
The False Hero

The Kingdom of Alnora, was lead by 7 great [Rulers], and peace reigned through the vast lands of the great Empire. But every empire eventually falls into ruins and Alnora met the same fate. After 1300 years of Alnora's decline, the 7 [Rulers] are back and they decide that they'll bring peace and prosperity back to the now rotten land. But among them is a black sheep, and that's our protagonist, blessed with almost no abilities and a rusted sword, and fated with beautiful ladies around him he wants to do something to make his life worthwhile. How will his story turn out to be? The Legend of False Hero begins. Cover by instockee ( https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3728272 ) and edited by me.

AnotherOne · Fantasi
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1 Chs


Heavy sounds resonated in the secluded area, nothing was to be seen as fire had engulfed it all but still a faint sound was audible.

"With all my weaknesses... I call thee,

Wash my sins,

As I try again."

What seemed like a chant, lit up the fire even more, but the fire was no longer orange, it was deep blue, still hot, still fierce but soothing.

Heya guys! This story will basically be a Harem x School x Battle Fantasy so please look forward to it.

I'll release chapters as I write them, I am still a noob so I'll try my best to not disappoint you as you are giving your valuable time to it.

Please look forward to it and suggestions and corrections are always appreciated.

AnotherOnecreators' thoughts