
The group chat bargain

*At dorm* "So when are we going to put Jay in the group chat! She's been with you for a couple weeks now." Tyson laughs, "For real though you've been lagging on letting her talk to us." Bryan looks at Xai, "What do you think?" Xai looks surprised, "Um... I don't know whatever Kay says or if she wants to join then that's great!"

Meanwhile Kay is working on something for his girlfriend. And leaves for a while but Tyson, Xai and, Bryan are still talking about his girlfriend being in the group chat.

After a while Kay comes back home, "Hey guys did you miss me?" Bryan turns around, "Let her be in the group chat." Kay makes a what? face, "Um... If she lets me and when she is ready."

Kay ends up asking his girlfriend if she wants to join the group chat and she says yes.

Meanwhile everyone is ready to talk about the weirdest things they can think of.

Kay puts her in the group chat and she felt welcomed. But Kay thought she would feel weirded out by the group chat because of all the things they talk about normally.

After a while of her being in the group chat they stopped texting.

*At dorm* Kay starts running at Bryan, Xai and, Tyson, "STOP SAYING WEIRD SH*T!"

Kay is so nervous. Why do you think he is?

Kay_kaysubcreators' thoughts