
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
146 Chs

Chapter 13. The Demon Kingdom (5) Part-1

"… This is a bit too much."

Nordin Wood extinguished the flame burning on his head with his hand. His branches were burnt like firewood and his leaves had already turned to ash.

"They'll probably grow again. I'm still a bit young to be balding. Hah… This is troublesome."

He slowly scanned his surroundings. The Treos that survived the bombardment began to stir. They had the temperament of trees, but with the vitality of a Troll and a strength that exceeded Ogres. If they weren't critically weak against fire and if their movements weren't lethargic at best, they might be considered the most powerful demon.

"… A lot of demons died. It can't be helped. We'll properly do our part now!"

In this rebellion, either Bludifer or the Demon Lord, Lily Golt, had to be defeated. If not, those that had been branded rebels would continue to die.

The Treos began to slowly move their gargantuan bodies. The Chief of the Gnolls, Nasis, gulped, recalling the bombardment that had just taken place. His gaze alone looked as if it would pierce the Orcs' defenses. The chief of the Centaurs, Hecaron, moved next to Nasis and shook his head in dismay. He had barely made it out of the attack himself.

"Ey! Did you break through the barricade? What do we do now? Do we run? Or fight…!?"

Hecaron responded to Nasis's question by looking around. The center of the Demon Army had been obliterated by the bombardment. The morale of their troops had fallen drastically, but they were also filled with newfound rage as well. All of them had a great sense of camaraderie due to their shared plight. They would not simply sit by and watch their allies in suffering be massacred. Also, the Demon Army still had an overwhelming numerical advantage over the Orcs. The number of Treos and Minotaurs left still outnumbered the enemy's Ogres. They still had a fighting chance.

'… Our bodies are still cursed. I can't see Bludifer, but the bastard is still alive.'

In other words, escape was not an option.

"… We have to fight. If our side loses this battle, we're not going to be turned into slaves or cattle, but expelled from the kingdom entirely! The only thing beyond our border is human territory. We'd have to cross through such treacherous land just to reach unclaimed wilderness. We might as well be agreeing to die at that point."

"T-then I guess we have to fight?"

"… If we're branded as rebels, we, as chiefs, would lose our lives anyways."

"Shit! Fine! Let's do this! LEt's go! Tear apart those merciless Orc bastards! Kyaaaaooooo-!"

When the impatient Nasis shouted and ran forward, the other Gnolls followed behind. Hecaron smiled stiffly and raised his spear.

"Let us go, brothers-! Trample those cruel Orcs-!"


Hecaron began to gallop, leading the Centaurs in a wedge formation.

Karakul grit his teeth watching it all unfold. The Orcs needed to grasp victory amid the chaos, but they had already lost the chance. Treos began to enter the fortification en masse. They stomped and crushed the Orcs in their way with their massive bodies.

"F-fire, throw fire!"

The Orcs began to light torches and throw them onto the Treo. They doused them with oil and fought back with everything they had. However, they were tossed off the slow, but massive bodies of the Treo with a brush of their trunk-like hands.

Nordin Wood, the Chief of the Treo, stood beside Allen.

'Shit… we can barely deal with Allen, but now Nordin is stepping in…!' Karakul cursed.

"H-hey, Commander Karakul… This seems like it's a bit dangerous?"

Ellin retreated, looking pale-faced. She was in agreement that this was too much for them to handle. Nordin glared at them before turning to the side. His eyes widened and he shouted,

"Troops! Fall back!"

Nordin barely raised his hand in time. His arm was bludgeoned by a massive mace, causing the bark crack and sending him careening back. The Chief of the Ogres, Kuman, had pushed him back with a single, powerful blow.

"… Ah, if it isn't the Chief of the Ogres? In my opinion, I want to avoid you at the very least."

Nordin looked troubled. A massive body with comparably monstrous strength, but also quite agile and limitless stamina. This was what made the Ogres one of the most feared of the demon races!

Kuman let out a monstrous roar and rushed Nordin. The Treo was pushed back, but managed to keep himself in place by digging his roots into the ground.

"He'll keep Nordin busy, so the one we have to handle is…!"

Karakul huffed while fixing his grip on his axe before glaring at his adversary. Ellin gripped her greatsword as well, watching Allen.

"Apostle Kulbo! What should we do?! Commander Karakul and Apostle Ellin are fighting as well! Your Orders-!"

The Orcs and the Goblins, as well as the Ogre Armored Division that were now separated from Kuman, were instead gathered around Kulbo. Kulbo looked back at them in a panic.

"A-ah… There's no one in command?! What do I do! Shit, I'm logistics! I don't have any combat experience!"

"Maintain your formations!"

Kulbo turned around in surprise. Lily had arrived on the battlefield, riding her unicorn and wearing her red armor. She scanned her surroundings and shouted,

"The defense has been broken, but their breach is narrow! Prevent any Gnolls or Centaurs from entering! They won't be able to fight at their full strength if we hold them there!"

"Y-your Highness, it is dangerous."

"Please seek out someplace safe…!"

Lulu and Luli tried to talk to Lily in a panic. Lily turned to them and replied,

"I'll need your help as well!"

The pair looked at each other and muttered, 'she needs our help?' Their ears shot up in excitement.


The Gnolls and Centaurs were charging at full speed. As they arrived at the broken barricade, they stopped in surprise.

"What is this?! Another barricade behind the barricade?!"


They saw a massive barricade standing before them. As they hesitated, the space where the barricade should have existed distorted and bolts flew forth, piercing their bodies.

"… What?!"

"Wait! This is an illusion!"

Hecaron grit his teeth.

"Shit! It's those damned rabbits! It's an illusion made by the Moon Rabbits! Charge!"

The Centaurs charged. Hecaron, as their chief, led the charge.

"If we just ignore an illusion like this…!"

Suddenly, his equine lower half was pierced by a spear.


On the other side of the illusionary barricade, there was a pike wall made of long spears held by a dense line of Orcs. He hadn't been able to see it until after it had run him through.


Hecaron was puking blood as he struggled to free himself. The Centaurs behind him were still running forward in their wedge formation.



As they crossed through the barricade with their hooves raised, their bodies were pierced as well. Their formation was broken and they were torn apart by the force of hundreds of bodies colliding into the wall of pikes. The only thing that made it over this unexpected trap was their screams.

"They ran into the pikes!"

"Retreat one step!"

The Orcs retreated in accordance with the order and shook off the skewered Centaurs. Then…


Lily shouted to Kulbo.

"Ah, W-wait… it's my first time… Ah! Ready, Your Highness!"

"Then fire!"

Following Lily's orders, the Goblins following Kulbo aimed their Magic Cannon and fired. There was an explosion followed by a light show. The ammunition made of mana flew forth, piercing Centaurs, Gnolls, and various other species without trouble.

"What… My ears are numb! But it's so simple! Humans… they were using such convenient weapons?! All we have to do is aim and fire?!"

Kulbo and his Goblins collapsed in surprise.

"Uwaaack! What is this! So loud! Scary!"

Nasis clutched his ears and trembled in fear. Not only him, but the other Gnolls also dove to the ground, their ears in hand. With their extreme senses, they feared the faint burning scent and the thunderous roar. As their ears were ringing, it was difficult for them to regain their senses.

"Everyone…! Charge!"

Lily unsheathed her blade and shouted.


The Orcs roared and charged, ignoring the illusory barricade. The ones in the front raised their pikes while the infantry in the rear held their axes, swords, and shields. They moved quickly in their crude, but solid formation. The remaining demons, unable to gather into a proper formation, became scared and quickly retreated.

"Ugh… Ah…"

Hecaron, who had barely managed to avoid a fatal blow, twisted his body around to watch the Orcs advance.

"Ey! What are the Minotaurs doing! The Treos…?! You guys should be stepping up!"