
Chapter three


Most people think of murder in the same way that the killing is deliberate and premeditated.

Some people say murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human with malice aforethought.

But to me, when I hear of a murder, what immediately comes into my mind is, 'What fueled this person to kill someone?' 

I do not immediately judge them. I first try to gather more facts and read up on details and try to build a profile for the murderer. I then try to see if they have any psychiatric history, or a traumatic past. It is not my place to judge someone, when every one of us in society are criminals for enforcing a society that pushes people to crimes like murder or even rape.

The reason most of us think murder is a bad thing is because we have various values where murder is considered the worst.

But there are situations in life where people can get so utterly trapped that the only way out is to commit the irreparable. I’m not saying it is a good thing, but I’m saying it is a quite different situation. And I may have understanding, even compassion in such cases.

But I actually think there are many things worse than murder. And I think there are people who deserve to be 'terminated' because they’re doing some of these bad things.

Drug dealers and child molesters are on that my list. Even Mafia Lords or Queens and that bring me down to my current case.

These people commit different offences from murder, extortion, corruption of public officials, gambling, infiltration of legitimate businesses, to labor racketeering, loan sharking, tax fraud schemes and stock manipulation schemes. What they mostly care about is money!

And it's my job to bring them to justice, not to just sit around and let them have their way everytime.

Different memories flood my mind as I took a sip of my fourth coffee that night. My office lamp was the only light that was illuminating the darkness in all of the office. I've been working head on on Arianna's case. From looking for clues on where their base is located to any company they own secretly and are covering up.

"Fuck!" I sigh as I gulp down the coffee. Different files and folders were sprawled out on my desk making the whole room a mess. I've been working on this case for 13 fucking hours straight and I've still got nothing.

"Think Mateo! Think!" I bit the tip of my pen as I looked at the pictures they could get of her. All I know is that she has dark hair and eyes with the color of honey. She has an amazing shape and she mostly wears an hat whenever she's out killing.

One thing was common among everybody she's murdered. The letter 'C' is always scraped on the side of their cheeks. That means she uses knives to give the initials of something or someone on all the bodies of people she's killing to make it known that she killed that person.

But none of the Romano's names start with 'C' so that brings us down to maybe a boyfriend or friend. If we can find out who that is, we can use him/her to lure her to us. I've got a few friends who can help.

My phone goes off and I check the time to see it's 11pm. Shit, I gotta go meet Eve before nap time.

Shutting the door and switching off all the lights, I walk down to a waiting cab downstairs not knowing the evil lurking around to release the day after.


"Eve sit!" 

She just blinks at me, walking few steps away from her food before eyeing me teasingly.

"Eve don't let me fucking do something we'd both regret– oh God –just get your fucking little ass on the chair you brat!" I yell, angry that she's wasting my time.

She meows staring at me with wide eyes because she knows if I curse like that, shit's about to get real.

She takes her time to eat the food I placed in her bowl in a pace so slow I flap my hands around at her stubborn nature.

"Fuck you Eve! I'd be back at night, don't do anything stupid and also don't go too far." I warn going over to pet her and she snuggles closer making me chuckle.

People think getting a cat immediately after my wife left me is weird but I love it. Eve has to be the most affectionate person with me now. On days when I come home tired and grumpy, she's always there to comfort me. On days where I come home happy about a case well solved, she's always here to celebrate with me.

People who say animals show no affection or compassion needs to be thrown in a mental hospital or asylum.

Like the fuck?!!

Checking my phone to see any notifications or messages, I was surprised when I didn't see any . This is weird. My colleagues usually call me every morning to make sure I make it to work, so this is definitely weird. I might not like most of them but I've gotten used to their annoying asses.

I get to my office in an hour time and I don't know if it's just me but people kept giving me weird stares. Ignoring the weird stares and the terrifying feeling settling in the pit of my stomach, I made my way to my department.

Pasting a smile on my face, I watch as everyone just ignore me or gave me a disgusting look.

Okay what the fuck is happening?

"Hey guys." I greet sensing the tension in the room as they grumble in response.

Is this some kind of prank or sumn?

"That wasn't cool man." Johnny approaches me before commenting and pushing me slightly by my shoulder.

"Get your hands off me now." I order through gritted teeth watching as his face is pulled into a smirk.

"Or what? What you gonna do? you murderer."

My blood ran cold with that sentence. What? Murderer??

"What are you saying Johnny? What do you–"

"Rodriguez! In my office now!" Chief's voice commands cutting me off from what I was asking Johnny.

I walk into his office to see Thomas consoling a crying lady who looks strangely familiar. He didn't even spare me a glance.

"What's all this about chief?" I ask looking at him bored while I was burning with curiosity inside.

"Explain what you did on the Alabama's case."

"Uhmm. Thomas and I handled that case so...." I drawl out looking at Thomas to maybe explain what the fuck is going on.

"I want to hear it from you so start talking." He prompts on, making me know by his focus and determination that if I didn't answer his question, he doesn't have any reason to answer mine.

As the still-vivid images flash on the screen inside my head, I spoke up. "We were both working on Alabama's case; the drug dealer's case, only to find out that he was involved in a car crash so we were both radioed for help. I could see and smell the hundred yards of rubber the driver who caused the accident left on the asphalt. I ran over to the crashed car to check if there were any survivors. Alabama was still moving and the lady beside him was hale and hearty with just few scratches."

The lady sniffs and I turn to look at her and my eyes widen when I saw that she is the same woman who was with Alabama. 

"So as I was trying to get him out, I noticed the spruce tree that pierced through his stomach coming out on the other end. So the movement made him die there and then."

The chief nods looking over at the lady before turning to look at me again. "Then, what about the money?"

This is new.

"What money?" I ask with a frown.

"The money in the backpack in the car. Alabama's girl–" He points to the lady. "Said there was money in the car but it was never reported."

"Well, I don't remember seeing any money there."

"If you don't remember seeing any money, what is this doing in your locker?" He asks bringing a red backpack with a silver tape from the side of his table.

"My locker? I don't unders–" I stare at the backpack trying to see any resemblance or something but I was blank.

"He's l-lying." The lady speaks up and I turn swiftly to her, noticing the smirk on Thomas face. "Alabama- my Alabama was still alive but this man- this detective kept asking about the money and when he didn't reply, he strangled him."


I didn't know what to say, I just opened and closed my mouth continuously still looking at the woman.


"We ran some tests on Alabama and the paramedics said he died by strangling. And guess whose fingerprints were in his neck?" Chief asks tauntingly.

Even though I knew I didn't do anything, the looks and stares they were giving me were all too much.

"Yours. Your fingerprints Mateo!"

"No-no. Thomas, tell them. We were together there! You know I can't do this."

"I've always suspected that you were cunny and this just proves it. Besides I did see you hide a red backpack in your car."


"Thomas, what the fuck are you saying? Chief do you think I'd do this after how many years here?!"

"No one's to be trusted." He says. "Now, you have two things to do; resign and go to jail or have a trial and still go to jail. So turn in your badge and gun."

I stare at all of them in shock, I didn't know what to do since all the evidences were pointing at me. How? How did this happen?

I know I'm not going to win in court with such evidences. It would be 'he said/he said' , and the evidence, well some of it, anyway, had been found in my locker. Worse, I suspect I was getting hung with this because Thomas was in it with a witness. 

So I did what I knew was right to do; I turn in my badge, my gun and some of my self-respect. 

Thomas looks at me with a look of success on his face, the lady looks at me with pity and regret while chief just looks at me with disappointment.

"You know you're going to go to jail right? Even if you turn all this in." Chief says sadly.

"You bet your ass I will. I ain't going to jail for something I didn't do." I reply and that was the last thing I could say before I left the office.

I could've fought, but I couldn't take a chance, I'd have gone to jail for something I hadn't done.

Chief said no matter how I hide or run, they'd find me and put me behind bars but I know who I am and I know that wouldn't happen anytime soon.

This is a very bad day and it blew up a lot of illusions for me.

Now I know what people mean when they say true friends don't exist, most of them are just with you because of what you have or what you've achieved.


