
4. The Engagement

I stood in the middle of my bath pool staring at my reflection in the water. My hair was completely tangled because I had not been out of my room for days. I had refused to be out and Anastacia could not drag me out even if she wanted to. I had no plan on how I would overthrow Anastacia unless I proved that she killed my father or unless I kill her. Those were two things that I did not know what to do nor did I want to. I sighed and continued to focus washing myself. There was going to be a ball to officially welcome Emperor Attor and disgusting Prince Lykos to the kingdom. I obviously had to attend. It was duty or the people would think that something happened to me. It wasn't long before Louisa came in and I walked out of the water. She handed me a towel to dry myself before I headed to my closet. I didn't bother picking a dress. Louisa picked one for me. It was blue and simple but I frowned once she brought it out.

"I want a better dress than this. And I want it red," I told her. She nodded and went back to looking as I sat on a chair. Louisa didn't take long as she brought out a dress I had never worn. It was crimson from the start and became darker as it ended. The dress had intricate gold designs on the bodice. "I love it. Although I did not know I had it."

"You have thousands of dresses your highness." Louisa said with a grim smile. I looked at her questionly before she helped me put it on.

"I do not wish to go to this idiotic ball of Anastacia's. Who does she think she is?" I said frustratedly expecting an answer from Louisa. She did not say a thing. "Louisa?"

"It is not my place your highness." She said and I frowned. She was calling me your highness again. I knew something was wrong with her but then again everything was wrong in the palace. I heard a screams one night but I did not go to investigate since Louisa came to my room and insisted I didn't. She was never the same again. As the days went by she became more and more dull. I sighed as she did makeup and put on my shoes.


"Phillip!" I said happily as I finally spotted him. I had always danced with him. Ever since I turned sixteen, I didn't dance with anyone else. I knew they were just suitors for marriage after one ball over fifty asked for my hand in marriage and I politely declined. The ball room was lit by candles and torches and the music played. I had been avoiding people till I had spotted him. He was with his family but as soon as he saw me, he walked away from them.

"My family is insufferable." He said grumbling and I giggled.

"Your family loves you. Be glad for that." I told him.

"Would you like a glass of punch?"

"Please. I am not ready to dance." As we headed towards the drinks, I spoke to him about the goings of the castle. Sadly, he never looked once at me. He looked beside me which after sometime I got annoyed with it.

"Has a maiden caught your eye? You have not been paying attention to me!" I shouted but he shook his head.

"There's no maiden. For some odd reason Prince Lykos keeps looking our way." Phillip said with a frown. I froze. I had been ignoring it for some time but I could feel his glare.

"Phillip, could we go to your home? Right now?" I asked. I had a bad feeling about this. I was getting that gut feeling again.

" I do not think we can. The prince is headed this way." I wanted to run away but before I could do anything, Prince Lykos was already standing behind me. I turned around and took a huge step back.

"Evening Princess Ilene, Lord Phillip." He said with a bow and we did the same. "It's a wonderful ball, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is." Phillip said as he reached for my hand. It was not proper, especially at a place like this but I did not care. It felt as if the prince was towering over us. We both took a step back.

"Would you like to dance your highness?" The prince asked as he offered me his hand. I did not even realize that the band had changed the song. I wanted to say no but I noticed that everyone's eyes were on me. I accepted his hand and he took me to the dance floor with a huge smile on his face. He didn't say much at the beginning but once the song changed and more people left the dance floor, he spoke.

"You are very beautiful Ilene." He said and I gagged as he twirled me around.

"It is Princess Ilene to you. You are not someone close to me to use no formalities."

"Not yet anyway." He said with a smirk. What was so sad about this whole situation was that the prince was very handsome. When he smiled it was like his teeth shined and his eyes gleamed. But his eyes said a different story. They did not look like they carried good intentions.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You will know soon." He said as his hand became a bit firmer on my waist. He looked me in the eyes and I wanted to run. I watched as his eyes' pupils turned fully red for a second. All of a sudden it was like the music was dying down and the people talking sounded far away. "You are going to make a perfect little wife. I cannot wait to enjoy your body." His voice became deeper and the ground beneath me shook. I looked at him in shock and hurt as I tried to let go of his hand but his left hand had a good grip on my waist. He put more pressure on my waist and I glared at him. I tried not to panic as I searched the room for Phillip but my vision was getting dizzy. This could not be happening. I would not let this happen. Even after I refuse marriage, Anastacia had already planned it for me. The music stopped and I was snapped back from the trance I was in. I had planned to run away, but Anastacia had announcement. Lykos' hand left my waist but he held my hand firmly.

"Thank you everyone for attending this ball. The reason why we held it, is because of the wonderful news we have to share with you today. There are two engagements we would like to announce. Emperor Attor and I plan to wed but what excites me more is the engagement between Prince Lykos and Princess Ilene."

I froze. How could she? I sighed in frustration. I had to accept that now Anastacia was my enemy. Emperor Attor and Lykos were my enemies. And the only way I could save myself was doing it myself. I could not stay here any longer. I looked around. I couldn't run away, especially now that they were a lot of guards at all entrances. I looked at Anastacia and she smiled at me maliciously. There was no way for me to run. Instead I decided to confront her. I walked up to her. I was beyond mad.

"I am not marrying Prince Lykos. I hate him. He is vulgar and disrespectful! I do not know why you plan to marry the emperor. Is it because you cheated on my father? How about you tell the kingdom how you are six months pregnant with the emperor's child?!" I watched as Anastacia looked surprised and angry. I watched at the guards came towards me and I started to run. One of them caught my arm and I tried to get him off but he was too strong. " Leave me alone! YOU CANNOT KEEP ME SILENT!" I said as they took me away.I couldn't help it. I started to cry. We walked throughout the palace and I looked once we went down a set of stairs. "Where are you taking me?" No one answered me. I didn't attempt to fight them. I gasped once I was led to the dungeon. They threw me inside and my crown fell.

As I watched it fall, I knew it meant something. The prophesy had been going into place even before my father died. I knew now that I couldn't stop it. Astraea was going to fall. I had no idea how to save my kingdom. I couldn't even save myself. I sat in the corner in the dark as I awaited Anastacia. I knew she would come down here. I just didn't know if she would let me back to my room or worse. Lykos' smile appeared in my head. I didn't want to think what worse would mean.

It was after hours of me freezing trying to grab my dress for warmth when Anastacia appeared with a smile. She looked at me with pity. "Poor poor girl, You still don't understand what is happening. You have no power in this kingdom anymore. Attor plans to make this place....magical. You're not needed here. I honestly would prefer to kill you but....Lykos fancies you so I guess that's okay with me. You won't be here soon. Your father left Astraea to me not you. You can't rule. You have no power. You're just a naïve silly girl who gets pampered."

I looked down as she spoke to me. She wasn't lying. I knew nothing. I barely had to think my whole life. I watched as she ordered the guards to take me to my room and to lock me there. I didn't resist. I was escorted to my room. I watched as the servants looked sad and some of them were crying. Did they expect me to save them? I was nothing.


I woke up. I rang the bell but no one came. I tried not to cry at the thought of never seeing Louisa or anybody else again. It wasn't long till I heard commotion outside.

"I demand to see Princess Ilene. You cannot keep her locked up." I heard Phillip shout. I rushed from my bed and tried to open my door. Apparently it was open but there was two guards standing outside it. I knew if I ran out they would catch me but I didn't care. I had to see my friend. I ran out quickly and one of them caught me.

"Phillip!" I shouted as I saw him getting restrained by two guards.

"Ilene!" He shouted back but he was put down by force and I saw him wince in pain. I could feel the anger erupt inside me. How dare they hurt him? How dare they keep me captive? With all my energy I pushed the guard who held me away and surprisingly he let go. I heard him wince in pain but it didn't matter. I ran to Phillip and when the guard tried to get their hands on both of us, I glared and they left us alone. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"No. No, I'm not. I've become a prisoner in my own castle. I'm also going to marry that vile Lykos." I said as tears started to pour down my face. He hugged me back tightly before the guards tried again to separate us. I wanted to fight but I saw Anastacia walk towards us with a cold smile.

"What are you doing, Lord Phillip?" Anastacia asked.

"How dare you keep the princess locked up in her own castle!" He shouted but she just laughed.

"Her castle? It's my castle now." She said as she walked up to him and stood up before him. "Why are you causing ruckus in my castle? You had your chance to ask for her hand in marriage but you never did. I really don't want to see you disturb the princess. She needs her beauty sleep."

"You really think you can get away with all this? You can't. The people will know." Phillip said and she laughed.

"The people? I am their queen. There is nothing they can do about it." she said with a smile. She looked at the guards. " Take him to the dungeon."

"What?! No, you can't do that! He is the son of a duke!" I shouted.

"Yes, I can. No one is going to go against me!" She shouted and laughed as she watched Phillip try to struggle from the guards. I looked at him sadly as he was got taken away. I couldn't even protect my own friends.

I stayed up the whole day even as nightfall approached. I had not eaten and I couldn't sleep. I needed a miracle but I wasn't sure how that was supposed to happen. I sighed as I thought about my marriage to Lykos. I would not go in willingly. I would be defiant every step of the way. If I was to die, so be it. I watched as the sun set and it became dark. That's when I heard the knocks on my window near my bed. I sat up quickly. Who would have climbed all the way up here? My room was on the fifth floor of the castle. I walked up slowly as I went to the window. It must have been a bird or something. Once I got to the window, I gasped and opened it quickly. Malik walked in my room and I hugged him tightly.

"How are you here? Did you climb all the way?" I asked as I led him to my bed to sit.

"Yes." He said as he scratched the back of his neck with a boyish smile which I always found cute. "I am skilled in climbing trees." I smiled and hugged him again. I don't if I believed that he climbed all the way or not but I was happy to see him. He hugged me back tightly. I let go of him and I watched as his smile turned into a serious frown. "I heard rumors." He said and I sighed as I started to fidget with my fingers.

"Whatever you heard is right." I said as calmly as I could. But I really was terrified. I couldn't believe all that was happening and there was nothing I could do about it. "Phillip is in the dungeons as we speak. I have no power whatsoever and I am getting married to Lykos, the vulgar prince." I said and tears started to fall. " I don't know what I did to upset people but apparently this is what I deserve."

"No, it's not. You are the kindest person I've ever met." He said as his fingers slowly brushed my cheeks to remove the tears on my face. His touch sent me shivers in my whole body and I could not understand what was happening and what I was feeling. I looked up at him and saw his hazel eyes watching me with a sad smile. I couldn't ignore how he looked in the moonlight. His black hair looked like it was shining and his eyes looked like they sparkled. I blushed and looked down , no longer being able to keep eye contact. I was having silly thoughts in my head. "Why did you look away?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Please don't make me answer that question." I told him as I looked up at him.

"Okay." he said with a grin. "I do plan to get you out of here. All I need is a working plan."

I snapped up and looked at him. "Malik, that is a dangerous thing to do....."

"And I am a dangerous man." he said with a smile. I didn't understand what he meant. He was a stable boy nothing more.....

"You're really going to get me out of here?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course princess." He said and I hugged him so tightly that we both ended up falling back on my bed. I got up from his chest and looked up, a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry about. I really do not mind." he said with a charming smile and I did something impulsive. I bent down towards him and brushed my lips on his then backed away. I had never kissed anyone. I heard stories from Laura, the princess of Perania. She was a close friend of mine and had told me of all the stories of the gentlemen she had kissed. But none of those would help in this situation. I stood up and walked up to the window, trying to hide my blush so he wouldn't see me. I turned around and Malik was right in front of me. I looked up at him and he was smiling. I couldn't control my racing heartbeat as he gently placed his hand on my waist and brought me closer to him. I closed my eyes as I felt his hot breath on my face before I felt him gently place his lips on mine, kissing me softly and sweetly. On instinct, I placed my arms around his neck. I looked up at him once he ended the kiss and I couldn't hide my blush. "You look cute when you blush." He said and I looked away.

"No, I do not." I said but I couldn't help but smile. Malik laughed as he opened the window.

"I promise that I'll be back soon. Just don't get on Anastacia's nerves because if she takes you to the dungeon, I can't save you from there." he warned me and I nodded. He hugged me one last time before he climbed through the window. I watched him get down, rather easily. I had no idea he was that agile. I closed the window and laid down on my bed, reliving the kiss. I was not going to stay in this horrid place. I was finally for the first time in my life going to be free.