
Our Stars Part 1

I first moved in the house at 17 years old not knowing what to do and I wondered why they always stared at me. Maybe it's because of my rich, Short blackish/Brownish hair, Maybe it's also because everyone else is taller than me and I'm just 5'0. I made some friends. Diana and Cheryl They're twins, Not Fraternal but Identical and I can never tell the difference between them. But it gets easy because Diana's voice is kinda soft and squeaky and Cheryl's Voice is kinda hard and Deep.  Cheryl is 17 like me and so is Diana. We all talk about boys except Cheryl she's bisexual and Diana is just full on  " Gay " as she states. I love having good friends that actually care for me you know. Sometimes Cheryl is kinda weird around me and Diana isn't. I know Diana goes out with the coolest, Most smartest girl in high school. Missy Prescott. Diana is so lucky. I mean .. I'm not bisexual but I could be. One day Cheryl tried to kiss me. I was like "I'm sorry but NO I cannot kiss you". She understood because at the time I was dating a full time Jock and pretty boy Mark Hanson. Maybe one day I'll be famous ..