
Chapter 4 _1

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The doctor was taken aback by Ye Ming's words. He looked up at Ye Ming, eyes as if he was looking at a fool.

"Kid, do you even know what you're talking about?" Disdain covered the doctor's face.

Ye Ming replied indifferently, "Isn't that what you said yourself? Since you can't treat my mom, I'll do it myself."

The doctor laughed out of frustration, "Do you even recognize acupuncture points? With that pathetic look of yours, you still want to treat people? Could you please go have a look at yourself in a puddle of your own piss?"

Their argument caught the attention of the other doctors.

At that moment, a middle-aged doctor with a majestic air, wearing a white coat, came over.

He glanced at Ye Ming, then asked the young doctor, "Xiao Zhao, what's going on?"

Zhao Minghai sneered in response, "Uncle Liu, this kid is questioning my medical skills and insists on treating his mother himself. I think he's just here to cause trouble!"

Doctor Liu's brows furrowed as he looked at Ye Ming, "Sir, Doctor Xiao Zhao is a high-caliber student who studied abroad and has been recruited by our hospital at a high price. You can absolutely trust his medical skills."

Ye Ming remained unshaken, no longer the meek person he used to be.

He replied calmly, "I won't comment on his medical skills. But a guy who's full of dirty words, telling people to beat it at every turn, I can't see a shred of an expert's demeanor in him."

"And take a look at this treatment plan for yourself."

Doctor Liu took the treatment plan and his face twitched involuntarily as he saw a list of unnecessary medications.

This was too much of a rip-off!

A few thousand yuan's treatment inflated to over a hundred thousand!

Although it seemed outrageous, Doctor Liu still chose to go against his conscience.

Who could blame him since Zhao Minghai was the hospital director's son...

"I don't see any problems with it," Doctor Liu said, blatantly lying.

Zhao Minghai smirked and taunted Ye Ming, "Did you hear that? Uncle Liu is the head physician of our department, and he wouldn't be wrong, would he?"

Ye Ming was provoked into laughter, "Your hospital's mortality rate must be pretty high, huh?"

If the head physician's standards were this, what more was there to say?

"I want to be discharged. We won't be treated here."

Zhao Minghai's expression darkened, "What do you mean by that?"

Ye Ming was straightforward, "My meaning is quite clear. I don't trust you, got it?"

Saying so, Ye Ming turned to leave, not wishing to argue with these people any longer.

But Zhao Minghai clearly did not intend to let him off so easily and blocked his way.

"You can't just walk away like this. Your words just now have seriously damaged our hospital's reputation. You must compensate for our losses!" Zhao Minghai said coldly.

"I don't ask much, just one million yuan, and I'll process your discharge."

Upon hearing this,

Ye Ming's eyes flashed with a cold light, "This is extortion!"

Zhao Minghai sneered, "I don't think you can afford the payment, but that's alright! You said my medical skills were inadequate, so according to your claim, treat your mom yourself. As long as you prove you're right, I'll let you leave!"

He had thought it through.

Would Ye Ming seek treatment at the hospital if he truly knew how to cure?

Zhao Minghai was certain that Ye Ming would not take up his challenge.

And even if he did, Zhao Minghai wasn't worried.

After all, the kid wouldn't be able to treat the condition, and eventually, he would have to beg Zhao Minghai for help.

Seeing Zhao Minghai's smug expression as if he had already won, a fire rose in Ye Ming's heart. He said with a cold laugh, "Okay, I'll treat my mom, but if I prove I'm right, then you owe me one million for defamation."

Zhao Minghai replied nonchalantly, "Sure!"

"Then let's draw up an agreement, and no one's allowed to back out!"

Ye Ming was unfazed, "Okay!"

Zhao Minghai immediately printed out two copies of the agreement and, after signing his name, handed one to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming glanced at it then also signed.

Each held a copy.

After signing the agreement, Zhao Minghai mockingly looked at Ye Ming, "The agreement has been signed, so let's begin. I must remind you, it's too late for any regrets now!"

Ye Ming couldn't be bothered to respond. He asked for a pack of acupuncture Silver Needles and headed towards his mother's ward.

Seeing this, Zhao Minghai's scoffing grew even more, "This kid is really an amateur. With internal bleeding and fractured ribs, does he really think acupuncture can cure her? Ridiculous!"

Doctor Liu heard this and nodded in agreement, continuously shaking his head as he watched Ye Ming's retreating figure.

This kid must be out of his mind!

Along the way, Zhao Minghai continued to ridicule Ye Ming, drawing the attention of many people, including doctors and patients.

Intent on humiliating Ye Ming, Zhao Minghai exaggerated the story as he retold it.

When they arrived at the entrance of the ward:

A large crowd of onlookers had followed behind Ye Ming.

"Is this the kid who made the bet with Doctor Xiao Zhao?"

"I think he's gone mad!"

"Exactly. Does he think he's treating cats and dogs? You can't be reckless with treating illnesses, or it could actually cost someone their life!"

"The one lying on the bed is his mom? Poor thing, to have such a son!"

The murmurs of discussion were numerous, most condemning Ye Ming.

This was the outcome Zhao Minghai wanted.

In front of everyone, he put on an act and said to Ye Ming, "Kid, I'm giving you one last chance. Bow and apologize to me now, admit your slanderous behavior towards our hospital, and I'll forgive you. I can also help treat your mother."

The onlooking crowd was immediately impressed.

"Doctor Xiao Zhao is such a good person!"

"Indeed, I heard he's the son of the hospital director. A true doctor's benevolence runs in the family!"

Pleased with the praise, Zhao Minghai felt a bit smug.

Ye Ming spoke indifferently, "No need, with your medical skills, you could kill the living. I don't want my mom to suffer at your hands."

Zhao Minghai's expression turned fierce.

The surrounding onlookers began to dislike Ye Ming even more.

Ye Ming ignored them all, opened his acupuncture bag, took out a medium-sized Silver Needle, and firmly inserted it into Jiang Rou's Yingxiang acupoint.

Behind him:

Some doctors who came to gawk were shocked.

Doctor Liu even shouted, "Kid, have you lost your mind? Who starts by needling someone's lethal points? Are you trying to kill your mother?"

Zhao Minghai was overjoyed in his heart.

This kid really knows nothing!

The bet was in the bag!

Although the others didn't know what the Yingxiang acupoint was, they understood the term "lethal point," and were taken aback.

"Is that really his own mother?"

"This is murder!"

Amidst the scolding, Ye Ming's expression remained unchanged.

The second needle still fell.

The Shenque acupoint.

Another lethal point.

Then came the third and fourth needles, still targeting lethal points!

"He's crazy! The kid's gone crazy!"

Some watching doctors showed a look of sympathy and wanted to step forward to stop him, but someone held them back from behind.


The doctor turned to look and saw an old man with white hair and a youthful face standing behind him, his eyes intensely fixed on Ye Ming who was needling.

The old man's face was flushed with excitement as he murmured, "Could this be... The Immortal Needle?"