
The faceless king (eternal monarch)

This story is about a faceless king of goreyo Era.. Hope you guys will enjoy it. I will also give my best to entertain you all.. Please do support me guys.

Praisyjacinth · Sejarah
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2 Chs


Suddenly,there was a sound near the door. The queen shouted "who is that?" A person in a black dress covering his face ran from the place. The queen came out looking for the person but couldn't find him.

The next day, preparations for the royal family gathering was going on. Wu Zhao was preparing tea for the gathering. The personal Maid of queen seon woo watching her.she went to Wu Zhao."Wu Zhao,have you...ouchh..."the Maid pretended to say something and intentionally cut her hands with the tea cup. Wu Zhao panicked"oh...are you okay? wait, I'll bring the medicine."

"it's okay Wu Zhao, I'm alright."said the cunning maid."No,No,you are bleeding.let me go and bring the medicine."Wu Zhao went to get the medicine innocently not knowing the Master mind of queen and the maid. The palace maid looked around and found no one around. she took out the Poison from her clothes and carefully poured it into the cup and mixed it. meanwhile, Wu Zhao came with the medicine and applied it on palace maid's hand.

The royal family had been gatherd for the meeting. The King said,"I have gathered you all to declare an important anouncement." queen seon woo replied,"your majesty,you are making us curious. please tell us what is it. whatever you do,it will always be right." her cunningness had no end. Meanwhile ,Wu Zhao was bringing the tea for the gathering. The guards outside checked the tea before she enters the room. The King announced that all the military forces and equipments for the military Will be under the prince Wang hun. Wang hun stood and fell before the King."your majesty! your Mercy is endless. l will surely do my best definitely won't disappoint you."queen seon woo was filled with rage from her head to toe.

meanwhile, Wu Zhao entered the room with tea. queen seon woo saw her maid. The maid spoke with her eyes telling it's done. The Witch queen understood her telaphathy and smirked. Wu Zhao poured the tea in the cup and was about to give it to the King. suddenly, the maid of seon woo told her " the King don't like this flavor.so, first give this to crown prince and I'll go get the tea for the King." Wu Zhao took the tea to the crown prince. The crown prince received the tea from her and took it near his mouth.suddenly, someone came from outside and said,"don't drink. The tea has been poisoned!" it was guard gok dong. Everyone in the room were stunned by the sudden confession. Wu Zhao was shocked and dropped the tea jug. The jug broked and the tea was poured on the floor and there were flames from it. queen seon woo was filled with shock and anger.The King stood and shouted"what is happening here?how can such a thing happen at my presence?who is behind all this? Tell me". Gok dong pointed his fingers towards the maid of seon woo and said,"your majesty! I saw this Maid pouring the Poison into the tea jug".The maid's hand was shivering.

she suddenly fell before the King and said,"your majesty! I am being falsely accused, please have Mercy on me." queen seon woo shouted,"how can you blame my servent without any proof?" Gok dong took the Poison bottle From his pocket and showed to the King." your majesty! I saw this Maid receiving this bottle from a strange person outside the palace and followed her and I saw her using this mix in the tea that was about to be served the crown prince". The King asked the maid,"now tell me what is all this?"The maid cried and said," this has nothing to do with me your majesty! I don't know were this bottle came from".

Gok dong said,"No, your majesty! I even brought the witness from whom she brought the Poison". he called the witness inside. The King asked the witness" Is what they're telling are all true?" The witness replied,"yes, your majesty! I live in the mountains of tao and we people who live there plant these extremely poisoned plant to kill the poisonous snakes in that area. this woman personally asked me to lend this poison offering me with some amount of money."

The maid replied,"your majesty! I did not do all these things on my own.someone had told me to do it." queen seon woo suddenly shouted at her." Did I ask you to do that? what nonsense are you spitting you mere maid".

The King asked,"what are you talking about queen seon woo? she didn't even take your name.why are you suddenly making a fuss?"

"she was the one who ordered me your majesty!"the maid suddenly replied. Before seon woo could speak anything,the King asked the maid to tell her clearly. The maid answered," Queen seon woo wants to kill crown prince to make her son as the crown prince.she also wants to kill Wu Zhao since she was favored in your eyes.so ,she asked me to get the Poison. This is the truth your majesty! please save me your majesty!"she pleaded.

The queen panicked with anger."No, your majesty! I am being falsely accused. I only respect you and crown prince. I have always been truthful to you". The King said,"stop it! Do you think I am a fool? If I was that much fool,how do you think I would be handling this country all these time?, Queen seon woo you have been caught by your own tongue".

"but majesty"

"queen seon woo you are exiled from this country and this is my order"said the King.

Some guards entered the room to drive the queen out. The queen graved with anger saying,""your son Will not become the King. I curse you. I will be back. she was driven out of the palace and was exiled.