
In the Beginning

Once upon a time There lived a king with his daughter Yukihime, Her mother perished when she was still young. Despite that her mother died when she was still young Yukihime still grow up to be normal. One day Her father asked A trainer to train Yukihime for combat. This was a sudden to Yukihime That's why she asked her father why is she training, her father told her that one day he will be soon passing the throne to her and she needs to be strong and know about combat as their Leader. As time passes Yukihime started to get stronger and powerful. After training her father give her a weapon which is different from any other weapon. The weapon was like a wand but it does not look like one it looks like an instrument. She then start practicing it and became a better User of the the wand. She was then send to the land of the dawn to see about more magic. When she arrived at the land of the dawn it was a mess and it is ravaged and being torn apart. Her father Told her to meet a friend there which lives in the deep forest and only the who's been told will be able to find the guy. Sooner and later she found a lady standing all alone. When the Lady turned around she saw it was Yukihime, Alice then saw the Instrument she was holding and cried saying "Thank God you are here" Yukihime asked her if she was the friend of her father and she answered yes. Alice bring Yukihime to the hideout and started explaining what's happening in the land of the dawn, And Only The Flute of nature can restore, repair and flourish the land of the dawn. She told that the only one who can do it was the one who has the blood of the king and that was her. Yukihime started to do play the flute and the land of the dawn is getting restored again.