
The fate: Babysitter

Aiko moves to Konoha looking for a job and becomes a babysitter for Naruto. But what happens when she meets a certain man who is the brother of Sasuke, Naruto’s best friend. Read to find out.. - This story contains sexual content. - I do not own any of the Naruto characters. They all belong to the rightful owner. - This story will not follow the plot of the anime/manga. - Modern AU. - I own the storyline.

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13 Chs

Sleepover and friends


We started the meeting and I could see the look on Naruto's face seeing all the children smiling with their parents while he just attends with his psychologist. So I walked up to him and scooped up my six year old 'son' and gave him the biggest and goofiest grin I could muster up and he shot me back an equally goofy grin and next thing I know he is SCOoped up from my arms and laughing in Itachi's.

I am so glad I could be here for him and Itachi didn't have to do that but the fact that he did makes me grateful, as I admire the two giggling I feel a tug at the bottom of my dress. I look down to see a small pouty Sasuke and I lift the adorable child into my arms giggling at his childish but cute behavior.

The meeting ends and we head back to Itachi's house for the movie night and sleepover.

- - - - -

We arrived at Itachi's house. The first thing Naruto and I did was change into more comfortable clothing. He borrowed clothes from Sasuke and I borrowed a black 'THE NBHD' T-shirt and baggy grey sweatpants from Itachi.

We all sat down to start watching TV when an advert started playing, "The Jashin blood bank is the leading blood bank and we strive to help those in need of even the most rare blood types...Make a sacrifice today....Jashin blood bank.", said the guy on the TV.

"Hey, isn't he one of Sasori's friends?", I asked.

"Yeah, that's Hidan...the hematologist."

"Ah yes, I remember."

"So, what are we going to watch?", I asked everyone.

"Um, can we watch the 'Road to Ninja' movie?", Itachi suggested.

"Oh yes, of course.", I stated holding my hands to my face with a twinkle in my eyes.

"Awww...are you thinking of your husband?", Itachi said.

"He is not my husband."

"Not yet.", Itachi answered with a smirk.

"Urgh! I will find some lady to tease you about, I promise you that..."

"We will see...", he countered.

We then sat down and started the movie. We got to the part where Menma showed up to attack our favorite blonde ninja and then Itachi started the teasing AGAIN...

"Oh look, it's Aiko's favorite part. (It's the part where the Akatsuki shows up to help Naruto and Sakura) Guess we know what that means..."

"Oh, s-shut it...it's not like that."

"Hmmmm okayyy, I believe you..."

"Haha, very funny.", I said sarcastically.

"I swear if you wake up and there are crows outside your window, don't blame me...I warned you.", I said as he burst out laughing.

The movie finished and we decided to enjoy the sleepover...and by enjoy the sleepover I mean we made a pillow fort on the floor. As we were about to head to bed seeing as Naruto and Sasuke were already asleep, Itachi called me.

"Hey...follow me, I want to show you something.", so I followed him up some stairs. I must say this house is so beautiful.

"You know, your house is so huge and gorgeous!"

"Thank you so much, I always wanted an open house.", he said with a sweet smile.

We reached the top of the stairs and it was the roof. He lifted my face to the sky. All I saw were stars, I never saw so many stars in Suna. It was so beautiful.

I looked at him and I saw the stars reflecting in deep charcoal pools. Has he always been this handsome... I snapped out of my gaze when I heard his voice, that silky deep voice. I never really saw or thought about him like this, why now?

"I wanted to spend some time here, it's really beautiful."

"Yes, it is.", I said sneaking glances at him.

[ Itachi's POV ]

I wanted to bring Aiko here to show her the stars...these past few weeks she has made so much easier for me. I am so grateful to have someone like her in my life, this time I want to know more about her. I want to spend every moment here enjoying her presence, her laugh, her jokes...everything.

[ Third person POV ]

(Not that I was spying on them or anything...)

Aiko and Itachi walked to the side of the roof, overlooking the city. Itachi sat down holding his hand out for Aiko as she took it laying beside him as they looked up at the stars.

"So, tell me what happened before Konoha?", Itachi asked Aiko.

"Well, you see.. when I was a kid, I had really horrid classmates and well, they always seemed to try and get me in trouble or get in trouble and blame it on me and they would always gang up on me. My parents always wanted me to be the best behaved and most respectful so I always got in trouble for these things I didn't do and they would punish me so much and it hurt me, I got saved by a senior at school once and ever since he has been like my big brother. So, I was in my last year of high school and we both planned to help me run away."

"I am guessing you are talking about Sasori...?"

"Yep.", Aiko answered nodding.

"His granny...her name was Chiyo, she took us to another part of Suna closer to Sasori's university, Sasori got his Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics major there and I started studying Psychology there.", Aiko continued.

"He finished his majors and moved to Konoha to start his art major, his other friend did the same majors as him."

"Deidara?", Itachi asked.

"Yeah.", she responded.

"After that I moved into my own apartment which was where I stayed for two years which is where I met my other friends Kankuro, Gaara and Temari."

"I see..."

"Then when I finished college, I got a job offer here and I moved here."

"Then I got to meet you...", Itachi said looking into Aiko's eyes as she did the same forgetting the stars above because right now all that mattered was the two of them.

They both started leaning closer to each other, both looking at each other's eyes, the lips and back till they were close enough and then like the momentary impact of an explosion their lips met, causing a jolt of electricity to pass through the both of them.

Their lip's danced together like two devils in the middle of the night as the midnight air softly brushed their skin. As they pulled away the world moved back into place as they smiled at each other. They didn't even need to say anything because they both knew they had fallen for each other.

Eventually, after their long romantic ooey gooey love talk, the two love birds headed to the pillow fort to sleep but the last thing they did before they went to bed was intertwine their hands (Well, ifykyk).


[ Aiko's POV ]

I woke up to strange voices and...so much laughing. I headed upstairs and brushed my teeth and washed my face, then headed back downstairs. I see Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi and two other men.

"Oh...good morning, Aiko!", Itachi greeted.

"Good morning...good morning, all of you!", I said smiling.

"Hey! You are Sasori's friend!... It's me, Obito!", the man with spikey hair said.

"Uh yeah...Hello to you too, Obito!", I said with a small smile.

"Hey! Don't forget me!...Hey there girly, it's ya boy Shisui.", the one with curly short hair said with a tip of his imaginary hat.

"Hello!", I responded.

"Why do they behave like this...?", Itachi said rolling his eyes.

"These are my cousins Aiko, they are grown men though they don't act like it."

"Hey, you just don't know how to let your hair down...though on hindsight I can see how that would be a problem for you.", Obito added as him and Shisui looked at each other with straight faces before bursting out in uncontrollable laughter.

"You know, that makes sense for Madara now...", Shisui said as they burst out laughing again.

"Aiko, you will not believe it's them if you see them at the work place, you would think they have multiple personality disorder."

"Hey, because we know how to wind down on weekends...", Obito added.

"Hey hey, leave that. A girl just walked down the stairs in this house and you are more worried about weekend relaxation.", Shisui questioned.

"Yeah, what's your deal Itachi? You sly dog.", Obito piped in smirking.

"See this is why you are still single Obito, because you say some dumb shit like this!", Shisui said.

"Hey, you are single too!", Obito said accusingly. As they both burst out laughing yet again.

"Hmmm...I wonder why?", Itachi said sarcastically more to himself than to anyone else.

"Hey, at least one of us has a girl just takes the spotlight off Obito and I...and we get to enjoy the single life, right?", Shisui said with a smug grin.

"Yeah, my bachelor days aren't ending soon!", Obito added with a goofy grin.

"Hey, you all are just assuming things and I am right here!", I said butting in.

"Well, are you both together? One night stand, friends with benefits or just dating?", Obito inquired.


"She is Naruto's psychologist slash babysitter and what we are is none of your business.", Itachi said crossing his arms, as Obito and Shisui started nudging each other and whisper arguing.

"Can I make breakfast for everyone?", I asked seeing as Naruto and Sasuke were just sitting there confused. Hopefully they don't start behaving like those two.

"Oh, I like her.", Obito added.

"I will help you.", Itachi added.

"Oh I see, it's those relationships where...where...where.", Obito started off trying to explain himself being cut off by Shisui.

"Just shut up and let them have some alone time, we have to plan our weekend plus we have to attend the jelly bean tasting show this evening."

'Huh? they have jelly bean tasting shows?', I thought to myself, as they left the kitchen carrying the two boys with them.

"Hey.", I said grabbing Itachi's attention.