
The Extra of the Exorcist Academy

An Extra? A Magician? An apprentice Exorcist? A brother? A murderer? Who is he? No one truly knows. He only wants to join the most prestigious Academy of Exorcists and he is indeed an Extra among the Elites. The only problem, is that he's possessed... ...and by Villains! ---- *The Cover ain't mine, don't report me to the police I will change it if you show yourself dear artist unless it's AI, I won't care :) *I ain't either Shakespeare, bear with it *My mum always taught me to reply in kind and equal everything given to me including bad things, so sorry in advance :( *2+2=5 *The Mc isn't edgy and starts off very human like any of you bums so don't whin around if he doesn't kill around right away

ChadLord · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

I’ll Give You My Number Once We Meet Up There

"Can I have your number?"


My blurted-out words were followed by a deep silence, reminiscent of a solemn minute of silence for a deceased person.

I hadn't noticed that most of the attention had been on us for a while now, with everyone chattering and glancing in our direction. But as soon as I uttered those words, the room fell into a shocked hush.

What did I just ask?

Oh, kill me.

Someone, bury me somewhere deep in the ground.

I just wanted to ask her name!

Why did I ask for her number instead?!

My head lowered, and my face turned slightly pale. I knew that a commoner asking such a thing to a girl of Aristocracy could be grounds for punishment depending on the circumstances. But more than that, I was worried about losing my place in the academy. I had worked too hard to get here, and Alice—how would I explain this to her? She had sacrificed so much to pay my fees.

The silence was unbearable. Timidly, I raised my head to look at her, preparing to apologize politely. To my surprise, she didn't seem angry. Instead, she was smiling slightly.

"You're going to take part in the Practical Exam, aren't you?" She asked.

"Y—yeah, I mean, yes," I quickly corrected myself.

"Then we might be classmates if you pass it. I'll give you my number once we meet up there," she said with a finger resting on her chin.


I truly didn't expect this, not even in my wildest fantasies. I was ready to be expelled and banned from every Exorcist Academy across the world, but this... this was a miracle.

"Aren't you fine with it?" she asked, raising a brow.

"N–No, not at all. Thank you, and pardon my rudeness. Yes, let's meet at the Academy," I hurriedly replied, my nerves getting the better of me. She seemed to understand.

"Good then," she nodded with a satisfied smile. "Let's go," she motioned to her friends.

"Yes, Lady Ariel~" they chimed in, following her with quick steps.


That's her name.

I'm truly hopeless, swooning over a name already. I should slap my face for losing focus on more urgent matters.

I glanced at my arm, now scribbled with the address in dark ink large enough to read. It's tomorrow morning!


I had expected at least a week to prepare ourselves, but nope.

Raising my head, I sighed, but I noticed an awkward silence followed by whispers as everyone seemed to be looking at me, some even snapping photos.

Come on, guys...

"Excuse me…" I muttered, covering my face as I hastily left the place.


Emberia was renowned as the wealthiest city in the Adrencia region of Arcadia, which itself was a sprawling continent. In Arcadia, Emberia stood out among the top four cities in terms of affluence and popularity. It was a haven for aristocrats who owned lavish mansions, while those with modest or average incomes could only dream of residing within its borders. Everything in Emberia came with a hefty price tag—be it food, clothing, or entertainment. In short, living in Emberia was synonymous with expense.

Yet, despite the opulence that surrounded me, I had managed to secure a modest residence here.

Armed with a paper map—yes, one from the medieval ages it seemed—I navigated the city streets with a fixed gaze, alternating between scanning the map and observing my surroundings. Passersby, mostly affluent residents of Emberia, regarded me with curious looks; some even mocked my use of a low-tech map in an age where everyone seemed glued to their high-tech phones. Nevertheless, I remained focused on my mission.

Unfortunately, I didn't own a phone. My sister had insisted on buying me one, but I declined. She had already done so much for me; instead, I encouraged her to use the money for her daughter, Amy.

"It should be around here..." I muttered to myself.

After half an hour of walking, I finally arrived at the taxi station.

Several state-of-the-art white vehicles were lined up in designated spots. These cars were the pinnacle of modern design, hovering above the ground and powered by Pandora Essence, as evidenced by the bluish aura emanating beneath each one.

Even the taxis here were wealthier than the richest folks back in my hometown. It was almost comical, if it weren't so frustrating.


"Excuse me."

I rapped on the window, trying to get the attention of the driver who was absorbed in something on his phone.

"Excuse me!"

I raised my voice and knocked again, this time getting his attention. He turned towards me, and I instinctively took a step back as he opened the door.

He was a middle-aged man in impeccable health and attire. With his hand resting on the car door window, he scanned my appearance before retreating back into his seat without a word.


"I don't take peasants in my car," he replied bluntly.

His words made me clench my fists in anger.

That look again.

It was starting to piss me off. 

The entire city seemed to regard me this way, except for that girl, Ariel—she was the only one who looked at me differently.

I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out a white card with 'EMBERIA' written in gold letters.

"I'm a candidate of the Emberia Exorcist Academy," I said.

The driver's eyes widened as he glanced at my white card.

It was the card I had paid for the exam fees. This card covered all our expenses for an entire week in Emberia. It was essentially a VIP pass.

But honestly, if I had to speak my mind, it felt like a grand scam. The fees my sister had paid could have supported a family for months in Emberia, yet this card only granted us a week of comfort. Sure, the fees were for the Academy, and Emberia was generous to provide such a card for our expenses, but I couldn't shake off the frustration of being discriminated against in this city.

"What are you waiting for? Get in," the driver said, sounding annoyed. With a wave of his hand over his high-tech board, he opened the back door.

I think three chapters are enough for review so please review my wonderful book and also add it in your library :)))))))))

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