
Chapter 55: Magic Restoration

<Ow my head...>

Getting knocked out is not fun.

Especially since it happens to me quite often.

Though with that, I've got the basics of magic down.

Now it's time to have some fun.

Remaking the elements from before.

I once again fused air and water together.

This time though, I put the fused element on my left hand.


I can't believe I struggled with this.

Nothing I can do about it now.

Taking out the magic textbook that I *cough* borrowed from that student, I flipped through the pages with one hand.

Hmm, next step.

Ok so all I got to do is envision something in my right hand and create a mold of it.

Thinking carefully, the first thing that came to mind was a tree.

Focusing on that image, I strained my brain cells and envisioned the entire tree in my brain.

The tree had many branches and extended to heights where I could not see the top of the tree.

Glowing, the tree looked absolutely majestic.

With one extra push, the mana began coursing throughout my body and into my brain.


Opening my eyes, my envisioned tree had appeared in my right hand.

It was nothing like the tree I imagined in my mind though.

In it's place was a tiny tree that fit in the palm of my hand.


I guess it wouldn't make much sense for a gigantic tree to just appear on the palm of my hand.

Magic should have downscaled the projected image to fit my hand.

Oh well.

Time to fuse it.

Pushing them together just like how the elements were fused, my hands started glowing with a chilly aura around it.

The air around me once again froze.

*Deep Breath*


Out of nowhere, a massive tree appeared.

Completely created with ice, it was by far the largest tree in the entire forest.

That one tree would have been taller than the entire forest's tree's stacked on each other.

<So that's how magic works...>

I look up at my creation.

Holy Heck...