
The Fated: A Pleasure Filled Friendship

Welcome to Goldenrod: A Haven in the Neon Oasis of LA! Nestled amidst the shimmering towers and pulsating energy of Las Angeles, Goldenrod whispers a promise of serenity. This charming enclave stands as a stark contrast to the electric city, offering its residents a haven bathed in tranquility. Lush greenery replaces the kaleidoscope of neon, and the rhythmic hum of traffic fades into the gentle symphony of nature. Into this idyllic picture steps the McDaniels family, their arrival a brushstroke of vibrant energy onto the canvas of Goldenrod. Drawn by the community's warmth and the promise of fresh beginnings, they settle into a cozy house directly opposite the well-established Monroe family. This chance encounter sets in motion a series of interactions that promise to reshape the fabric of the neighborhood. Dion, the beating heart of the McDaniels family, embodies resilience and determination. At 22, he juggles the demanding roles of being a father to his bright-eyed daughter, Danielle, college student, and game designer. His passion project, Capsule Monsters or better known as "Capsulemon", reflects his creativity and ambition. Witnessing him navigate his responsibilities from late-night coding sessions to playful afternoons with Danielle unfolds a story of unwavering dedication and the profound love between a father and his child. As the lives of the McDaniels and the Monroes intertwine, the stage is set for captivating encounters. Filled with the potential for laughter, misunderstanding, and perhaps even blossoming friendships or even love, their interactions will paint a portrait of the complexities and unexpected joys of suburban life. Dion's arrival in Goldenrod isn't just about finding a new home. It's a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome challenges and find solace in unexpected places. His journey will be one of personal growth, as he confronts his doubts, learns valuable life lessons, and discovers the strength that lies within. "Welcome to Goldenrod" invites you to embark on this captivating adventure. Witness firsthand the triumphs and tribulations of building a new life, the challenges and rewards of fatherhood, and the unwavering pursuit of academic and personal aspirations. Prepare to be swept away by the intricate tapestry of relationships, witness the beauty of familial bonds, and discover the transformative power of community in the heart of this captivating haven.

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5 Chs

Chapter 4 — Dion and Ellie go on a date!

Chapter 4 - Rosa sees first hand

As Rosa sped off in her sister's car, her mind buzzed with confusion and bewilderment over what she had just witnessed before she pulled away.

"Rosa: Was everything okay? I could've sworn I saw lipstick marks on Dion's face. Was Ellie forcing herself onto Dion?! That's not fair! I wanted my chance with him too!" 

She exclaimed, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of the situation.

As she drove toward her date with her boyfriend, Rosa's mind continued to whirl, grappling with the truth of what she had seen. She switched on the radio, finding solace in her favorite song by The Weeknd — Starboy.

"Rosa: Ellie wouldn't dare steal him away from me, would she? He's fair game for all of us! She better just be kissing him and not getting carried away!" 

She muttered aloud, her thoughts suddenly consumed by Dion. 

She pondered what he was like, what he enjoyed, and why her sister had chosen Ellie to babysit Danielle instead of her.

Determined to uncover the truth and ensure her sister wasn't breaking their pact, Rosa's frustration grew.

"Rosa: If Ellie is trying anything more than kissing, I'll be furious! That gorgeous hunk of a Blerd belongs to all of us, not just her! She can't hog him for herself when Jules and I have just as much right to be with him!" 

She declared, her determination driving her forward as she grappled with her conflicting emotions.

Refusing to entertain the notion that her older sister might selfishly monopolize Dion's company, especially after the uncomfortable dinner incident weeks prior, Rosa eventually arrived at the restaurant for her scheduled date with her actual boyfriend.

After several hours, bidding her boyfriend farewell as he departed for home, Rosa noticed a car akin to Dion's parked outside a nearby movie theater, sparking her curiosity.

"Rosa: Why is Dion's car here? Shouldn't he be home working on his game?" 

Rosa mused to herself.

Momentarily distracted from Ashton's texts, Rosa observed the theater's exit as a crowd emerged. Amidst the throng, she was taken aback to spot her sister Ellie, elegantly clad in her beloved blue dress, prompting Rosa's bewilderment at Ellie's unexpected presence at the theater.

Was she playing hooky from work? Was she out on a romantic rendezvous? Or had she simply gone out for the evening because Dion finished work early?

Various scenarios raced through Rosa's mind until her attention was captured by a familiar sight: Dion, cradling a slumbering Danielle in his arms. The trio was impeccably dressed and commanded attention from those around them. 

Initially appearing as though Dion and Ellie were on a date, Rosa's thoughts shifted upon noticing Danielle's presence, prompting her to reconsider the situation. Her suspicions heightened when she observed Ellie's arm wrapped around Dion's waist, reciprocated by his free arm.

Rosa's blood boiled with fury as she realized Ellie had deceived her about her plans with Dion. Though she attempted to compose herself, tearing her gaze away proved futile; she couldn't resist watching him.

Her eyes remained fixated on him, his attire stirring something within her as her body temperature rose. Wide-eyed and transfixed by the scene of her sister on a date with Dion, when she should have been caring for Danielle, Rosa couldn't help but voice her incredulity.

"Rosa: Wait a minute... Isn't Ellie supposed to be looking after Danielle? Why is she on a date with Dion?"

Ellie pulls Dion in and kisses him as Danielle was being held in her arms, she kisses him deeply and has an arm around his neck with Danielle in the other.

From her vantage point, Rosa had an unobstructed view of Dion, and she couldn't tear her gaze away from his striking appearance.

"Ellie: Mmm thank god she didn't catch us. She's always been a tattletail so Lord knows this secret would spread like wildfire. Pero basta de hablar de su papi, ¿no vas a besar a tu princesa y hacer que se sienta amada?"

(Translation: But enough talking about her papi, aren't you going to kiss your princess and make her feel loved?)

Dion's blush deepened as he flashed a smile, his lips nervously pressed together while Ellie spoke to him in Spanish, locking eyes with him. Her emerald green eyes gleamed as his own eyes shone with a sunny yellow hue.

"Dion: Pfft, sounds like someone's got a lot to say." 

Dion quipped, teasing Ellie about her chatter.

"Dion: And if you keep talking to me like that in Spanish, you might just end up with a little one of your own~"

He playfully gestured towards Danielle before planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. Ellie blushed at the mention of having a baby, but the idea seemed to grow on her, her face lighting up as she contemplated the implications.

"Ellie: Wait, does that mean...we'd tie the knot and live together?" 

Ellie stammered excitedly, her cheeks flushed with anticipation.

"Ellie: I'd love that!!!"

Ellie's words trembled with excitement as she spoke, her face flushed with embarrassment, eliciting laughter from Dion. Playfully, she began punching him, her beet-red cheeks betraying her embarrassment, though Dion simply chuckled as they made their way to the car.

Observing them drive off, Rosa felt a tumultuous mix of anger towards her sister and newfound excitement towards Dion. The notion of either of them marrying Dion hadn't previously crossed her mind, but now she found herself enchanted by the idea.

Though thoughts of her current boyfriend briefly intruded, they quickly faded into insignificance. At that moment, Dion occupied her every thought.

A novel sensation coursed through Rosaâ€"a feeling she hadn't experienced before: jealousy. For the first time, she found herself envious of her older sister.

"Rosa: This didn't happen. I didn't see anything!" 

Rosa reiterated to herself, determined to push aside the swirling emotions consuming her. With hurried steps, she crossed the street towards Ellie's car, quietly reciting her mantra under her breath.

"Rosa: This didn't happen. I didn't see anything!!" 

She whispered before sliding into the driver's seat and speeding away, her mantra a constant companion throughout the journey.

As she drove, Rosa desperately tried to banish the disturbing images of her sister's betrayal from her mind, but they lingered, haunting her thoughts. Arriving at the Monroe house, she took a moment to compose herself before exiting the vehicle and entering the familiar surroundings.

The next day arrived swiftly. Returning from work, Samuel approached the car, intending to assess the damage, only to discover that it was already being repaired.

Noticing a pair of legs extending from beneath the vehicle, he couldn't determine who was working on it but found solace in the fact that his step-daughter had taken the initiative to hire a mechanic.

Upon entering the house, he was greeted by the heartwarming sight of his youngest daughters and wife assembled in the living room. A smile naturally spread across his face as he approached them.

"Samuel: I'm home! Did you girls miss me?" 

Samuel's words rang out, filled with warmth and affection.

However, the response he received was silence. His wife and two younger daughters regarded him with expressions of disdain, while Ellie was notably absent, out shopping for dinner. Samuel couldn't shake the feeling that his wife's resentment still lingered.

In his mind, he believed he was protecting his family from perceived dangers associated with people from the lower classes, but his wife had made it abundantly clear: his classist beliefs were unwelcome in her home.

"Samuel: Come on, Becca, you're still upset with me? I didn't do anything wrong!" 

Samuel pleaded as he approached his wife. However, the anger in her eyes intensified at his last statement. Rebecca turned away, retreating to the kitchen without a word.

"Rebecca: Well, honey, let me tell ya, this ain't no abode for classism filled pigs like yourself! Now, you might not have thought nothin' was amiss with what you spouted, but I sure as shit did! I didn't catch a hint of humor or defense in those words. All I saw was a decrepit, old coot, whose own shortcomings were only magnified just by sharin' space with folks different from you."

She declared, her husband receiving a tongue wag from Jules in response. 

Arms tightly folded across her chest, Rosa stood, utterly repulsed by her step-father's words.

"Rosa: None of what you said applies to the McDaniels. They're a kind family, and I can't fathom how you'd even think of them as less than us. I ain't seen a lick of truth in what you've been spoutin' lately." 

Rosa retorted, cutting off any potential reply from Samuel with a defiant flip of her middle finger.

Before Samuel could retort, the front door swung open.

"???: Rosa, I finally got your car fixed up! I put on the new parts, and now she's good as new!"

A voice announced.

Rosa let out a delighted squeal, dashing past Samuel alongside Jules and out into the driveway. Standing by the car was none other than Dion, clad in an Under Armour workout top that clung to his upper body, a mixture of sweat and oil glistening on his sun-kissed skin. He wore comfortable black sweats with a white racing stripe down the side, and a hint of morning stubble graced his jawline. Despite his lean build, he exuded an aura of athletic prowess, his locs tied back in a casual ponytail.

Rosa cheered, exclaiming.

"Rosa: Dion, you're amazing!" 

She bounced up and down excitedly before rushing over for a hug, but Dion held her back cautiously.

"Dion: Trust me, you don't want this grease on your clothes! But it's no trouble at all. You know you can always count on me!" 

The front door rolled open, Jules, overjoyed at her sister's car being operational, launched herself onto Dion's back in a hug. Unfazed by the potential for oil stains, Rosa too enveloped him in a warm embrace, her extensive wardrobe a shield against fashion mishaps.

Samuel, however, scowled upon seeing the young man. His face contorted in obvious disapproval, his flushed complexion highlighting the network of cracks spider webbing across his salt and pepper beard. 

Fueled by anger, he stomped towards Dion, forcibly separating Rosa and Jules from him.

"Samuel: Since when do we allow just anyone in our house? Especially. Riff-raft like this one...." 

His voice trailed off, a cruel smile twisting his lips.

"Samuel: Also, keep your filthy hands off my daughters, you punk! You shouldn't have even dared to move here."

The venom in Samuel's words doused Rosa's excitement. A worried glance passed between her and Jules before she intervened, aiming to quell the rising tension.

"Rosa: Calm down you old fart?! Dion just helped fix the car. There's no need to act like some kind of spoiled bastard who is throwing a tantrum."

However, Samuel's anger continued unabated. He pointed an accusing finger at Dion, his voice dripping with hostility.

"Samuel: I don't want you near my daughters, understand? You're nothing but trouble, and I won't tolerate it in my house! You thug!"

Dion was clearly put off by this, instantly remembering the first time he ever encountered some entitled rich black kid, he remembered punching him so hard he knocked a tooth out.

Dion figured that if he was to keep any bad blood away from his daughter or the girls, he would have to keep the situation under control, he maintained his composure despite the confrontation. He raised his hands in a gesture of peace, attempting to reason with Samuel.

"Dion: Um, Mr. Samuel was it? I assure you, there's nothing bad happening here. I'm simply here to lend a hand because I was asked for help by Rosa. I have no intention of causing any trouble."

Samuel remained resolute, his gaze steady as he spoke to Dion once more.

"Samuel: I've made myself perfectly clear. Stay away from my daughters, or there will be consequences."

With that final warning, Samuel stepped closer to Dion, attempting to assert dominance despite being easily overshadowed in both height and weight by the young man.

Dion bit back his retort, holding his tongue as best he could, but eventually, a trickle of blood ran from his nose. Despite the pressure he felt from Samuel, Dion couldn't help but chuckle, seemingly unfazed by the confrontation.

"Dion: Trust me, old man, you don't want to go down this road. I'm only here because Rosa asked for my help, and it seems to me she's quite capable of making her own decisions. If she wants me here, then I'm here!" 

Dion said, a mixture of ferocity and amusement in his tone, his smile shifting from menacing to his usual easygoing expression.

Rosa watched in astonishment, her admiration for Dion growing as he stood up to her step-father. His confident demeanor, mixed with a hint of danger, stirred something within her, her cheeks flushing with color. 

Rosa clung tightly to Jules, both sisters transfixed by the scene unfolding before them. There was an inexplicable allure in watching Dion's assertiveness and the subtle aura of danger he exuded.

As Jules gazed into Dion's sharp-toothed grin and sun-yellow eyes, she couldn't help but feel a strange heat rising within her. His smile, though tinged with danger, seemed to draw her in deeper, igniting a fire within her that she hadn't expected.

The longer she looked, the more she felt herself drawn to him, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to comprehend the intensity of her own emotions. It was as if Dion's very presence had awakened something within her, stirring desires she had never before acknowledged.

Beside her, Rosa too felt the heat of the moment, her pulse racing as she watched Dion with a mixture of awe and fascination. There was something undeniably magnetic about him, something that made her pulse quicken and her breath catch in her throat.

In that moment, as they stood together watching Dion's confrontation with their step-father, Rosa and Jules felt a bond forming between them, a shared understanding of the irresistible pull of danger and desire. And as Dion's smile softened into something more familiar, they couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden beneath his enigmatic exterior.

Dion held his ground, a smile plastered on his face despite Samuel's escalating rage. The young man's cocky grin morphed into something malevolent, his eyes flashing an unsettling yellow.

Suddenly, Samuel lunged at Dion. The punch landed with a sickening thud, eliciting gasps from Rebecca, Rosa, and Jules. Rebecca instinctively shielded her daughters, fearing the worst.

But when they peeked through their fingers, they were met with an unexpected sight. Dion stood unharmed, Samuel's fist connecting with his cheek. Yet, Dion only smiled wider, his sharp teeth glinting menacingly in the sunlight. Samuel, momentarily stunned, stumbled back.

"Samuel: What the...?! What the hell are you?!" 

Samuel stammered, his voice laced with shock. He clenched his fists and charged again, but Dion remained where he stood, a chilling smile playing on his lips.

Just as Samuel threw another punch, Dion's eyes blazed. With an effortless dodge, he countered with a blow straight to Samuel's gut. 

The old man doubled over, the air knocked out of his lungs. Rebecca, Rosa, and Jules gasped in unison, their eyes wide with disbelief.

The smile on Dion's face stretched even further. With a flick of his wrist, he sent Samuel flying across the yard. The old man crashed into the nearby pool with a resounding splash.

Rebecca's jaw dropped. Soon enough, Samuel erupted from the water, hacking and coughing. His black wool hair clung to his head like a sodden mop, dripping onto his waterlogged clothes. He collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath, as Dion approached.

Dion stopped in front of Samuel, his voice firm. 

"Dion: Listen closely old man." 

He said, grabbing Samuel by his hair and pulling him up onto his feet.

"Dion: I came here in peace, I'm still new to this place, I am always showing respect to everyone, especially the ladies. And you wanna know who I am? I'm just me. That's all you need to know. So, take a deep breath, calm yourself down, and maybe reconsider your approach. Are we clear?"

Dion spoke, his tone softened as Samuel begrudgingly nodded, still recovering from coughing up water. As the smile slowly faded from Dion's face, he guided Samuel back into the Monroe household and settled him on the couch.

"Dion: Mrs. Monroe, I sincerely apologize for the incident. I hope you can forgive me. And thank you for the lemonade earlier when I was fixing the car. I'll be taking my leave now. See you later, Rosa, Jules." 

Dion said, his demeanor returning to its usual self as he prepared to depart.

As Dion left and returned home, Rosa and Jules couldn't contain their excitement. For the first time, they had witnessed their step-father being physically challenged, and they felt a sense of satisfaction knowing he had faced consequences for his bigotry.

Watching Dion disappear into his house, they turned to see their mother reprimanding Samuel for his actions against Dion and his remarks. It was a rare moment of justice and clarity, one that left Rosa and Jules feeling hopeful for the future.

Rebecca exploded. 

"Rebecca: Samuel Jackson Monroe?! What were you thinking?!" 

Her voice boomed through the room. 

"Rebecca: You waltz in here expecting a welcome mat, only to spew venom and attack Dion while he's simply helping Rosa?! You should be utterly ashamed of yourself! And let me make it utterly clear: you are no longer welcome in this house! Pack your shit, AND GET OUT?!"

Despite the beating he'd just taken, Samuel remained defiant. 

"Samuel: Becca, enough! I won't let you indoctrinate our daughters into thinking that lazy punk is worth their time! That ghett-"

A sharp slap cut him off. Rebecca's eyes blazed with a fury that stunned everyone in the room. Even Rosa and Jules, fuming over Samuel's behavior towards Dion, were speechless at their mother's actions.

Tears welled in Rebecca's eyes, but they were overshadowed by a cold anger. 

Slapping him again, she choked out. 

"Rebecca: That's enough outta you! Don't you ever speak of him like that again! Dion is a person, he is not ghetto!"

Tears streamed down Rebecca's face, her eyes flashing with a mixture of sorrow and anger as she delivered another resounding slap across Samuel's cheek. The sound echoed in the room, punctuating her words with a sharp crack.

"Rebecca: I won't tolerate you ever using such language again!" 

Rebecca's voice trembled with emotion as she scolded him, her words carrying the weight of her disappointment and frustration.

The air crackled with tension. Tears, hot and furious, streamed down Rebecca's face, blurring her vision. Yet, beneath the glistening track, a steely glint hardened her eyes. With a trembling hand, she raised it high, and in a flash of defiance, it met his cheek with a resounding slap once more. The sound echoed in the sudden silence of the room, a stark counterpoint to the storm raging inside her.

Taking a shuddering breath, Rebecca fought to compose herself. Her voice, when she spoke, was a low, dangerous growl. 

"Rebecca: I won't tolerate you ever using such language again! Not. One. More. Time."

Each word was a hammer blow, punctuated by the tremor in her hands. The anger that burned in her gut threatened to consume her, but she forced it down, channeling it into a steely resolve. This wouldn't happen again. Not ever.

With a final, withering look, Rebecca launched into a tirade, laying bare the depths of her hurt and fury. Her voice, raw with emotion, cut through the tense air. Every insult, every transgression, spilled out in a torrent of words. He flinched with each blow, his bluster replaced by a dawning realization of the damage he'd caused.

When the last scathing word had been spit out, a heavy silence descended. Rebecca, drained but resolute, pointed a shaking finger towards the door. 

"Rebecca: Get. Out."

His pleas, if they came at all, were drowned out by the roar in her ears. With a final shove that surprised even her, she sent him sprawling out the doorway. The slam of the door echoed through the house, a punctuation mark on a scene etched forever in her memory.

Alone at last, Rebecca leaned against the cold wood, tears spilling freely now. The anger remained, a simmering ember beneath the surface, but with it came a flicker of something new: a fierce independence, a determination to never again tolerate disrespect.

Rosa and Jules slowly walked up to their mother, they both hugged her as they walked away from the door, the sound of Samuel beating on the door, demanding to be let back into the house, Rebecca was done with Samuel, she remembered the wedding ring on her finger, smiling as she turned around to open the door, seeing Samuel standing there with a smug expression on his face.

Fury contorted Samuel's face as he slammed his fist against the oak door. 

"Samuel: Took you long enough to answer! This is my house, Rebecca, remember? Don't forget whose money built this life for you!" 

He spat the words, his voice dripping with condescension. 

"Samuel: If it wasn't for me and my family's fortune, you and those ungrateful kids would be on the street!"

He bellowed.

"Samuel: Now, are you going to take back that crack about me leaving, or are we going to lawyer up?"

Rebecca, her back impeccably straight, met his tirade with a smile so thin it could slice steel. She slipped a glint of gold from her finger their wedding ring. 

"Rebecca: Court?" 

She drawled, her voice laced with icy sarcasm.

"Rebecca: Honey, that won't be necessary." 

Her smile widened, sending shivers down Samuel's spine despite the anger simmering in his gut. 

"Rebecca: Buh-bye, Samuel."

The slam of the door echoed through the foyer, punctuated by the satisfying click of the deadbolt. Samuel stood there, impotent rage building in his chest. He stormed off, the manicured lawn a stark contrast to the turmoil within. He clambered into his truck, the expensive leather offering no solace. Surely, she was bluffing. Years of living in luxury had softened her, made her forget her place.

With a growl of the engine, he peeled out of the driveway. The city lights gleamed in the distance, beckoning him towards a familiar vice. He wasn't giving up that easily. 

She'd cave. She had to. 

He steered towards the opulent building, the neon sign of "The Platinum Pegasus" casting an ironic glow on his fuming face. Tonight, he wouldn't drown his sorrows in whiskey, but celebrate his impending victory. 

Rebecca would be back, begging for his forgiveness, for his money. He just had to wait.

The polished double doors of the Pegasus swung open with a pneumatic hiss, revealing a cacophony of clinking glasses, forced laughter, and the tinny whine of a forgotten slot machine. 

The air hung thick with the scent of expensive perfume and desperation. A hostess, surgically enhanced and clad in a shimmering dress that left little to the imagination, flashed him a practiced smile.

"Welcome back, Mr. Thorne~" 

She purred, recognizing the high roller from his frequent (and expensive) visits. 

"The usual table?"

He gave a curt nod, the bravado he'd projected on the drive already starting to fray at the edges. Usual table, usual empty promises whispered into vacant smiles. He wasn't here for the women, the flashing lights, or the fleeting thrill of a win. He was here for the oblivion, the temporary escape from the gnawing loneliness that had settled in his gut the moment the door of his home shut on him.

He tossed a wad of cash at the dealer, a silent plea for the highest stakes table. 

Maybe, just maybe, a night of reckless abandon would drown out the nagging doubt that clawed at him. 

Maybe tonight, the city lights wouldn't beckon him towards a familiar vice, but reveal a path, however dim, towards a future without Rebecca.

Back in the Monroe household.

Ellie had finally returned from grocery shopping.

Ellie juggled the overflowing grocery bags into the kitchen of the Monroe household, wincing as a rogue carton of milk threatened to topple.  

"Ellie: Alright groceries!" 

She muttered, setting them down with a thump.

"Ellie: Let's see what culinary masterpieces we can create."  

Humming along to the radio, Ellie began unpacking, sorting between the Monroe household's usuals and the fun snacks she knew Danielle would love. 

A mischievous grin spread across her face as she stashed a box of colorful mac and cheese in a separate cabinet a surefire hit that wouldn't exactly win Dion's approval.

Just then, the back door creaked open, and a towheaded figure peeked around the corner.  

"Jules: Ellie! You're back!" 

It was Jules, her eyes wide with excitement.  

"Jules: Did you get, like, everything?"

Ellie chuckled.  

"Ellie: Almost everything, also, Jules, isn't it childish to still eat rainbow Mac n cheese?"

Jules scrunched up her nose at her older sister. 

"Jules: Ugh, mind ya business! But did you get it, you know..." 

She made a vague grabbing motion with her hand.

Ellie winked.

"Ellie: you mean the Mac n cheese? Of course I did. But it's a secret mission, alright? We wouldn't want to upset Mom's healthy sensibilities."

Jules giggled, her eyes sparkling with delight. 

Ellie, perched on the bottom step with a book in her lap, looked up with a grin. 

"Ellie: Have a great time, Rosa! Don't stay out too late sis."

Rosa winked. 

"Rosa: Wouldn't dream of it, El. Are you heading over to babysit the chocolate chip?"

Rosa said as she smiled, her mind still picturing Dion in that suit.

"Ellie: Yea, pizza and a movie marathon planned. Want me to leave the light on for you?"

Rosa considered for a moment. 

"Rosa: Nah, I shouldn't be too late. But thanks for the offer. Text me if anything crazy happens with Danielle, okay?"

Rosa said as she turned her phone on vibrate.

"Ellie: Crazy happens in this neighborhood all the time!" 

Ellie teased, making Rosa swat playfully at her arm.

"Rosa: Just the usual Ellie kind of crazy, I hope." 

Rosa replied with a laugh. 

"Ellie: See you tomorrow, munchkin."

With that, Rosa gave the front door a decisive pull, the sound echoing through the quiet house. Ellie soon got up to head over to babysit, a smile still lingering on her face. 

The familiar thump of the closing door was a comforting sound, a signal of their newfound weekend routine. Evenings were for Rosa's adventures, nights for Ellie's cozy solitude, Jules' game time, and mornings for shared stories over burnt toast.

Ashton had already been waiting for her at a table, his head immediately shooting up to look at her when Rosa pushed open the restaurant door.

She had a knot of worry tightening in her stomach, thinking about what she saw that day, thinking about Ellie cheating during their deal. Ashton was already there, a beacon of casual cool at a corner table. His head snapped up the moment she entered, a smile blooming on his face.

"Ashton: There you are!" 

He exclaimed, rising to greet her. But his smile faltered slightly. Her usually bright eyes were clouded, her shoulders slumped.

"Rosa: Hey!" 

Rosa managed, forcing a small smile. 

"Rosa: Sorry I'm late. Car trouble."

It wasn't a complete lie. The engine of her day had definitely sputtered to a halt. 

Witnessing her soon to be ex-stepfather attack Dion and then immediately get put down like a deer had thrown a wrench into everything.

As she sank into the chair opposite him, Ashton pulled her into a quick hug. 

"Ashton: Whoa, easy there." 

He murmured, a furrow forming on his brow as concern creased his features.

"Ashton: Is your car giving you trouble? Maybe I could take a look at it after dinner?"

But before he could complete his offer, Rosa interjected.

"Rosa: No, it's alright. Someone else handled it. Thank you, though. I just need something to settle my nerves."

As those simple words left her lips, Rosa found herself envisioning something dark and elongated inside her, a metaphorical representation of her inner turmoil.

"Rosa: A latte!" 

She exclaimed, trying to redirect her thoughts.

"Rosa: I need a latte."

Ashton sank back into his seat, his expression marked by concern. He motioned for a waiter to approach and take their order.

"Ashton: Are you alright, darling? Is it... that time?" 

He arched an eyebrow, his voice filled with understanding.

She pauses, the sheer absurdity of his comment snapping her back to the present moment.

Rosa fixes him with a sarcastic grin, his words only serving to fuel her growing anger.

"Rosa: What time?" 

Her tone takes on a mocking edge, reminiscent of her mother's response to her stepfather's foolish actions and remarks earlier.

"Ashton: You know... the, uh, the harvest moon." 

He attempts to salvage the situation with a feeble smile, passing it off as a joke.

But Rosa's expression remains unamused, her narrowed eyes conveying her displeasure.

The palpable wave of anger emanating from her could have been enough to stop him in his tracks if she hadn't been restraining herself.

"Ashton: Uh, sorry, I didn't mean-"

Rosa's irritation flares instantly at the question, her fingers tightening on the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"Rosa: Women can have bad days that aren't tied to their period, Ashton. We're not werewolves who only get emotional under a harvest moon or whatever silly metaphor you're trying to use."

Rosa's sharp wit cuts through the air, her annoyance at Ashton's ignorance evident in her tone. She was all too aware of Ashton's tendency to be dense, a fact that only fueled her irritation further.

She leans back in her chair, aggravated by both her sister's apparent closeness to Dion and Ashton's persistent obtuseness.

"Ashton: Geez, I said I'm sorry, babe. Look, I'll cover both of us today. You don't have toâ€"let's just avoid a fight. I apologize again."

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Rosa reluctantly relents.

"Rosa: Fine."

They place their orders and sit in tense silence for a moment. Ashton attempts to diffuse the tension with cautious conversation.

"Ashton: So, are you looking forward to college?"

Rosa's thoughts were consumed by Ellie's perceived theft of Dion's attention. She mulled over every interaction, trying to decipher how Ellie managed to captivate Dion's interest enough to agree to a date.

From her limited observations of Dion, Rosa knew two things: he was a dedicated blerd, immersed in nerd culture, and he tended to be "shy" around girls he found attractive. In Rosa's mind, this explained his usual shyness around her; she couldn't help but imagine herself in Ellie's shoes, on a date with him.

"Rosa: Yeah, it's going to feel strange not being home." 

She remarked absentmindedly, her gaze shifting to Ashton.

Annoyance simmered within her, exacerbated by Ashton's presence, thanks to her sister's actions.

Although a day had passed since she saw Ellie with Dion, the memory lingered in Rosa's mind, a persistent source of frustration.

"Ashton: Yeah... let's make the most of this summer, though. We won't be together again until this time next year." 

He suggested, attempting to inject some positivity into the conversation.

He said as he placed a hand on her hand, the two smiled at each other.

"Ashton: We can go see a movie tomorrow. And then after we can go to my place." 

He smiles once again at her, hinting at the obvious.

Regarded as a prominent figure among her peers in Goldenrod, Rosa found herself uninterested in Ashton's company. He lacked the excitement and charisma she found in Dion.

Initially, embarking on a relationship with Ashton had been enjoyable. However, as time passed, it became apparent to Rosa that their connection was lacking. She yearned for new adventures and deeper passion.

When Ashton excused himself to the bathroom, Rosa seized the opportunity for privacy. Unlocking her phone and inserting a wireless earphone, she dialed a number.

"Rosa: I should probably check in on that boyfriend-stealing sister of mine." 

She muttered to herself, her eyes scanning the diner as she awaited her sister's response.

As the phone rang on Ellie's end, she glanced at the screen, recognizing Rosa's incoming call. With a pang of guilt, she swiftly declined the call, returning her attention to Dion, who was engrossed in streaming another gaming session.

"Dion: Ellie, what would you like for dinner tonight? I could whip up something special since it's my little man's birthday tomorrow!" 

He exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Dion remarked, glancing over at the crib beside his desk where Danielle lay sleeping peacefully. His attention then turned to Ellie, noting the flushed appearance of her face, though he wondered if he was simply overanalyzing the situation.

Meanwhile, in the diner, Rosa persistently tried to reach her older sister, but her attempts were futile. Reluctantly giving up, she shifted her gaze to Ashton, who was patiently waiting.

Finally deciding to answer after leaving him hanging for a while, Ashton resumed their conversation about spending the summer together.

"Rosa: Absolutely not! I refuse to be driven away from your house again because your mom is overly attached and doesn't approve of some 'Redhead succubus' corrupting her 'precious angel of a baby boy' into a demon!"

Ashton visibly flinched at her remark, knowing his mother's conservative views and her preference for his dating choices. He feared her reaction, worried it might result in a resounding 'no'.

(Note: Ashton's mother hates Rosa, calling her names as much as she can to make Rosa leave her 'perfect angel', thus Rosa has been looking for a reason to break up with Ashton since she first got with him back in 2074)

"Ashton: Well, you won't have to worry about her tonight. My dad's taking her out for dinner. Last time they did that, they stumbled home the next morning, both hungover. I swear, I think my dad even wore my mom's underwear." 

He quipped, looking up with a playful smirk.

"Rosa: Even if that's true, I'd feel a lot safer crashing at Bridget's place. Can't risk them thinking their precious angel is just a plaything." 

She retorted, her fingers tapping out a quick message to Jules, who was back home working on her AnyTube channel.

"Ashton: Oh, come on, babe, please. It won't be like last time. And I already gave my mom an earful for that awful remark she made!" 

Ashton pleaded with Rosa, urging her to give him a chance to take her out and potentially deepen their relationship.

"Rosa: You still don't understand, do you? Do you want me to tell my mom that you stood by while I confronted your mom again? And she still doesn't know about the first time...." 

Rosa countered sharply.

Ashton's expression shifted to one of horror at the thought. 

"Ashton: Oh god, no! Your mom would absolutely lose it, and I'd be in deep trouble too. By the way, is your step-dad still fuming over those new neighbors?" 

He asked, trying to change the subject, taking a bite of his fries.

"Rosa: Definitely. He can't seem to get over it or accept that people from New York live in our community. Before he even married my mom there were plenty of people from the East Coast that lived there from the time my mom was a baby." 

Rosa responded, reminiscing about the tense atmosphere that had enveloped their household.

"Rosa: But I don't have any issue with them, and neither do my sisters or mom. Actually, Mom kicked his ass out of the house for good over it! Hehe!"

She added, a hint of satisfaction evident in her voice.

Glancing down at her small chocolate cake, she took a sip of her soda before indulging in a bite.

"Ashton: It's surprising to think people like that live right across from you." 

He remarked casually, taking a sip of his coffee.

Rosa's expression shifted to one of incredulity, her silent question echoing loudly in her mind.

"Rosa: Excuse me? Like what?" 

She questioned, raising an eyebrow as she chewed her cake.

"Ashton: You know, ghetto." 

He shrugged nonchalantly, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Rosa: Boy- Yeah, I don't think they're ghetto." 

She retorted firmly.

She continued to eat her cake, her expression growing tense as Ashton pressed on.

"Ashton: Alright, then where are they from?" 

He persisted.

"Rosa: They're from Angel Heights, but that doesn't mean shit-"

He cut her off abruptly.

"Ashton: Woman, Angel Heights is pretty rough, maybe not as bad as most make it out to be though." 

He interjected with a smirk. 

"Ashton: But it's not exactly Queens or Staten Island."

His words caught her off guard, leaving her uncertain how to react.

"Rosa: Oh, because those areas are considered 'good' neighborhoods, unlike places like Angel Heights and other places in New York?" 

She retorted, her anger palpable. If looks could kill, Ashton would have died a hundred times over by now.

He paused, taking a moment to carefully weigh his words before responding.

"Ashton: I mean, you said it, not me. But hey, good for them for finding a way out, right? It's just... unexpected to see them here. Goldenrod is for everyone, but maybe not them, you know?" 

Rosa, nearing her breaking point, attempted to calm herself, though an irritated smile threatened to transform into something more severe. She replied to Ashton with strained patience.

"Rosa: Okay, what the fuck does that mean? And I don't find it strange, Ashton. I mean, Carter, who's a year older than us, grew up in Goldenrod too like us despite coming from Mississippi. And he's my best friend." 

She countered, anticipating Ashton's next response.

"Ashton: Carter and any others who moved here as kids have been here since the early 70s, just like us. He's not from a 'ghetto' district like Angel Heights." 

Ashton stated, finishing his fries before moving on to his burger, his gaze fixed on Rosa.

"Rosa: Well, whether the McDaniels are considered 'ghetto' or not isn't really relevant. They're decent people. Dion is hot asf too-" 

She retorted, her tone betraying a hint of frustration and confusion at the direction of their conversation.

Slipping in the last sentence under her breath to further reinforce her point.

"Ashton: Perhaps... on the surface." 

He added cryptically.

He said with a stoic expression, his words hitting Rosa like a ton of bricks.

Her jaw dropped in disbelief at his comment.

"Rosa: What. The. FUCK! Does that even mean?" 

Was what she wanted to say, but she was too stunned to form the words.

Ashton remained unfazed, casually munching on a fry.

"Rosa: I can't believe you're saying this. Are you seriously suggesting they're putting on an act? Do you think there's some sort of 'mask' they're hiding behind, and that one day I'll wake up to find out the neighborhood is suddenly ran down or filled gangs?" 

Drawing from her mother's example, Rosa made Ashton feel the weight of his words.

"Ashton: Wait, no, that's not what I meant..." 

He stumbled, trying to backtrack.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he continued.

"Ashton: I mean, let's say something goes missing from your house. Who would you suspect? The thugs from Angel Heights or someone who is educated on a higher level here in LA?"

If there were a grading system for digging one's own hole, Ashton would have earned a perfect score across the board.

"Rosa: Are you expecting me to say it's the McDaniels? The family I have gotten to know well for the last few weeks? The same family my older sister is helping by babysitting the little girl of my new neighbor as he works his ass off to build a game from scratch? That family?" 

She asked, arms crossed in a manner that conveyed a warning: one chance to avoid a colossal mistake.

"Ashton: Is that your answer? Just because he's working on a game doesn't mean he's *NOT* ghetto, he's an indie developer, that's all. And why do you care so much about how I think of them? I have family from the Bronx after all, its not my problem they failed to use their brains to make it out sooner." 

He replied casually, taking a bite of his burger.

"Rosa: Listen, Ashton, the McDaniels aren't ghetto. They're not putting on a facade of kindness; they're genuinely good people. Just because they come from Angel Heights of all places doesn't make them less fortunate. Me and Ellie spent an entire summer there with our grandma and uncle, it was a fckin' blast too. Sure, it's not LA, but it's still a vibrant place. Honestly, you sound like my stepdad, he's done nothing but shit talk the McDaniels since they arrived." 

She said exasperatedly, blowing a strand of hair out of her face as she sat with her arms crossed.

"Ashton: Well, maybe your dad has a point about that hoodrat-" 

He muttered under his breath in a barely audible tone, his words a perfect recipe for disaster.

Rosa shot up from her seat, her glare piercing through Ashton like a broadsword.

Ashton was the prime beliver of "Fuck around and find out" at this moment.

"Rosa: Enjoy your movie date alone, you asshole!" 

Her voice rang out, cutting through the diner's ambiance as every patron turned to witness the confrontation. With determined strides, she stormed out of the diner, her anger fully on display.

Enraged by Ashton's ignorant words, she didn't spare him a backward glance as she stomped her way to Ellie's car.

Ashton dashed after her, desperate to rectify his mistake.

"Ashton: Babe! Rosa, wait, I didn't mean it like that!" 

He pleaded, stepping in front of her path, but she swiftly sidestepped him.

"Rosa: How else am I supposed to interpret you calling the new neighbors- MY NEIGHBORS, mind you FUCKING "HOODRATS"?! I'm done. Don't bother trying to stop me, and don't even think about calling!" 

She spat, her fury boiling over as she made her way to her sister's car. Despite Ashton's attempts to calm her, each word only fueled her anger as she went to leave.

As she went to leave, he clasped her wrist, pleading desperately for her to stay. But the look in Rosa's eyes told him he had crossed a line. With a forceful shove, she pushed him away before delivering a powerful punch that knocked a tooth loose and sent him sprawling to the ground.

With a screech of tires, she sped off in her car, leaving Ashton stunned and bloodied, unsure of whether to pursue her or not. Blood trickled from his nose and mouth as he held his cheek, dazed by the sudden turn of events.

Meanwhile, Rosa seethed with anger, consumed by the sheer ignorance and idiocy displayed by her boyfriend.

"Rosa: How can anyone be so unbelievably stupid? That moron legit made being from any place urban sound stupid." 

She ranted to herself, tears of rage and frustration welling in her eyes. Her mind raced with a torrent of thoughts.

"Rosa: That's it, we're done. Has he always been like this?" 

The realization made her feel nauseous. She drove home as fast as she could, her phone incessantly buzzing with calls and texts from Ashton.

To be continued...