
The Extra Villain in the Novel

A top-tier mixed martial artist finds himself transported into the fictional world of a novel he was reading. Surprisingly, he becomes a minor antagonist, originally meant to make the protagonist shine. Yet, he refuses to accept this secondary role. He has always been a dominant force, a leader, and a champion, and he plans to stay that way!

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23 Chs


In the original novel, the Blante family didn't hold much importance. No, it would be more accurate to say their role was minor. At best, they served as a mid-level boss.

Occasionally, hints would be dropped, and characters related to them would appear in the storyline. Eventually, through various circumstances, the greatest swordsmanship family on the continent would face ruin.

The scraps of that chaos would become nourishment for the protagonist.

'I won't let that happen.'

It was absurd enough that he had been reincarnated into this run-down body. Watching the protagonist hoard all the fortunes in this situation? Not a chance.

Ethan hadn't done anything noteworthy to catch the family head's attention recently. All he had done for the past few days was run around the training grounds. Exercising, eating, sleeping, and relieving himself in a repetitive cycle.

Ryu, the mixed martial artist to his core, couldn't stand the thick layer of fat around Ethan's belly. It was more than just an eyesore. He wouldn't feel satisfied until he burned off some of this flab. So, he had put other plans on hold. There weren't many plans he could execute immediately anyway.

Choice and focus. He decided that losing weight was the most urgent task. Although he had lost a lot of weight, his formal attire still felt uncomfortably tight.

"What could be the reason for calling me so suddenly?"

He pondered repeatedly but couldn't find an answer.

"Maybe he's calling you to scold you for the recent incident?" Naid suggested with a sly smile.

It was oddly irritating, but it wasn't a situation where he could express his displeasure.

'I am curious.'

At this moment, as far as swords were concerned, he was one of the top experts. One of the continent's absolute masters. The head of the renowned swordsmanship family.

As someone who was recognized as one of the strongest in the world, with the champion's belt around his waist, Ryu was curious about this world's absolute masters.

'I wonder what kind of person he is.'

Given the circumstances, Ethan decided to satisfy his personal curiosity.

"Alright, let's head out immediately."

"I'll make the preparations."


The distance between the annex and the main house wasn't far. Though it felt surprisingly close, it made sense upon reflection. If the distance were too great, it would be impossible to monitor if the house arrest was being properly enforced.

It was a fortunate arrangement. Ethan was quite content with his house arrest. They fed him, provided him shelter, and gave him a place to work out.

"Their gazes are quite fierce."

Ethan whistled. As soon as he set foot in the main house, numerous sharp stares pierced his skin like thorns.

It was amusing. He hadn't expected his reputation to be this terrible. Despite being one of the family's legitimate children, the disdainful looks were all too familiar.

When he traveled the world as a mixed martial artist, he received such looks regularly. If it were only glares, it would have been fortunate. Ryu faced all kinds of jeers. He understood it. His statements as a fighter had always been rough. Yet, he had always backed them up with his performance in the ring.

His harsh words weren't meant to insult his opponents; they simply reflected how insignificant he found them. If someone challenged him or claimed they could take the championship belt, he couldn't stay silent.

When he fought in other countries, especially against local favorites, the jeering intensified. But Ryu enjoyed such situations. The moment the boos turned to silence following a knockout was something he relished. The feeling he had now was very similar.

'Just wait.'

Their expressions would change soon enough. Ethan wore a confident smile. His relaxed demeanor irked the knights and servants. However, Ethan didn't mind. He understood his situation better than anyone. No matter how much they cursed or pointed fingers at him, Ethan's blood was of the Blante family. And they were people belonging to the Blante family. The gap in status was insurmountable.

Ethan's steps were leisurely.

Then, someone blocked his path.

"What's a pig like you doing here?"

A young man, arms crossed, glared at Ethan with disdain. His appearance was youthful, but his body was as sharp and trained as a well-honed blade. He was the complete opposite of the plump Ethan, scrutinizing him with a fierce expression.

'Who is this?'

Ethan tilted his head, looking at the man before him. The original novel barely described sub-characters, and even then, it focused on female characters. It was difficult for Ethan to recognize the man standing in front of him.

"And who are you?"


The man was momentarily taken aback, clearly not expecting that response.

"…Are you mocking me? How dare a pig like you insult me?"

The man's face turned red, and he trembled with anger, unable to hide his fury.

Meanwhile, Ethan was dumbfounded.

"No, really, who are you? What do you expect me to do when you start ranting out of nowhere?"

With his limited patience, Ethan began to openly defy the situation. After all, wasn't it the man who had abandoned all courtesy? Ethan saw no reason to be careful with his words.

As the situation heated up, Naid approached.

"Master Karon, I apologize. Young Master Ethan is..."

Naid tried to mediate, but Karon pushed him away.

"Stay out of this. And you, how dare you, a disgrace to the family, insult me?!"

Karon raised his voice.

Ethan mulled over the name "Karon" for a moment.

Something seemed to click in his mind.

"Ah! So, you're my younger brother?"

Karon was a minor character, so it didn't come to him right away.


Seeing that Karon wasn't grasping the situation, Ethan decided to nail it down.

"You're just a brat with no manners. Do you have something wrong with your head? If so, I might understand."

Ethan's tone was close to his true nature.

Of course, Ryu's personality was far from gentle as well. Now that the two personalities were combined, there was no need to hold back.

Moreover, Karon was the one who picked a fight. Ethan had no intention of being patient in this situation.

It was the same when he was a mixed martial artist. If an opponent made provocative remarks, Ryu had to retaliate in kind.

Such rough behavior earned him many anti-fans, but conversely, there were also many fans who liked his boldness.

As Ethan glared and spoke, Karon stood there dumbfounded, then let out a hollow laugh.

"...Haha, fine. I was mistaken."

Karon stopped laughing and began to remove his gloves. Just as he was about to throw one at Ethan, Ethan's bulky body spun around.

His heavy mass added momentum to the spin, and that force landed squarely on Karon's jaw.


A perfectly executed backspin kick.

Ethan instinctively knew how to make the best use of his heavy body. And there was no one, as far as Ethan knew, who could withstand a backspin blow delivered with such mass.


Karon's body crumpled to the floor. No matter how much he had trained his body, he couldn't train his jaw. When a shock was delivered to the jaw, the brain shook, and a person couldn't maintain their balance.

As Karon fell to the ground, a silence fell over the area.

"...Ah, sorry. It was an instinctive reaction," Ethan said, trying to manage the situation.

It was true; it had been a reflex. The moment Karon moved to throw the glove, Ethan had countered out of habit. The use of the backspin blow wasn't a conscious choice. Ryu's instincts had simply demonstrated the best attack he could use with his heavy body.

'...This is troublesome.'

Ethan sighed. This wasn't how he had intended things to go.

'It's his fault for acting up,' Ethan thought, irritated at Karon for picking a fight out of nowhere.

His mind was momentarily clouded, but Ethan quickly dismissed it.

'Don't worry about it.'

If he got caught up in minor issues, he wouldn't be able to handle bigger ones in the future. Besides...

'I'm already a scoundrel, aren't I?'

What harm would a little more recklessness do? It was too late to regret what had already happened.

"Master Karon!"

The nearby knights belatedly rushed to help Karon.

"Naid, let's go."

Feeling the need to leave, Ethan called Naid and started to walk away. There was no need to get stuck here.

'At worst, it'll end with a reprimand.'

Considering all that had already happened, he was prepared for a scolding. A few more minor incidents wouldn't change much.

'...So it wasn't a coincidence.'

Naid looked at Ethan with a newfound respect. He had suspected since the incident at the tavern, but now he was sure.

Karon was a formally appointed mana user in the family. Though he was a novice, the difference between someone who had awakened mana and someone who hadn't was like night and day. Karon was only sixteen. Considering the average age for mana users was in their twenties, Karon's achievements were remarkable.

'If he weren't from the Blante family, that is.'

Karon, like Ethan, was a direct descendant of the Blante family. Having inherited the blood of the continent's greatest swordsmanship family, Karon was always anxious.

In his anxiety, he found the perfect target to vent his frustrations on: Ethan.

Ethan, the family's disgrace. A fool who feared swords and couldn't even wield one, lazy and vicious with no talent.

There was no better target to boost Karon's self-esteem. Thus, Karon had regularly tormented Ethan, with the intensity increasing over time.

No matter how notorious Ethan was, he couldn't do anything if he was overpowered. Suppressing him with authority was impossible since they were both direct descendants, and the Blante family revered strength. No one in the family stood up for Ethan, as he was seen as a burden.

But today, the seemingly unshakeable hierarchy was toppled. Despite it not being an official duel and despite Karon's carelessness, Karon was a mana user and Ethan was a commoner. Yet, it was Karon who fell.

'The anomaly happened sooner than expected.'

Naid had somewhat predicted this. The counterattack at the tavern had been so dangerous that even Naid had felt a chill.

'What on earth did he go through?'

He had changed so much in such a short time. It was as if he had become a different person.

'The blood of Blante doesn't lie.'

Ethan, who had seemed cursed with no talent for physical skills, had suddenly blossomed.

Perhaps it was the blood of the renowned swordsmanship family showing its true potential.


Naid smiled.

It was a good thing. The rivalry among heirs would only strengthen the Blante family.