
The Extra's Redo

The world was destroyed. The war happened out of nowhere, creatures no different from us invaded our world and peace was lost. The strong ones fell first, and the weaker ones could only take up their arms to fight. I was among the weak ones, caught in a battle among gods, an ant like died from the shockwaves. And so my story ended, or so I thought, I went back in time to my childhood. * It wasn't supposed to be this way, this wasn't how the novel goes, where did all these portals come from, they weren't in the novel. Oh my god, what am I going to do? A novel transmigrator breezes through life in a new world only she discovers not everything went according to the book she read. She makes an effort to fix the mistakes and return the world to order, but it's too late. She can only put her hopes on him. * SYSTEM NOTICE You're fucked. He could only stare at the cheeky system in shock, looking around at the chaos and destruction around, maybe it was right. Maybe he was fucked. SYSTEM: THERE IS A WAY TO FIX EVERYTHING. * Everything she knew and loved was gone, she never wanted the destruction of the world, but she couldn't help it. This was her curse, hers and her people. She gazed upon the weak one that watched their battle and raised her hands in one last prayer. To fix things. ********* What happens when the a transmigrator meets the original protagonist, when a regressor meets the final boss? Chaos ensures, would the academy be able to hold these opposing forces, and more importantly, is the story still safe?

Daarcsign_07 · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

Bell's wings drooped as floated along, following after Aricia, she knew the elf was right after all. The last time she tried helping, the energy that was present in Aricia's body invaded her and almost corrupted her. If she wasn't a high ranking spirit, she'd also be suffering the same effects as the elf now.

"Besides, that shouldn't be your priority at the moment, come along. I'll need some help"

Aricia continued, a sad smile on her face. Bell floated above Aricia's head, before settling right on her head

"That's right, who's the young one you brought with you? A made a quick inspection and he's not a pure blood elf, neither is his bloodline related to the Irlst in anyway, what are you up to Cia?"

"You'll find out soon enough, Bell. just help me out when I call for you, oh, and I need to pay homage to the sisters, so help me get dressed."

The fairy nodded and they walked to a different room. In there was a bunch of robes, all made in the traditional style and looked like something that would be worn for important ceremonial purposes.

Bell floated from her position above Aricia's head and went to the deeper parts of the room to pick a silver attire with green designs. Aricia on sensing her arrival stripped completely naked this time, and moved to a cabinet on the side of the room and pulled a fresh set of underwear and undergarments, donning them.

After she was done, Bell brought the outer robe and helped her get dressed properly before she smoothened hair and packed it neatly behind her. There was a giant mirror in the room and it captured their reflections but Aricia wasn't able to see it, eliciting a sad sigh from the fairy.

"You're so beautiful Cia"

Aricia felt the emotions of her spirit partner and reached her hands out to her, causing bell to sit on it. She knew how the fairy felt about her condition but she could only shake her head and reveal a smile, she had long come to terms with her condition.

"Don't worry about it, don't I have you to be my eyes, Bell? Come on, let's go, we can't keep the sister's waiting for to long"

Bell nodded at her words and they both left the room.


"Hi sisters, I'm back'

Aricia's serene voice rang out in a huge hall that had name plaques decorated all over, candles that burned at set intervals where the only source of light but even that light weren't the usual average flames. They burnt blue-green and the candles that they were lit on never ran out.

The flames flickered as if in response to her words and Aricia chuckled. She was seated before the plaques, before her was a gourd containing alcohol and 2 cups, she poured both cups filled with the contents of the gourd, pushing one before the central plaque and held the other in her hand, raising it for a toast.

"To battles fought, to bloodshed, the ones we've lost and the sisters that went on ahead of us. To the glory of the Irlst and the victories carved with our blades. To our comrades and helpers who fought beside us and shared our fates and to a beautiful tomorrow"

The flames burnt harder and fiercer with every of her chants, she raised her cup to the sky and whispered slowly

"To our inevitable reunion"

Tears inadvertently flowed down her cheeks as she drank from the cup. The raging flames condensed to a point before moving over to the cup before the plaque. It burned the wine in the cup before the flame returned to its position, split between the candle sticks.

Bell vanished for a while allowing Aricia to have her private time with the rest of her sisters.

"You know, this wine is good stuff, got it from a dwarf from the valley of Eredor. It's a spirit wine that had been brewing for 400 years, was worth trading it don't you agree"

The sounds of a sole elf rang out in the room as Aricia relived the final moments of her sisters, the battle that would go down in history.


An assortment of elves travelled through a forest, the sounds of battle occurring all around them but each one of the females in the group was a cold expression as if they screams of people dying, weapons clashing and magic spells going off were none of the business.

They had received intelligence that the leader of the army was in the depths of this forest and their comrades had bought them enough time to infiltrate and decide the battle, even at the cost of their lives. they couldn't make light of their sacrifices so they went to battle with only one thought in their minds, win no matter the cost.

Their destination was a fortress in the middle of nowhere, it had forces composed of warriors that had been converted by the enemy side through means the coalition wasn't aware of yet, and the original elite force of the invaders.


The coalition army had already been driven to its limits by the relentless assault of the invading force.

No one knew where the came from or what their purpose was, but one day a portal opened in the skies and strong individuals that had vanished in dungeons accidents over the years, people that were already declared dead by their federations and homes all returned, behind them were an army comprised of different races (races that neither existed in that world at that moment in the present nor the past) and what could only be called wild beasts.

They exchanged no words, neither could they be reasoned with, they just launched a reckless assault on the location they descended and began their war against the world.

The six races, humans, elves, dwarves, beastkin, dragons and demons all banded together for the first time in the long history of the world to resist the invaders, how couldn't they, independently they had all suffered huge losses, their territories had been conquered, their heroes either killed or converted to a part of the invaders army.

They put aside their differences and a change started happening. They learnt the invaders came from a different world, a different universe with its own set of rules and it only had one purpose, to devour them and their world.

All those that came under its reaches had one of 2 fates, to be assimilated to the hive mind that was the source of the invasion or to be devoured by the invaders.

Different battlefields were set on the face of the world and the six races did their best to fight back, and finally after decades of pushing and pulling, of countless loses and and just as many victories, they found a way to end the way.

The invader couldn't descend into the world directly as the world was actively resisting a being of its power and magnitude, so it sent its generals to take over in its place. After battles they had succeeded in defeating almost all its generals, they just had to defeat the most powerful, the one that served as the bridge between the invader and their world, and that was the mission given to the elven clan Irlst.

A clan of female warriors that bore as much fame and reputation as the amazons of the human race and the Red dragons of the dragon race. A set of warriors that were almost unrivalled on the battlefield and were responsible for a fair amount of the victories that the coalition army had.

Their elites had been tasked with ending the battle that decided the fate of the world.

While Aricia felt some foul play was involved in the composition of the team and the battle plan, as a wise leader who knew the cost of the mission, she could only lead her sisters into the battle to decide the fate of their world and soon enough they found themselves at the location.

The information the headquarters told them was wrong, they met at least three times the amount of opponents they were told they would find their strengths was no joke, but the women of Irlst showed no fear.

They gritted their teeth and fought, exchanging blow for blow, giving the lives of one of their own to reap hundreds of the enemies, slowly their already small number dwindled but so did the number of enemies that lay before them.

Aricia looked around her and the number of her sisters that remained didn't reach 7. She gritted her teeth and bore the pain, they could mourn the fallen later, now they had to finish their jobs.

They stormed into the heart of the fortress and tok on the strongest members present, they spared not even the smallest soul and eventually, they found himself in the heart of the fortress, where the last general stood as if expecting them.

Only 2 members were left at that moment, and the injuries they had sustained was by no means a joke.

Aricia remembered the words the leaders of the coalition told her before they began their operation.

"Your clan just has to be the spear head, clear the way and dwindle their numbers while they are distracted.

A different detachment will catch up to you at the moment you breach the first set of defenses of the fortress and would aid you in defeating the last general"

She held onto the sword in her arm with even more force as her body trembled at the betrayal. The general looked at her and smiled with a sadistic look on his face.