest of the options weren't exactly morally acceptable.

Oh, in the end I also had to guide Potter to the Gryffindor sword using a Patronus in the shape of a lion (I could have used anyone but my whale, because I'm sure he'll ignore it if he associates it with me, I just thought of that shape because I recently read a book about them) and in quite a hurry.

It turns out that according to feedback from the Sorting Hat, which was much more helpful this time, Potter walked past the sword SIX TIMES and was unaware of its magical presence.

It's very sad that a seventh year student is unable to perceive magical auras in such a close radius, really.

Oh, right, Potter also gave up attending this year in favor of his "crusade" against Voldemort. I guess asking members of the Order of the Phoenix for help never crossed his mind or he thought it was something he had to do on his own, being the one "chosen" by the prophecy I imagine.

But lo and behold, before he had to take extreme measures, McGonagall came running to warn not only me, but the rest of the teachers as well, that Dumbledore's tomb had been ransacked and Voldemort was there with Albus' wand.

One of them anyway, the Elder Wand.

That is the signal for Potter's soon return.

Now the question is, should we be worried about him coming here?

I mean, originally Hogwarts would be under his control and upon getting the wand, he wouldn't pay too much attention to the place until he was warned of Potter's return.

But now with his confidence bolstered by the "most powerful" wand of legends....

-The Dark Mark has appeared in the sky above the castle! -shouted a third year Slytherin student.

Well, that answers my concerns.

Should we cross our fingers that he sends his henchmen and doesn't come himself?

I mean, the damage to the castle if it's him would be remarkable and it will cost a fortune to repair everything. I'm filthy rich, but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw money away like that if it's possible.

-Mmm? -Maybe it's the spur of the moment, but I think I'm seeing Potter and Ron broom-flying to Hogwarts.

Aren't they supposed to enter through Arianna's box in the Hog's Head?

Oh, right, I blocked that access. Well, at least they won't be killed by brooms.

And just as I say that, the brooms start burning and plummet into the castle courtyard, straight into the fountain.

Great, I raised the flag and didn't even realize it.