

The next morning, Neya had woken up very early. Nahor was gone again.. Neya sat on her bed completely confused.

She did not know what was happening. She felt like luck was not on her side.

She had made several attempts to talk to Jordan but all of them were a complete fail.

She had decided that that day was the final day. She was going to talk to Jordan no matter what.

She didn not 't want to waste any time. She had to be out of there very soon.

Neya went out of the bedroom and she was surprised to see the palace being decorated.

Only a quarter of the palace had been decorated. The outside part had not yet been tackled with. It seemed like they would finish their job the next day.

"It seems like they started a bit earlier but have not 't decorated a large part of the palace yet."Neya said to herself.

The servants carefully set the decorations around the palace. It looked like if they wrongly put the decorations they would pay dearly.

"What special occasion could it be that they have put so much care in decorating the palace today?"Neya asked herself.

Neya had been so focused on other things that she had stopped on the count of days that went by. Some times she could not even tell what day it was. She was focusing so much on the deal. She had been wanting to speak to Jordan for a long time but luck had not been on her side. She only wished for everything to go according to plan just like Jordan had promised. Neya new that she had fulfilled her part of the deal and that it was time for Jordan to fulfill his too. She did not know why but everytime she tried to talk to Jordan there would always be something that came in to the way. She only hoped that this did not mean a bad omen. She did not want to even think of it so she kept her mind always filled up with what she would do when she got back home to her grandma. She knew that that would not be very long from then.

She had been curious to know what was going on in the palace. She had seen all the decorations but she did not know what was going on. She knew that she was going to find out what special occasion was going to happen very soon.

"Wait for me grandma,the time is not very long from now,"she said to herself.