
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

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341 Chs

Gaming World Rankings - Positive Reception - 7-way Battle Royale

In the Gaming World of Earth, there is a ranking system created by the Game Master

The Game Master is the one who pulls the strings behind every game that was and is being developed. He decides whether each game would be made and every company goes to him first before they develop their game

This includes indie game creators, independent creators, and app developers. The companies that licenses their games consults the Game Master and if his attention was caught by a game, he will personally go to that game creator and level up his work

The Game Master is the leader of the organization called Game World and they are a part of the outer circle and a candidate for the Secret Organizations

The ranking system was made in consideration for the abilities and prowess of a player in all sorts of situations

Not only they should be good at games, there are several criteria that has to be met for the Game Master to recognize the player's achievements and skills

This led to the Game Master creating the ranking system called the Invincible Thousand

These one thousand players, out of millions and billions of players, are the people that was recognized by the Game Master to be skillful and knowledgeable of the games that they are playing

The Invincible Thousand are divided as the number of players goes down. The ranks lower than the Invincible Thousand are drastically more skillful than them, but they are still considered the Invincible Thousand. They are just separated into a different rank

This follows the Stellar Five Hundred, Heavenly Hundred, Divine Fifty, Celestial Twenty, and Cosmic Ten

The Cosmic Ten are simply ten extremely skillful players that they are considered as gods of gaming that even if all Invincible Thousand joined forces, in this case Invincible 990, against the Cosmic Ten, they would lose and that just tells how powerful they are

Tenshi belongs to the 3rd rank of the Cosmic Ten, Ichiro is the 1st rank, followed by her little sister Shizu in 2nd rank. Han is 6th rank and Churro is 9th rank, while Jhune is 4th rank

With half of the Cosmic Ten witnessing Omega's gaming skills, they became restless and questioned his game sense and knowledge

This also caused an unprecedented uproar among the Invincible Thousand and the gaming community


Back to the present, Philip was slightly surprised that Tenshi livestreamed their game without him knowing

It wasn't a problem though because he felt excited when a lot of people were to watch his gameplay

He just wants to know the reason why Tenshi would do such a thing

"Why would you stream it?"

"Are you aware that you, Omega, have been causing quite a ruckus and wave in the gaming world?"

"I had a hint about it..."

"Then, you're aware that you have been winning too much and destroying everyone in your path on your past games?"


"What if I told you that one or more instances of that, you have defeated a known high ranked player or a top player in the gaming world?"

"I did? I didn't know! What does this have to do with that?"

"I am one of those people that you destroyed. Remember Country Fighters XZ? Yeah, I got obliterated by your Diviner Battle Seer sub-class instantly. That lead to our team wipe"


Philip could only smile wryly because he remembered that Sai went all out that game night. He was also pretty sure that she was using her Divine authority on the game

"Don't you "oh" me! I did this because of two things"


Philip let Tenshi continue

"First is to get revenge, which I failed, and second is to assess your gaming skills!"

"Ah, I see... Well, I'm not that too great"

"What do yo mean?!! You clearly beat me in one round when there should have been three more rounds!"

Temshi threw a fit and wave her arms while still sitting on the chair. She then cutely laughed because she felt awkward

Philip smiled at this sight

"Do you remember the abilities that I told you guys earlier? I don't have that good of gaming skills, I just use my ability. It's like I'm cheating, so I won't take credit"


"Think of it like I'm practicing and training my abilities that has something to do with my eyes and mind. I don't play games to be competitive, I just like to have fun with friends!"

Tenshi smiled sweetly at Philip's words. The most important rule when playing games is to have fun and it's more fun if your friends are also having fun playing with them

"Interesting... Well, that doesn't get rid of the fact that you still beat me"


"Why? Don't you know who I am?"

"Uhhh... Besides a squadron member, an idol, and a gamer?"


Tenshi rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh

"I'm the 3rd rank of the Cosmic Ten. 3rd rank of all existing gamers in the world"

Philip's eyes widened slightly. In all honesty, he doesn't know what that title entails but thinks that it's a big deal

Just then, his eyes widened even more because his Clairvoyance and Future Vision just activated. It was because puzzle pieces were found and he saw a glimpse of the Fate Timeline momentarily

One of the Doomed Fates that is orbiting the Doomed Branching Timeline had shards of white dotted around the surface. It looked like the blackness of the Fate Sphere is but a sheet like cover

"I see..."

"I see? That's all you have to say? Usually, when anyone see me, they all go crazy and fall heads over heals for me"

"You want me to do that for you?"

"Uhhh... I mean..."

Tenshi blushed when she realized what she just said. Her face turned red and she hid it with her hands

Philip slightly smiled from Tenshi's embarrassing gesture. He stood up and went closer to her

Tenshi was alarmed and she thought that Philip will do exactly what she said, but she was surprised when a hand was put on her head

"Even if you're popular or not, everyone is equal to my eyes... But you're something"

Philip brushed Tenshi's head and head patted it while smiling softly

Tenshi blushed even more when she looked at his eyes. She shoved jis hand away and covered her face with her arms in a ridiculous manner

Philip took a step back and sat back down while holding the controller

Mark and Elaine looked at them with empty eyes and Sheena looked at them with warm eyes. Sheena had a look of envy on her face though

Meanwhile, Justine watched with no emotions as she doesn't care too much because she kept watching E-1 and observing her strange energy by contemplating it

Althought, she couldn't figure out even a crumb of it

"It's fine if you livestreamed it... I think it's cool, don't get me wrong, but at least let me know beforehand"

Tenshi calmed down and looked at Philip

"Why? Will the outcome of the match be different?"

Philip looked back at Tenshi with playful eyes



Tenshi became speechlesss. She figure that if Philip knew that their match was being livestreamed, he would flex and go all out at round 2 of the first match

If Philip used his abilities to figure out White-999's move sets and skills, then he would have destroyed her earlier

Although, Tenshi couldn't figure out how Philip replicated the other characters' skills without seeing them previously if this was his first time playing the game

"So, who's playing next?"

Philip asked because he still wants to play to kill time

"What do you mean?"

Tenshi was confused at Philip's question

"Isn't the usual thing goes, loser will change? So, who's playing next?"

"Uh... We don't really do that here"


It was Philip's turn to be confused. He saw Mark, Sheena, and Elaine standing up and walking towards them. Each of them holds a controller and Sheena lent a controller to Justine

"Does the console support six players?"

Philip asked with interest

"Have you forgotten?"

Tenshi asked the obvious as she turned her head towards Sheena

Mark then sat on the couch closer to the flatscreen, Elaine sat on a rolling chair next to Tenshi, and Justine sat next to Philip on the other side

"Can I sit here?"

Sheena asked Philip while pointing next to him

"I can't see why not?"

Sheena then slightly smiled and sat next to Philip with a straight back and just a few inches away from him

She then went ahead and touched the console with her slender fingers

The console shook and wobbled as it released light from the inside. The appearance then changed into a more futuristic look and it was upgraded. She also touched the flatscreen earlier before sitting down

The controllers were already upgraded earlier when Sheena touched them and distribued it to the others

The flatscreen changed into a more cutting edge version and increased the pixel count and framerate of the flatscreen

Right now, this flatscreen is the most advanced television in the world and the most eye-gasm inducing display machine

Philip looked at the controllers and the console. He noticed that the wires that are connecting the console to the controllers have disappeared. He also can't see any ports around the console

"Sheena upgraded the console and the controllers in a way that they are wireless now. There are also no delay between the relay of button presses to the console"

Tenshi explained the difference of the change of the console and controllers. His eyes widened from being impressed. He could see the Sheena's ability in a better light every time she uses it and he personally like the ability

"That's cool and awesome! So, how are we gonna play if there's six of us?"

"There's an online battle royale mode, but since we are all in one console, we can just directly connect to a lobby"

"Alright then!"

Before everyone entered the lobby, E-1 spoke and called to them

"C-can I join?"

She asked towards everyone but she's particularly looking straight at Philip

"Do we have an extra controller?"

"Of course we have"

Sheena lent another upgraded controller to E-1, to which she beamed a smile and tucked into a corner

All of them joined the lobby and Tenshi, as the maker of the lobby, started the battle royale

They then entered the character selection screen and they all chose their best characters except for Philip and E-1. Justone on the other hand, looked for the most suitable character for her