
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
146 Chs

Chapter 3. The Abbey (1) Part-2

Ellie turned to face Thoma, waiting for his response. But as she did so, she realized the implication behind her words and began to blush.

"Ah, that is…"

Ellie scratched her cheek timidly at his hesitation. "Ah, did I say something too embarrassing?"

"No, that's not it," Thoma assured her. "It is the truth after all."


"I also believe that Sister Ellie keeps me on the right path when I stray away from the light, and it is because of my faith in her that I know I can remain good. I am extremely happy that you are here with me, and I am grateful for your constant support. Please, sister Ellie, continue looking after the children as you have been."

Thoma beamed a smile at Ellie, certain that his response had satisfied her.

In a flash, Ellie quickly stood up and announced her departure. "Ah, that's right! I'd forgotten there was laundry to do! Silly me!"

She scurried away as if she was fleeing. Thoma couldn't help but shrug, which sent the children into a frenzy as they whispered among themselves.

"A sudden confession? Isn't that what they call a proposal?"

"…Sir monk, he was secretly a player."

"What's a player?"

"A host."

"A host? Someone that take advantage of women?"

"A pimp!"

"A pimp?"

"I think he's just a pushover."

"What's a pushover?"

Thoma's mouth twitched at their gossip. 'These children… just where did they learn such things?!'


Thoma's gaze was drawn to one shelf in particular as he organized the library. The bookcase filled with old texts and manuscripts. Behind it, there existed an entrance to a dungeon of sorts, where some heretical cult once worshipped an ancient devil.

'From the look of things, it doesn't seem like anyone's touched it since then. No, they shouldn't have. There's no reason for the other monks to move this bookcase, and it's impossible for the children to move it with their strength. I should report it to the Holy Kingdom later and have them take care of it.'

He didn't feel reassured with just sealing and hiding the entrance.

'Of course, I have to pay the back taxes and prepare the donations first.'

Thoma sighed internally as he continued to dust the books.

"Um… sir monk."

Thoma turned to find a young monk standing behind him.

"What's wrong?"

"Well…" The young monk moved closer and whispered into Thoma's ears.

"Donations… are lacking? Thoma asked, repeating what the monk had told him. "Part of that is because the elderly couldn't pay…"

Thoma grew concerned as to whether this was a problem of his own creation, but the young monk shook his head.

"No. That's not it… Even with those elders not making proper donations, the amount in the records should still match, but it doesn't. The only explanation is that somebody is embezzling donations."

"Embezzlement? Who…?"

When Thoma jumped in shock from the unexpected news, the young monk's expression darkened.

"It appears that Brother Faron is the culprit."


Thoma moved with great haste, followed by the young monk. He couldn't help but feel pathetic as he let out a sigh. Faron had always been an honest and devoted monk. He was also an outstanding man who garnered much respect from the other brothers and sisters, due to his age and experience.

'Why would such a man steal donations…?'

Thoma arrived to find the Chapel packed to the brim with other members of the abbey. They were all surrounding one person, arguing loudly.

"Wait! What did I do wrong, huh? I'm telling you, I didn't take it!"

"Don't lie. I saw you taking money out of the altar myself."

"You saw it?" Faron asked incredulously, "Proof… bring proof!"

Thoma squeezed through the throng and began to calm the crowd. "Stop this at once! Do you all find such bickering acceptable in this holy room?"

Everyone was visibly startled by Thoma's outburst, and looked away from him in shame. His voice made them aware of their surroundings.

Thoma cautiously peeked toward the monk named Faron. He was an old-looking man— perhaps in his 60s—with a bald head and a deeply wrinkled face. Not unlike the elders from earlier, his physique was gaunt, nearly skeletal, from malnourishment.

The young monk looked at Thoma and whispered quietly. "…What will you do?"

"Did brother Faron truly commit this act?" Thoma asked apprehensively.

"I witnessed it myself."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, it was not just me, but others as well…"

Thoma let out a groan. He had to maintain a neutral stance. If he were to believe Faron's denial, he would also have to weigh the other monk's and sister's claims equally. The easiest way to decide which side to take would be for him to uncover who was telling the truth.

Thoma turned to Faron, who took his gaze as an accusation. "C-could it be that Sir Hero is suspecting me as well?!"

"… I am no Hero."

"I-I apologize. Brother Thoma, a-are you perhaps doubting me?" Faron's voice sounded shakey. He gulped and looked down. Sweat had even started trickling down from his brow, and his body trembled anxiously.

Thoma's golden pupils gleamed as he studied the color of the man's soul. Initially clear blue—small red specks began to appear—until Faron's entire soul had been dyed red. This change meant he was 'lying', and no lie could escape Thoma's sight.

Now knowing the truth, he looked at Faron with a soft smile.

"Brother Faron."

"Yes? Ah… yes."

Faron found himself being calmed by Thoma's languid voice. However, he lowered his head even further, unable to bear the weight of Thoma's gaze.

"Did you… steal the donations?"

"Brother Thoma! I…" Faron hurriedly raised his head, but immediately lost his voice in the face of Thoma's gentle smile. After a moment of reluctance, he spoke. "I-I'm sorry. My wife… She's so sick, but the price of medicine…"

"I understand."

Thoma consoled Faron and rubbed his shoulders. Rather than add fuel to the fire, he asked the old monk how his wife was faring.

"So, is she feeling better?"

"Yes? No… that is…"

Seeing that Thoma was more concerned with his wife's health than the stolen donations, Faron couldn't help but feel a sharp pang of guilt in his heart. A torrent of tears burst forth, and his knees buckled from the flood of emotions.

"I'm sorry. I am truly sorry! Brother Thoma…! Yes, my wife is doing well. Thankfully, she's gotten over the worst of it. She's still quite ill, but… She will recover! Yes, she will definitely get better!"

"I see. I'm glad."

Thoma turned toward the other brothers and sisters who were staring at Faron with disdain.

"I'm sorry! I lied… I'm so sorry! I stole the money…!"

"It is not for me to receive the apology," Thoma interjected. He helped Faron to his feet, and made him face the other members of the abbey. "Now now. To everyone…"

"I… am sorry. I am very sorry."

Faron faced the other nuns and monks, bowing deeply, and apologized at Thoma's urging.

"The… money. I will definitely pay it back. I will pay it back at any cost! So… please forgive me."

Upon hearing those words, the eyes of the other nuns and monks softened. However, their disappointment was another matter. None of them had expected someone as trusted and respected as Faron to betray the abbey. Thoma had also been caught off-guard by Faron's actions, but rather than disappointment, he felt sympathy.

'It can't be helped.' He thought to himself.

The abbey wasn't earning money like it used to. The monks and sister were barely able to escape starvation, let alone afford a luxury like medicine. Brother Faron had been forced to make a difficult choice: betray his brothers and sisters or let his wife die.

'However… if something like this happens again, things will be very difficult.'

This abbey was in dire straits after all.

— Ω —