
The Fake Queen

From a dead soul to a queen,Given a second chance by the Gods Xenah wakes up as a princess,soon to be queen, In her past life she was a....lets says cornman because she corned people and she dressed up as a man,so one day the men caught her and she ended dying She had made the wish to live so as to keep on enjoying life to the maximum but another woman in the same kingdom, made a wish to die because she had nothing to live for Thats how she swapped souls with the soon to be queen and she woke up as someone's soon to be wife........Craaaap She made the decision to hide the fact she is a fake and enjoy life as a queen but some people just wont let her that is how she enters into mission 109,the mission to destroy and enjoy, Married now to this handsome man who has no control over his kingdom,she doesn't want to support him because she wants power and authourity,she is cunning and she has to to keep it that way, ******* "Do you know me?"a man who they called the masked warrior asked "Ammm..."she was on the ground why was this masked man coming after her, drinks,she came out for some drinks, and it is as if she had killed someone, but why does his voice sound soo farmiliar,he raised his swords ready to cut her in pieces Before he did that,a man shot the masked man and kicked,and with that she ran,ran so fast and the man who had shot tha fast man started running after her,she ran as quickly as she could "Noo,I am not dying."she said as she ran and hid in a huge basket ***** "I want you"the man said as he kissed her "Please let me have you."he said, She had a tingle down there,it was pulsing and her body felt excited as her heart drummed out of her chest "Eli,dont let anyone but me call you that,i didn't like how it came from his mouth."he said as he traveled down her neckline, She moaned and quickly covered her mouth "Ohh no this cannot be happening *********Written by Yuri The King's Fake Queen or just the Fake Queen, **** She gets married to a secretive king who acts gay and stupod but the man is as fucked up as hell,he is rude,mean ,clever and nothing close to nice but ge has to protect his kingdom through evil means and he swore he would protect it no matter what

Yuri_Ty · Fantasi
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6 Chs


"Adam."Alex called "Alex."he responded although Adam was his soldier,it was only because he had mainly asked him to be,because he of all people did not need his own guard to stab him in the back,so he asked Adam,the royal prince of Utairre ,to be his guard and a partner in most of his crimes.

"Fight me."he said as he took out his sword "Alex."Adam called "When we were young we'd always fight each other when we were angry,"Alex stated

"Don't you think it's better talking about this?"Adam asked and Alex raised his brow at him "Dont get me wrong i would love to whip your ass in a sword fight,but i don't want you fighting your friend in anger...Damn it Alex we aren't children anymore,and as much as i hate saying this..We need to grow up,atleast enough to talk about our problems and not fight through them."Adam said and Alex for the first time in his life managed to agree with Adam and nodded his head

"She asked me to marry her."Alex said sitting down on the couch of his room "What did you tell her?"he asked,"No,"Alex answered,"Why?"Adam asked "I dont know..it felt as if...i was betraying someone who trusted me."Alex said "Right...Yuna."Adam said

"I dont know why she did it...i never thought she would turn out to be this cunning."Alex said, "I mean she talked about some sort of arrangement and the fact that Yuna was there angered me even more."he said making Adam raise his brow "What type of arrangement are you talking about?"he asked "She said that i would marry her but we would never touch each other."he said "Did you ask her the reason for such an arrangement?"Adam asked making Alex shake his head 'no', AAdam trailed off for a while and came up with some brilliant plan "I dont think she is tricking you into that."Adam said making Alex to look at him "I mean...Why would she detect the marriage proposal a day after she wakes up from a coma..suspicious right?"he asked "But look if she really was working for Lucas and Queen Alin,or just incase... Isaac,and the rest of your enemies,she wouldn't have proposed the arrangement or marriage,so it only means two things"he said and Alex listened "one,she wants the power of being a queen,two,she wants to kill you and run away from the kingdom."Adam said "So..before you make the NO decision make sure you arrange it with her first,remember using her will benefit you the most."Adam said and Alex grinned "Hmmmm,what abou the killing part."Alex asked "Its obvious she cant kill a rat,how will she kill you,so it only means she is greedy for wealth."Adam said making Alex to nod his head "So first you should remember to act around her,just incase my hypothesis is wrong,even if,always act around her she can't know about the masked warrior,and if she makes a reasonable argument concerning the arrangement all you have to do is marry her and get her what she wants,and about Lucas,having his fake daughter,that he loves so fakingly would definetly control him,Alin,she is another story and waiting till they trip over wont be such a bad idea now will it..."he said and Alex smiled "Now,i could stay here and hear you appreciate my evil small brain and its intelligence that suprises people all the time,,but we have to go to Saura,late this night,so i have to make some arrangements."Adam said and with that he left

Eliyah sighed as she looked into thin air 'Oh.she really did need him to think about the whole marriage agreement,without power you would never last here and of all the stories she had till now are enough for her to understand the cunning people,actually her job was easier than spelling July,she found out about her enemies and friend from all the gossip Elsa and the other maids were launching on air,it seemed as if anyone could say anything infront of her at anytime,she would settle them in place when she gets married,but till then,gossip was imporntant "My lady,the king will not come this afternoon so your day has been posponded and you will meet the king for a private dinner tomorrow night."Elsa said "Ok."she said not even paying attention all she needed now was a drink,sure if she went out for a few bottles of beer and some chicken it wont be bad,it surely was hell fun here,the gossip,the food,the being looked down upon,but she would be able to make a brainstorming killer plan only if she had a few shots

"Do you think you can mannage to get me out of here Elsa?"she asked "Your..."Elsa said but got inturrupted "I just have some imporntant work to do outside the palace.."she said "But you..."she started again but she inturrupted her "Dont worry about me Lady Elsa..,i would be back before halfnight"she said and Elsa sighed then nodded "But please promise.."She started bit got inturrupted again "I promise."she said "Just could you do me another favour?"she asked and Elsa looked at her

"I already sent the information to Zane dont you worry about it Sir Isaac."a man in a black suit said to Isaac who sat on the chair like a god "I will handle tonights mission"Isaac said "But Sir."the guard stated "You can make the arrangements Kyle,just dont inform Lucas about anything,got it."he said and Kyle nodded and lowered his head,the deal tonight is imporntant and the first scene of it would be in The Esmorolda Bar in Saura,he was taking drugs meant personally for someone who had no idea it was meant for him,and no idea of the shit he's been drinking since eight years ago. he thought and grinned,he was not about to let some Bimbos fail him just becuse of his father that had raised him as his fake daughter's best friend,he would handle this himself

"Get ready Alex,The Game has just begun."he said