
He’s Like Cultivation Santa!

The sound of clanging metal could be heard from a large clearing in the middle of the forest.

Within it, a newly quasi-god Lucia was playing with her equally new strength against the hands of her family.

After her breakthrough, these were practically the only people in the cult outside of their family whom she could hope to engage in a contest like this without fear of hurting them. 

If Lucia had no difficulty wielding her enormous nine ringed sword before, now it was as if she was swinging around half a feather. 

She could really pick up another sword if she wanted...

However, she was able to recognize that doing so may very well compromise the integrity of the art she had already begun to master. 

Lucia, like Taira, was a graceful fighter. 

Her body swirled like a gentle breeze, but carried twice the destructive force of a hurricane.