
Chapter 12

As Yoon Yeong goes to meet her father she has a lot on her mind. She tries to calm herself down and enters his office.

"Come in my daughter." says Oh Soon Hwae.

"Why did you call me here father? Is there any problem?" asks Yoon Yeong as she sits on a chair in front of her father.

"I guess this can be counted as a problem as His Highness is involved in it." sighs Oh Soon Hwae.

"What is it father? Did he find out about me?" asks Yoon Yeong in a panic tone.

"No. But he seems to be suspicious about you. His Highness visited me today and asked about you. He wanted to know why you are here because you act weird." replies Oh Soon Hwae.

"What did you reply to this father?" asks Yoon Yeong.

"I told him it was for His Highness to find out about you as I don't want to get involved in roommates businesses." Says Oh Soon Hwae.

"Clever move father. So now I have to be cautious for my true identity to not be revealed. I can't ignore His Highness as I have to protect him, so I should find a solution to it." Says Yoon Yeong and stands up, "I will do so then."

"As you wish my daughter." Says Oh Soon Hwae.

Yoon Yeong leaves the room and heads towards her room. As she enters the room she sees the king sitting there as if he was waiting for her.

"How was your meeting with the teacher?" asks the king with a hint of smile on his face.

"How do you think it went?" Yoon Yeong replies with the same expression on her face.

"By looking at you I think it was a good meeting. But you know right I will have to work hard from now on as I will be keeping an eye on you." Says the king.

"Sound good then. Work hard to accomplish your mission well." Yoon Yeong says this and goes to her bed to sleep.

"Now that I think about this she is definitely up to something which the general seems to know too. It will be fun to interrupt in their game." The king says this to himself and turns away from her.

He goes towards the closet and grabs a pair of black clothes, then heads outside the window. He changes to black clothes and heads outside the Hwarang quarters saying to himself, "For now I should go and interrupt someone else's day which will be fun too."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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