
The Fallen Angel with Military Officer

Roselyn Young had everything that everyone dreamed of but everything gone with just one night. She's been kidnapped not once but twice in the same night. When she thought she saw an angel saving her, She was so thrill that she thought she can fly again like she used to. Her saviour, turn to be a devilish monster using her, experimenting on her, cutting her wings so she can't fly anymore. Her family that she love, thought she already dead due to his plan. She can't go back to her country. She trapped for years and all she want is to see the sky once again. Will she fly again? Can a fallen angel like her escape from this monster? A man from her past came into picture. Saving her, nurture her, determined to take her home. Is he the same as that monster or worse?

nickiyana · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Roselyn Young

Loud thunder of bullets in the ship wake roselyn from her sleep. She opened her eyes and all she could see is white.

White bed

White wall

Even her clothes are white.

She looked at her hands and legs chained to the wall. She smirked, 'another day of living in hell'

Five years ago, she was a simple girl graduated with honor. She got her dreamed jod, perfect boyfriend who loved her, family that support every decision she make and perfect score in her exam. She's a top student and she always been called 'beauty with brain'.

Everything change in a glimpse. On the night of graduation party, her nightmares happened, she has been kidnapped by the head of nightclub in the center of the city. She's been forced to be a prostitute for a week.

Roselyn wake up in a room full of sex toy. She shivered for a moment but still managed to calm herself. She remembered her training with her grandfather during highschool, although a bit rusty now she's in no way willing to tarnish her dignity.

'I, Roselyn Young is no ordinary person',

Roselyn take a pen she found and hide it behind her back.

A man came in the room, see that the girl has awake.

"You're awake? Good. Let's start our first night", Alex smirked a smile and unbuckle his belt.

"Why do you do this to me? I don't know you? I can pay you, please release me. I want to go home", roselyn begged Alex.

"No way! You Roselyn Young is a treasure. It such a waste to not taste you. don't worry i will send you back next week hajahahha you should not offend the lady of Chua family. She help me a lot in this business. It's only right for me to paid her back by having sex with you"

"When did I offend her? I don't even know any..", she paused herself, trying to remember any of people she offend. But she could not think of any.

The guy quickly put himself above her in the bed, ready to thrust his manhood in her. Roselyn pushed him and stuck the pen in her hand into his left eye.


"This for kidnapping me" her eyes full of hatred and rage. The desire to kill in her blood increased.

She reached for the bottle of wine and smashed it and hit it in directly at his body.

that night, she killed the head of the nightclub, Alex. She don't know what possess her but she happy that she managed to save herself from humiliation.

The moment she step outside the door,

his security managed to grab her from escaping, his security heard his boss screamed in pain and rushed to the room and they saw the girl try to run away.

She's been struggling to fight with the security. She's outnumbered and no way she can fight against them. The moment she tired of struggling, a figure appeared staring at her direction.