
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

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331 Chs

Chapter 94 None of them are fuel-efficient lamps

"Do they ... also include Mr. Shen?"

 At these words, Su Meng clearly felt that the Jane Tong in her arms, her body stiffened for a moment.

 A silent light sigh ... that is.

 None of them believe ... including Shen Xiujin.

 Up to this point, without Jane Tong going over the words, Su Meng was largely able to guess, this Jane Tong and the big boss between the faults.

 Xia Weiming ... in these two years of his own following Shen Xiujin. Vaguely seemed to have heard who had mentioned this name.

 Also vaguely heard that this girl called Xia Weiming, in the heart of the big boss, different, but then a young but tragic accident passed away.

 I have never known what caused this girl, who was very special in the heart of the big boss, to pass away.

 Today, finally understand.

 But ... she doesn t believe it.

 Jane Tong was too proud to bother with something like that.

 Su Meng raised her hand and touched Jane Tong's head, she didn't bother to ask Jane Tong why she didn't go to explain to Shen Xiujin, why she didn't go to prove her innocence.

 Because only those who have gone through the same experience can understand, not being trusted by the person they love, that feeling, how mournful and helpless.

 Because she herself once experienced such a thing, so understand, Jane Tong why not go to explain, perhaps Jane Tong once explained, but no one believe, no one is even willing to listen to ... more often, a person does not believe you, how you explain is useless.

 "What are the plans?"

 "Wait for him to get tired of it."


 Tired of what?

 Tired of Jane Tong?

 After thinking about it, Su Meng said, "I won't hide it from you, those money you gave me later, and the check, I stored it in the safe deposit box, and didn't directly remit it to that bank card, the original preparation was that if by some miracle you were able to save up enough money today, you would be able to save up enough money.

 Originally was prepared if there is a miracle, today you can save enough five million, I mixed in the s city these years, there are still some relations, through these relations, at the last minute, the rest of the money, together with the remittance to the bank card.

 But I didn't expect, then happened these things."

 "Jane Tong, I have nothing that can help you, but these money, Shen did not mention, I will not go back to these money, remit to that bank card, these money and checks, turn around I take to you, you hide yourself, wait until you can leave, all take away.

 And don't blame me for not helping you escape. I, Su Meng, to put it nicely, that's the general manager of Donghuang, but in fact, I'm just a watchdog under the big boss's hand."

 Jane Tong was very grateful, "I know, it's already quite a risk for you to do this for me." She wanted to say "thank you" to Su Meng, but felt that the word "thank you" was very cheap, so she could only hug Su Meng tightly, tightly!

 "Alright, I'll leave first."


 Shen Xiu Jin side, received a few phone calls, He Wu's grandfather He Laozi personally called, "Xiao Wu does not know what to do, offended Shen little nephew, Shen little nephew, although help your grandfather He lesson this do not know the sky high and thick brat. Also call him long memory."

 Today, the East Emperor box humiliated Jane Tong's elders of a few rich kids, in turn, called, others are begging for mercy, admit mistakes admit mistakes, but only this He family's old man, open mouth is to call Shen Xiu Jin to help him teach his grandson a lesson.

 The night is already deep and thick, near the window, the man's gloomy gaze, looking out into the darkness, on the words of Master He, he just slightly narrowed his eyes, cutting thin lips slowly said:

 "Since Elder He opened his mouth, then I, as a son or nephew, naturally have to do as I say. Master He is assured that He Wu will be handed over to me, I certainly must follow Master He's requirements, properly teach him how to behave. This will also prevent him from messing with the wrong people in the future, and causing a lot of trouble. It's getting late, Elder He should rest early."

 Long fingers, without looking, directly cut off the call button.

 On the other end of the phone, the silver-haired old man was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone in his hand, "Good you Shen family's little child!" And cursed angrily at the housekeeper next to him:

 "Tell me, this Shen family is also too lawless! I He someone in this business circle, mixing for decades, is not the kind of no name, seniority on the long he Shen Xiu Jin two grief, he Shen Xiu Jin, just a Shen family junior, how dare you in the phone, on the refusal of my face!"

 The side of the housekeeper, can only persuade: "Master you also relax, you also said, juniors nowadays don't know the sky is thick, you are right to be courteous to the juniors." The words are good, the bottom of the housekeeper's eyes, but a piece of helplessness: master, he is the Shen family of Shen Xiujin, you are angry, you can take him how?

 You're angry, what can you do with him?

 Do you have the guts, the ability, the strength?

 Of course, this is something that can never be said to Master He.

 The old housekeeper has been following Master He for a long time, and has long since figured out Master He's mind, with a twinkle in his eye, "When the second young master called home to ask for help just now, he seemed to mention the daughter of the Jane family."

 After this mention, Master He abruptly rang up: "That daughter of the Jane family, is not she in jail?" The old eyes flashed, you call to Jane residence, I want to personally ask Jane Zhendong.

 The phone dialed to go, this big night, but also put the phone to other people's homes, and sure enough, the other side of the phone, the voice of a burst of dissatisfaction: "so late, who ah."

 "Zhendong ah, you are sleeping?"

 On the other side of the phone, once Jane Zhendong heard this old man He's slow voice, immediately also went a few points of sleepiness, "Oh, it's old man He ah, so late, old man He looking for me what's the matter?"

 "Zhendong ah, old man I want to congratulate you ah."

 Jian Zhendong was baffled: "Where did Master He start with this, where did the congratulations come from?"

 "Congratulations on your family reunion. That child, Xiao Tong, is out of prison, right?"

 Jian Zhendong's face suddenly changed, full of solemnity, "Master He, you called me at night, just to say this?"

 At the same time, the heart calculates the time ... about, that sinful woman should be out of prison.

 Thinking of that sinful daughter, Jane Zhendong heart a burst of anger ... when the Jane family through the frost and dew, trials and tribulations, almost destroyed the roots of the Jane family for several generations, this sinful seed made the sins, harmed their Jane family to become a joke on the Shanghai Bund!

 He old man laughed: "Our family Xiao Wu ah, you also know, the young and vigorous children, always like those a wind and moon place. Vibration ah, at least the small child is also our elders watched grow up, she then did the wrong thing, you as a father can not let this child degenerate to the East Emperor, to the men to compensate for the smile, life ah."


 Elder He heard the sound of a cup shattering on the floor coming from the phone, and a hint of a smile finally appeared on his old face ... Since this matter is Jane Zhendong's seed, causing trouble, implicating their family's Xiao Wu, Jane Zhendong wants to be left alone to sleep well and dream beautifully for the rest of the night... ...No way!