
The Fated System

[On a small hiatus for university finals, chapters will return by April 26th!] In the mystical world of Houndouria, magic and power are intricately woven into the fabric of society, dominated by the intricate bonds and contracts with devils, fey, and the forces of nature. "The Fated System" follows the story of Jared, a young man from Earth who, after a heroic and untimely death, is reborn in the body of a 13-year-old in this enigmatic realm and must fight to survive... but with the help of a unique system he realizes he can do much more than survive.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

A New Beginning on a Familiar Road

The evening suns painted the sky in hues of amber and gold, illuminating a cobblestone road dusted with the day's wear. The road glowed with a faint sheen as the twin suns painted a fantasy-like glow across the desolate plains that surrounded it, devoid of life save for one unfortunate soul. Here, a young boy lay, his body a testament to cruelty—bruised, and battered beyond recognition. In a different realm, on Earth, he had been Jared, a programmer who met a heroic end trying to save a young girl from a robbery in a final act of bravery, or stupidity depending on how one looked at it. Now, he was an anonymous figure in a land shrouded in mystery on the brink of death once more.

Consciousness crept back into Jared, now inhabiting this new form. His eyes, azure like the depths of an unexplored ocean, flickered open. He was lost in a haze of memories from his past life, clashing with the gritty reality of the present. Pain throbbed through him, each ache echoing his confusion. Etched into the back of his hand was an intricate crest—a Venn diagram of three circles interlocked with an inverted triangle, set starkly against his tanned skin, surrounded by an outline of white scars.

Struggling to rise, every movement was a battle against his battered body. The world around him was an enigmatic blend of ancient architecture and unexplainable magic. The road behind him seemed to hum with an unseen energy. Scattered nearby were a tattered bag and what appeared to be study materials—papers and books sprawled out, whispering secrets of a life he couldn't remember.

As he staggered onto the road, each step a mix of determination and disbelief, a carriage thundered toward him. He barely had time to register the danger before darkness claimed him once again.

Regaining consciousness, Jared found himself in an environment that was a stark contrast to his ragged state. The carriage was lavishly adorned, its rich and plush interior almost overwhelming. Panic surged as he realized he was bound head to toe, the luxurious confines of the carriage forming a gilded prison. His attempts to struggle were futile as he was met with sharp pain at the slightest movement, plunging him back into unconsciousness.

When the carriage finally halted, Jared's foggy mind clung to snippets of conversation from outside battling to stay conscious. The door swung open, revealing a woman who exuded elegance and authority. Her gaze was piercing, surveying him with an intensity that felt almost tangible. Jared's eyes were stuck wide open, he didn't have to strength to move them and felt frozen in place from the pain- even more so under this woman's gaze. She spoke commands that revealed her status—not directly to him, but enough for him to glean her importance. "Yes, Vice-Headmaster," the men replied to her orders, their voices echoing with respect and fear.

Jared was then moved to another location but couldn't muster the strength to open his eyes or move a single muscle before succumbing back into the darkness. His next awakening was amidst arcane symbols, in the heart of a ritual circle. Lit candles formed a pentagram around him and incense lay burning at his feet while the scent of rosemary and pine floated through the room. Alone and frightened, he screamed for freedom, his voice echoing off unseen walls.

The Vice-Headmaster suddenly returned as if called by his screams, and her shock at his liveliness morphed into a calculating gaze. She looked at him in utter confusion and exclaimed, "You... you're alive?" She paced closer and whispered almost to herself, "I swear I had finally found a free corpse to use in my ritual... anyways I can't just kill you on purpose to get the corpse it has to be an accident or my ritual won't work so I guess you're free to go." His terror ebbed into confusion, then cautious relief, as she unfolded her dilemma. She proceeded to begin untying Jared's hands when she suddenly gasped.

Noticing the crest on his hand, she made an unexpected offer. "You're from the Hecrule family? Why didn't you say so as soon as I walked in I greatly apologize for what I have done." The lady began stuttering and apologizing every which way only adding to Jared's confusion. 'Who is this woman and who are the Hecrule's? Why does it matter? And she needs a dead body for WHAT? What the fucking hell is going on here and why am I involved in this...' Jared's mind was finally fully awake and confused as hell as to what was going on around him, last he remembered fully he was walking in the streets witnessing a robbery... why was he in some devil ladies office?

"Listen, I am going to offer you waived entry into the academy for both the payment and the exam in return for your silence. You are about to or have just finished primary schooling based on your age and knowing your family you have an attunement to the ritual arts- but even you would have trouble passing the entrance exam so you must know how valuable this opportunity is." The lady paused as if waiting for Jared's response.

He looked around and tried to rally his thoughts to form some sort of analysis of the situation. After thinking for a second he finally responded, "How do you have the power to ensure that? No offense Ma'am but I have never seen you before so I am not sure who you are or how you can offer me that... also where am I?"

The lady threw back her head and laughed, "Oh I am so sorry I forgot my manners, you must remember I expected you were dead so I was not intending to have this conversation kekeke, I am the Vice-Headmaster of Tilanaz, the esteemed ritualism academy. As for where you are, we are in Tilanaz! Currently ranked the fourth best magical academy in our nation as you surely know. As for how I can ensure your position here, not only am I the Vice-Headmaster, but I am the third most powerful ritual caster in the nation. We can say I ran a special test how about that." She winked at the man and he was dumbfounded as to her reaction. After a short pause as Jared was collecting his thoughts, the lady sighed, "If you still cannot choose then let me add one more layer to the offer, I will personally mentor you and guide you while you are here at the academy how does that sound? Are you in?"